Which refrigerator is better - Atlant or Indesit?

Which refrigerator is better - Atlant or Indesit? - These brands of refrigeration appliances buyers compare often enough. Their functionality is similar, and the design of the units of both manufacturers is pretty good. So which one to choose to be satisfied with your purchase for a long time? In this article we will try to understand this issue and help you make the right purchase.
to contents ↑Manufacturer
- The Belarusian brand Atlant has successfully replaced the Minsk brand of refrigerators that was quite popular during the Soviet Union. The quality of products is time-tested, and is not inferior to many analogues of foreign manufacturers. Therefore, he quickly entered the modern market and became quite popular among advertised brands. Many when deciding which refrigerator is better - Atlant or Indesit, prefer the models of this manufacturer for the simple reason that they will cost less.
- The Italian brand “Indesit” is an equally well-known manufacturer that produces comfortable and reliable household appliances. European quality parts attract many buyers and, as a rule, they are satisfied with their choice.
Both companies offer consumers a wide range of refrigerators, so to speak, for every taste and for different financial opportunities. Therefore, there is plenty to choose from.
to contents ↑Important! It is worth noting that Indesit refrigerators are not always made in Italy. The company has many factories throughout Europe, so both the manufacture of parts and assembly of units can be carried out in other countries.
Compare the refrigerator Atlant and Indesit
To determine which refrigerator is better - Atlant or Indesit, compare two specific models of these manufacturers. We select the most similar units: Atlant MXM-2808-95 and Indesit RAA 24 N (EU).
General characteristics
Both refrigerators have identical common parameters:
- Two equally spaced cameras.
- Automatic (drip) and manual defrosting system.
- One compressor.
- Energy Class A +.
- The mechanical setting.
- Convenient shelves for placing glass products.
- The dimensions of the Atlant refrigerator are 154x60x63 cm, and this is slightly larger than the dimensions of the Indesit brand specimen - 140x55x60.6 cm.
- The total volume of the Atlant refrigerator is 263 liters, of which a refrigerator is 202 liters and a freezer is 53 liters.
- The same parameter in the Indesit refrigerator is 226 liters, of which 180 liters fall on the refrigerator compartment, 42 liters on the freezer.
Important! Do not forget that buying a refrigerator is only half the story. It still needs to be installed correctly. All the requirements for the selection of a place for him, tips and nuances, we described in the publication "Installation of the refrigerator".
Noise level during the work
Regarding the noisy operation of the Indesit devices, it is slightly inferior to the Atlanta. The latter works almost silently, with a level of 39-42 dB. The noise level of the Indesit refrigerator during operation is 45 dB.
Refrigerator compartment
There is some significant difference in the design of the refrigerator compartment:
- The number of shelves in the Atlant refrigerator is 4 pieces, while in Indesit there are only 3.
- The Belarusian aggregate has 7 door baskets, and the Italian one has 4.
- Additionally Atlas is equipped with an egg stand.
Based on the requirements of practicality, we can say that the Atlant refrigerator is better than the Indesit. But on the other hand, these are purely individual preferences.
At first glance, the freezer compartments, which are located at the top of the refrigerator in both models, differ only in size. But looking at the instructions, you will find more significant differences:
- The freezing power of the Atlant refrigerator is 3.5 kg / 24 hours, while the Indesit refrigerator is 2 kg / 24 hours.
- A feature of the Italian unit is the ability to autonomously keep cold in the freezer for 14 hours.
Important! The refrigerator is an expensive equipment, and it is chosen for a long time. Take care that power surges do not damage important components of the device. Follow the link and find out which voltage regulator to choose for the refrigerator.
Which refrigerator is better: Atlant or Indesit? Specialist advice
Having considered two similar models of popular manufacturers with almost the same cost, we can say that the “Atlant” in its parameters and characteristics is better than the Italian model.
Important! According to the rating of sales in 2015 and 2016, the Atlant brand is the leader.
Experts advise when choosing a refrigerator to consider not only the cost of the device, but also their personal needs:
- A large family needs a bigger refrigerator. For one person, a small model will be an ideal option.
Important! If the device will be used by up to 5 people, it is better to choose a model with a total volume of not more than 300 liters.
- It is also worth considering the location of the unit, it should not interfere with you or occupy half of the kitchen.
Important! To save space in a small kitchen, choose a model with a “recessed” handle in the door housing.
- Be sure to pay attention to the location of the freezer, because many are used to the upper placement of the freezer compartment and do not agree with its location at the bottom. In general, this is a matter of your convenience.
- One or two compressors. The second option is preferable, according to experts, as it seems possible to disable one of the cameras if necessary.
- Defrosting system. Modern models of kitchen appliances “Atlant” and “Indesit” have various types of this system: manual, drip or No Frost.
Important! Maintenance of the unit with the No Frost system is much simpler. And in our separate review we described in detail which refrigerator is better - No Frost or drip.
- Door outweigh function. For some people, this feature is very important. If you plan to move soon and still do not know the kitchen environment in the new house, then you should buy a refrigeration system with this function. Both brands provide this opportunity to their customers.
- Noise level - preferably low. This is your comfort during your stay in the kitchen.
Important! It is better that the noise level does not exceed 40 dB.
- Electronic or mechanical temperature control.
- When choosing a model of equipment of the manufacturers under discussion, check with the seller if the unit has such additional functions as a “fresh zone” or “quick freeze”. Such features are not required, but they are very practical and you will definitely appreciate them.
- Well, of course, it is worth choosing specifically for yourself the quantity, height of shelves and the material of their manufacture.
to contents ↑Important! Glass shelves are more durable and more convenient to care for and use.
Stock footage
Regardless of the choice of the manufacturer, it should be remembered that even the highest quality equipment is not immune from accidental breakdowns. Therefore, choosing which refrigerator is better - “Atlant” or “Indesit”, be sure to specify the warranty period, the possibility of exchange in case of a sudden malfunction and the availability of service centers in your city.
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