Relays for the refrigerator

Few people are puzzled by the device of household appliances, but only until the moment when it starts to malfunction. So with the fridge. While it is working properly, we simply put food into it, take it out for cooking and food, sometimes the most responsible housewives wash all its compartments and shelves inside and outside the surface once a week. If you read this article, it is natural that the equipment has started to fail you, and you do not plan to spend money on its repair. So, today we’ll talk about the “heart” of your unit - the refrigerator relay. How to identify breakdowns with it and what to do if it malfunctions.

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Refrigerator start

In order for this or that unit to start working, it needs to be launched. The relay is responsible for performing this operation in the refrigeration unit. In modern models, it is not so easy to determine its performance.

Important! Innovative sensors or the display will not show you this. Troubleshooting must begin from the other side.

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Why do I need a relay in the refrigerator?

All Atlant refrigerators, like other modern models, are equipped with an induction motor, which is equipped with a starting winding. Of course, one can argue about the appropriateness of such a configuration and the presence of three phases in the house, but the manufacturer considered this equipment the best.

The mechanism works in such a way that a small rotating movement is formed in the stator, which is carried out due to the starting winding. After the engine has gained speed and began to work to the full extent, this function is no longer needed. To turn it off, you also need a refrigerator relay.

Important! The start-up function works due to the fact that when the engine turns up, the amperes in it fall and after a certain time, the voltage to the stator does not come at all.

In simple words, the refrigerator relay is responsible for starting the motor at a time when the temperature in the chambers is below normal. Just in case, check the settings of your equipment. It is possible that everything returned to normal, it will be enough only set the temperature in the refrigerator correctly.

Due to the fact that the unit does not work constantly, but only maintains a certain temperature, the motor also cannot spin all the time. With constant engine operation, the device will constantly cool, at the end it will simply burn. To prevent all this from happening, a relay was created in the refrigerator.

Important! Modern refrigerators are often equipped with several types of relays: thermal, starting and temperature sensors. The first two models belong to the group of triggers.

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What could be the cause of the breakdown?

When deciding on how to check the start relay of the refrigerator, it is worth considering the fact that this mechanism becomes unusable due to improper operation of the unit or the life of the component has come to an end.

The main signs of failure:

  1. The engine turns on and turns off after a short period of time. Again, it may not start at all. This can happen due to the fact that the winding shorted the wiring. Often this happens due to power surges. In order to eliminate this factor in the future, at the same time as repairing the equipment, select a good one Voltage regulator.
  2. The motor does not start, but the current is suitable for it.This problem may occur when the spring is loose.

Important! The only way out is an urgent replacement of the defective part.

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Do-it-yourself relay

If the refrigerator relay breaks down, you can give it to a service center and contact the master. However, the cost will be sky-high. Given that this action does not take much time and effort, you can fix the situation yourself.

Important! Any disassembly and assembly of equipment occurs in its state disconnected from the network.

Relay Replacement Instructions:

  1. Open the back cover of the refrigeration device. Often it is bolted. On older models - snaps.
  2. We take out the coil. It is fixed using special latches. This operation must be done very carefully.
  3. Separate the contacts with the stem and core. We clean the entire component part from dust. You can blow off with a vacuum cleaner or wipe with a soft cotton cloth, which was previously dipped in alcohol.
  4. Strip all pins and core. To do this, you need sandpaper or a file.
  5. Next, we eliminate the cause of the breakdown.

If only the stock is broken

Quite often, the breakdown of the relay for the refrigerator is due to the rod. In this case, you can independently replace this part with a homemade element. To do this, you only need a nail whose dimensions are 5 mm by 35 mm.

Important! In most cases, a home-made stock will last several times longer than a plastic factory element.

After installing the stem, it is necessary to connect all the parts and put them back in place and tighten the cover.

Temperature sensor malfunction

Another reason is overheating combustion of the thermal sensor that is in the relay. In this case, there is only one way out - replacing the start relay.

Important! As soon as the repair work is finished and the equipment is again in good technical condition, take note of a few rules that will facilitate its operation. All of them are stated in the articles:

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Stock footage

When repairing and replacing a relay for a refrigerator, weigh the pros and cons. Think about whether you can give the unit to a service center. Your choice must be conscious, and then luck will be on your side.

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