Which humidifier is better?

Insufficient air humidity is a problem that is encountered in many apartments. Especially in winter, the batteries heat up so much that there is simply no water left in the air. For this reason, a huge number of diseases of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract can develop, and the child’s body suffers the most. For a long time, people have learned to deal with this problem by hanging wet items near heating systems. However, progress does not stand still, and today in any household appliance store you can find a huge assortment of modern humidifiers. And which air humidifier is best among all this diversity? Here are some points to choose from this already indispensable device.

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Optimum air humidity

According to medical research:

  1. Humidity for comfortable work of the body should not exceed 60%.
  2. For a children's room, the indicators are slightly lower - up to 50%, but with respiratory diseases it should be increased to 60%.

In reality, of course, everything is not so joyful. And if in summer due to ventilation it is possible to achieve normal humidity, then in winter central heating drains the air very much, so often dangerous figures can be seen on the hygrometer - 30 or even 20%.

Important! If you do not have a hygrometer, there are a few simple ways to check the moisture indicator with available means. The most convenient and simple ways we have already collected and set out in the article“How to measure the humidity level in a room?”.

It is for this reason that in the cold season there is a jump in respiratory diseases in adults, let alone children. A humidifier that will automatically maintain normal humidity is almost a panacea for health.

Important! Remember that a comfortable microclimate in the house can not be obtained only by installing one special device. An integrated approach is important, which includes:

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The benefits of a humidifier

Before choosing a good humidifier, you should understand its operating principle and understand why this device is generally needed. So, too dry air tries to absorb as much water as possible. Therefore, our body suffers - the hair, skin and mucous membranes dry out. As a result of this, we sleep poorly, immunity decreases, and the water balance of cells suffers.

Important! With low humidity, the likelihood of allergies increases, because dry air brings a huge amount of dust and microparticles into our body.

A humidifier for children and adults is useful for the following reasons:

  • In a room where optimal humidity is much easier to breathe;
  • Sleep is normalized, since small particles of air do not enter the mucous membranes, and the brain is intensively supplied with blood and oxygen;
  • Cells maintain water balance, skin and hair do not dry;
  • No nasal congestion during waking;
  • Significantly reduced the risk of respiratory diseases and allergies.

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The principle of operation of an air humidifier

Regardless of the type, the process of air humidification is carried out in several stages, which change only due to the characteristics of the device:

  1. A small but efficient fan draws in air, which then passes through a sophisticated filter system and then returns the already treated oxygen back to the room.
  2. A coarse filter removes large particles of dust and dirt from the air. The cleaning feature depends on the type of humidifier.
  3. Using a carbon or charcoal filter, as well as ultraviolet light, harmful bacteria are destroyed, unpleasant odors are eliminated.
  4. At the exit, air can be aromatized with essential oils. However, this feature is not available on all models.

Which device your model will have and which air humidifier is better for the filtration system - the choice is obvious. The more filtering methods and layers, the better, but in some rooms installing too expensive devices is simply not practical.

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Types of Humidifiers

Before choosing a humidifier for a children's room, living room, kitchen or any other room, it is necessary to stop on the type of humidification. To date, there are several varieties of this device.

Traditional moisturizer

Similar devices appeared earlier than others, and are the simplest in their design and mechanics:

  1. In them, the air of the room passes through special membrane cartridges soaked with water, which trap harmful substances and moisturize oxygen.
  2. There is no heating, ultraviolet or other supporting effects.
  3. Moisture evaporation in this device is the most natural. A big plus of the classic humidifier is the absence of noise and the efficiency in use.
  4. With sufficient humidity, the evaporation inside the device stops by itself, so you don’t have to worry about waterlogging.

Important! However, it cannot be said that this humidifier is better than the rest. It is not able to work in large rooms, in addition, air purification with the help of such cartridges is not the most reliable, and the filters require constant care. The cost of this type of humidifier is much lower than analogues.

Steam humidifier

Steam humidification has until recently been the most popular. The principle of operation of such a device is simple - it reads the air humidity, and if it is dry, then with the help of electrodes the water begins to evaporate and the whole room is treated with steam. As a rule, the effect is achieved very quickly.

Dust cleaning is also provided, but it is not of high enough quality than in counterparts with cartridges.

Important! A steam humidifier can sometimes be used as a home inhaler, because it works on exactly the same principle.

