Choosing a sofa is quick and easy

Each person has his own personal preferences regarding something, according to which he equips his home. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to find two apartments or two houses with the same or even similar settings. However, there is a piece of furniture that can be found in any residential premises - both in a city apartment and in a country house. Of course, this is a sofa. To choose the right sofa, you should consider several important parameters. This is what we will talk about in our article.
to contents ↑Main criteria and parameters
What you need to know in order to choose and buy a really high-quality sofa? First of all, one should determine its external characteristics. These parameters depend on your personal preferences and tastes, as well as on the design of the room in which the sofa will stand. Furniture should be in harmony with the wallpaper, as well as other interior items: curtains, chandeliers, carpets.
When choosing a sofa, you have to decide:
- What color will the sofa be.
- What fabric will this piece of furniture have (upholstery).
- What size will it be.
Important! You can choose a sofa model using different catalogs, sites, magazines, or directly in the furniture store. If you want to have an unusual original thing, you can contact the designer.
Of course, all these criteria are important, but they do not guarantee the quality and durability of the piece of furniture. In order to understand which sofa is better to choose, you need to consider the following parameters:
- Type of construction.
- Type of filler.
- Frame material.
- Upholstery quality.
Types of sofas
Depending on the design option, sofas can be divided into three main types:
- Couch. A drawer is mounted in the main part of such a sofa, in which its folding part is located. Kitchen corners can be attributed to the same category, which, although they cannot be laid out, have useful drawers. They can conveniently store many useful things and thereby save space.
- Book. The book is a well-known type of sofa that has been familiar to all of us since the days of the Soviet Union. In order to lay out such a sofa, it is enough to raise its seat and pull it towards you. In this case, the back of the product stretches after the seat and falls into its place. Under the seat, as a rule, there is a place for bedding.
- Eurobook. Every year, this type of furniture is in great demand among consumers, gradually replacing sofa-books from the furniture market. They are more conveniently displayed: the seat extends forward and the back rests in its place. Such a product also has a linen box.
to contents ↑Important! It is difficult to say which of these three options is better and which is worse. In many respects, their quality depends on the manufacturer, as well as the characteristics of the product materials. In any case, when choosing this piece of furniture according to the type of design, one should take into account not only personal preferences, but also the interior of the room where he will be standing.
Upholstery is one of the main parameters that must be considered when choosing a sofa. In many furniture stores, you can see that for each model of the product, the manufacturer offers several variations of its finish from different materials with different textures and colors.
The most popular materials for furniture upholstery are:
- Tapestry. The easiest way to choose the desired color of the sofa among the options sheathed in tapestry, since they are the ones that differ in the largest color range. A tapestry is a natural fabric that looks great in the interior and can last a long period of time.
- Flock. This material is produced artificially, visually similar to velvet. It is easy to maintain and practical to operate. Therefore, if you need a sofa with lighter upholstery, we recommend choosing a product that is flocked - it is able to withstand a large number of cleanings.
- Jacquard. This is a half-natural fabric that looks like silk in appearance. Such material looks unusual and very beautiful.
- Microfiber. This material is created artificially and incorporates polyester. It can be of different textures - from fleecy to velvet.
- Velours. A natural type of material in which synthetic components are often added for strength to increase its service life. In its pure form, this material is practically not used for upholstering sofas, since it quickly wears out and loses its attractive appearance.
- Leather. Natural material, very durable and eye-catching. As a rule, leather products have the highest cost.
Other materials can also be used as sofa upholstery. When choosing fabric for this piece of furniture, it is worth considering the following:
- Estimated load on the sofa.
- Design.
- Terms of Use.
to contents ↑Important! For example, it is undesirable to choose a fast-playing fabric for a sofa if you intend to place it in the direct sunlight. Or you should not choose a product with light upholstery, if the material does not tolerate cleaning. If there are small children in the house, it is not recommended to buy a sofa with light and expensive fabric.
When choosing a sofa, you should pay attention to its frame, since the strength of a piece of furniture depends on it, and accordingly, the duration of its operation. The frame of the sofa is its foundation, which accounts for the main load, so it must be made of quality materials.
The main materials used for the manufacture of sofa frames are as follows.
Such a frame is made of solid wood, as a result of which such sofas are reliable and look very impressive.
The cost of such products varies, depending on the selected wood species:
- If you want to get an inexpensive sofa, then you should pay attention to models with a softwood frame, which, unfortunately, are not strong enough.
- More expensive, respectively, high-quality, the species are oak, walnut, beech and ash.
- Ideal in the ratio of price and quality are considered products from birch.
Important! When choosing a sofa frame, you should also pay attention to the connection of its elements, it should be bolted. A good quality product cannot have a frame that is connected with glue or screws.
A sofa with a metal frame is an excellent choice for a high-tech room. Sometimes metal is also used in wooden frames as an additional element.
Important! The main advantage of such models is their reliability and low cost. In addition, such products are easy to repair, replacing their soft part, since the frame parts are connected using bolts.
Other materials
The cheapest sofa frames are made of MDF, particleboard and fiberboard. These materials are of the lowest cost, so they are used for the manufacture of budget models.
to contents ↑Important! Elements of such frames are interconnected by the thorn-groove method or by means of bolts.
Among the most common fillers for sofas are the following:
- Foam rubber.This is the most famous and inexpensive filler for sofas, which has been used for more than a dozen years. Its main drawback is its fragility. In just a couple of years of active use, bumps begin to appear on the couch and its filler has to be changed.
- Synthetic winterizer. This material is considered one of the most optimal options among the fillers for the sofa. It combines good quality and reasonable price.
- Polyurethane. Polyurethane can serve as an alternative to synthetic winterizer, since it is also inherent to maintain its shape, and it also has a long service life.
Important! When choosing a sofa where polyurethane is used as a filler, it is worth paying attention to the elasticity of the filler. The material should not be too soft and pliable, otherwise - it will quickly lose its characteristics.
- Hollofiber. This is one of the best modern fillers, which is made artificially. It can maintain excellent shape even under significant and prolonged loads.
to contents ↑Important! Due to the fact that over time, any filler needs to be replaced, buying furniture, it is worth paying attention to sofa cushions with a clasp. This will make it possible in the future to change the filler without removing the lining and disassembling the design of the sofa.
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We hope our tips helped you, and now you know which sofa is better to choose. In any case, it is best to choose furniture from a well-known manufacturer, as in this case you can get free maintenance and repair of the product throughout the entire warranty period.
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