Indesit refrigerator - malfunctions: does not freeze

When something needs to be urgently cooled in the refrigerator, but to the great surprise it does not work, the bewilderment of any owner of household appliances is quite natural. It is a pity, such cases are not isolated, therefore, as it sounds paradoxical, but we immediately begin to show enthusiasm and, armed with our general ideas about the device of the refrigerator, try to repair it. It is not so important whether you bought the Ariston, Virpul model or bought the Indesit refrigerator, malfunctions (not freezing, turning off every 5 minutes, etc.) can occur even after a short period of operation. What to do in this case? How to find out why the refrigerator does not freeze and whether it is possible to solve the problem with your own hands - you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑Reasons for the malfunction
Repairing the refrigerator is not an easy task and the help of the master will not hurt you, it will be the easiest way out of the situation. Of course, there are such breakdowns that elimination at home can be done even by a person far from technical work.
Consider the simple reasons why the refrigerator freezes badly:
- Perhaps the “Defrosting” button is turned on, for some types of refrigerators it is located inside and you could accidentally press it. With an Indesit refrigerator with a mechanical adjustment, this happens very often.
- It so happens that the light did not disappear, and the refrigerator does not freeze. The engine may have overheated. When the engine overheats, a protective relay is activated and it turns off. Just touch it and you’ll understand. Turn off the refrigerator and let it rest, then you can turn it on again.
- A very common case: you need to check whether it is plugged in. The plug could move or loose.
- The thermostat of the refrigerator does not work - this is a common cause of breakdown. Using a simple procedure, you can use a voltmeter to check whether the voltage is applied to the thermostat. If not, then you need to replace it.
- One of the main problems why the Indesit refrigerator does not freeze is the leak of freon. Do not worry about the toxicity of this liquid, as it is a safe filler in the cooling system of the refrigerator. Only at a temperature of 250 ° C can dangerous emissions occur, which is not relevant at home. If in your case the refrigerator is working properly, but does not freeze, and the condensate on the engine is cold, then you have confidently determined the cause of the breakdown of the refrigerator.
- It’s a frequent case when you try to tear a piece of ice in a freezer and don’t notice when there is a microcrack on the tubes through which the refrigerant flows. Freon begins to evaporate through it. Accordingly, its level drops, which is why the Indesit refrigerator does not freeze.
- A fairly simple reason is vibration. When the refrigerator is operating on an unstable basis, strong vibration occurs, well, or it was a factory defect.
Depending on the cause of the Indesit refrigerator’s malfunction, if it does not freeze, the approach for repairing much-needed household appliances will vary. Consider the main methods.
Freon leak
If there is a problem with a freon leak, then you need the help of a professional. He will push the system, vacuum and add the necessary amount of freon.If you are determined to do this work yourself, use our instructions from the article. "Replacing freon in the refrigerator with your own hands".
Motor failure
If the thermal electric motor breaks out of the No Frost system, the refrigerator fails. In this situation, the cooling radiator stops defrosting. You just see how the fan of this system freezes to ice. You will have to do full defrosting the refrigerator Nou Frost and replace all broken motor parts.
Important! Often, the cause of failures and failure of expensive parts of refrigeration equipment are power surges.
To eliminate this adverse factor and protect your device from breakdowns, use our tips for choosing a voltage stabilizer for the refrigerator.
Filter drier clogged
The banal problem of a malfunction of the Indesit refrigerator, due to which it does not freeze, when water and air get into the system during operation. These foreign substances accumulate in the filter drier, making Freon passage difficult.
To understand and define this “ailment” of household appliances is very simple, you will hear how the compressor howls, works in the load. In this case, an appeal to the master is inevitable.
Please note that the Indesit refrigerator does not freeze precisely for this reason.
Compressor problem
This malfunction can be identified by sound. The compressor operation consists in the periodicity of turning the pump on and off, with the help of which the refrigerant - freon is transported. If the compressor does not start, then check the start circuits. Here you will again need to contact a specialist, because it is a complex multi-stage process.
Timer Problem
It is necessary to check the operation of the timer. Perhaps he was stuck in defrost mode. Accordingly, if this is so, then when this function is turned on, the compressor does not work and the refrigerator will not freeze.
To correct this situation, you need to insert a screwdriver into the adjusting screw and unscrew with extreme caution clockwise one-fourth of the turn.
Cases when the upper chamber of the refrigerator does not freeze
One of the reasons for which the upper chamber does not freeze may be a thermostat, a relay regulator or a control unit. In these cases, unfortunately, again, you will have to turn to a specialist or a service center for help.
The exception is relay controller repair. It can be disassembled and replaced with an internal salt rod if it burns out. Most often, these problems are faced by the Indesit refrigerator when it does not freeze.
Useful Tips
Smart home appliances must be handled with delicate care. It is not for nothing that in everyday life there is a saying: “what is good for the Russian is death for the German”. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the subtleties and specifics of the operation of refrigerators of different manufacturers and provide appropriate care to imported equipment.
The most important recommendations to eliminate the malfunction of the Indesit refrigerator, as a result of which it does not freeze or gives other errors, will be the following:
- The surface where the refrigerator is standing should be flat. Height adjustment is carried out by unscrewing / screwing the legs.
- Also do not forget about the proper placement of food in freezers. They should not be close to the walls. Products tend to freeze, and when removed, you can easily damage the tightness of the freezer.
- If you have an old refrigerator, then defrost it periodically. During defrosting, do not try to speed up the process by picking out pieces of ice with sharp objects. You may break the seal. New modern refrigerators do not need mechanical defrosting, but washing requires a refrigerator of any generation.
- Never put hot dishes or food in the refrigerator, for obvious reasons - it should freeze. The whole system is configured in such a way that the increased temperature will damage your household appliance.
- The refrigerator should not stand in the house near any household appliances that emit heat: heating lamps, stoves, heating batteries, etc.
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In the event that you are not confident in your technical knowledge and strengths, do not risk in vain. Be especially careful when carrying out such a repair plan. Consider all the subtleties and your abilities, otherwise you run the risk of suffering - both financially and morally. Your visit to the service center will be inevitable and when replacing one part you will have to repair most of the refrigerator. Therefore, weigh the pros and cons, make a wise decision, call the master at home. The specialist will quickly and with pharmaceutical accuracy determine the malfunction. The cost of the master’s services at home and the prices of spare parts vary and often the situation can be corrected in the budget option.