In addition, the constant addition of distilled water to the device is required.

Important! A steam-based baby humidifier must be with a hygrometer, otherwise the humidity in the room will be significantly higher than normal.

The noise from such a device is average, it is heard only during boiling water and when steam exits the device. You can often find models with interesting lighting.

Ultrasonic humidifier

Humidification through ultrasonic treatment is the safest and most beneficial for the health of both a child and an adult. Inside the device is a complex device that creates high sound vibrations. Air entering the humidifier passes through distilled ultrasonic treated water and returns to the room with sufficient humidity. Such a system is useful for the body, because the air underwent a complete treatment from dust, harmful bacteria and scored water.

Important! But white plaque is often formed on furniture, which is subsequently very difficult to remove.

The price of such a device is usually higher than other humidifiers. However, a child’s health is more expensive than any money, and the question is which steam humidifier is better - steam or ultrasonic, the answer is obvious.

Climatic complex

Progress does not stand still and traditional and even ultrasonic air humidifiers have been replaced by climatic complexes, the so-called “air sinks”.They not only saturate the air with water, but also qualitatively clean it of all types of bacteria, dirt, allergens and trace elements.

The device contains a complex automated air control system, devices that record the main indicators in the room - temperature, humidity, pressure.

Important! A big minus of the climate complex is the high price and the presence of a quiet, but annoying noise during constant work, which may be inappropriate in a children's room. In addition, constant replacement of cleaning plates is required, which are quite expensive and require regular cleaning.

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Baby Humidifier Tips

Of course, most often, air humidification devices are purchased, first of all, for a child, because the baby’s health really needs not only high-quality food, care, but also favorable climatic conditions. Here are some guidelines for choosing a room humidifier:

  • When choosing a device, pay attention not only to the humidification function, but also to air purification. This will protect the baby from inhaling dust, germs and dirt.
  • The model of the moisturizer should not be too bright and colorful, because children are interested in such things, and, for example, a steam humidifier is able to greatly burn the skin with hot steam.
  • It is advisable to choose an automated model with a built-in humidity sensor. This will help to avoid overmoistening of the air, which is no less harmful than dry.
  • A big plus will be the ability to use essential oils to flavor the room. For example, citrus oil or pine needles are very useful during colds, but lavender or mint aroma can enhance sleep.
  • The device should not be too weighty so that the child could not turn it over during play. In addition, the humidifier should not have easily removable small parts that could be swallowed.

Important! When choosing the installation point of the device in the child’s room, be sure to use the information provided in our publication “Where is the best place to put a humidifier in the room?”.

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What to look for at the time of purchase?

The range of climatic devices is so huge that my eyes run wide. Which air humidifier is better can be said only by evaluating its capabilities and basic functions. Therefore, when choosing it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • Recommended floor space. This characteristic of the device shows how much air it can pass through itself. You should not buy a small humidifier if you plan to use it in a large room. The best choice is a device that can skip the entire volume of indoor air 2 times per hour. The volume of a room is easiest to calculate by multiplying the ceiling height by the area.
  • The volume of the water tank. Almost all devices require the constant addition of clean water to it. It is worth choosing only that device, the volume of water in which is enough for 6-10 hours of uninterrupted operation. As a rule, it is 4-5 liters.
  • Various functions and devices. Undoubtedly, those humidifier models that are fully automated are most convenient. You just have to add water and enjoy the clean air. The most important devices are a hygrometer (an indicator of room humidity) and a thermometer. In addition, a timer will be a big plus, which sets the time the device is turned on and off. Please note that the dashboard is not too bright, because at night in a dark room the glow will disturb sleep.
  • Noise level is the most important parameter, especially when choosing a humidifier for children. The quieter the device, the better. It’s good if it has the “Sleep” mode. It creates a virtually silent operation during your vacation.
  • The availability of replaceable filters. When buying a device, pay attention to the presence of replaceable filters.It is necessary to find out what purpose they are intended for - rough cleaning, protection against bacteria and odor. In addition, it is best to immediately find out their cost and availability in the store.

Important! And to buy a safe, reliable and practical device, follow the link to the finished one rating of the best humidifiers for home.

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A children's humidifier is not an interior item, but an important functional device for the health and prevention of colds, allergies and asthma. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach his choice, specifying all the necessary characteristics and features of the device.

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