DIY coffee grinder cover

Did any part break or the grinder cover? It is quite simple to repair it with your own hands, although many people think quite the opposite. Real coffee lovers prefer to drink it from freshly ground coffee beans, and neglect the instant drink. Such coffee retains aroma and unique taste longer. More recently, coffee grains were grinded using manual coffee mills, and only after the advent of various household electrical appliances was the process significantly simplified. But very often from non-observance of the rules for using the equipment or from their ignorance, electric grinders fail. In our article we will tell you how to identify the cause of the malfunction, how to repair the coffee grinder with your own hands.

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Types of coffee grinders

Want to know how to fix a coffee grinder at home? To date, in the household appliance department, electric grinders are presented in a large assortment and differ in color, manufacturer, mechanical device and, of course, price. The most popular among consumers are percussion and millstone machines. Next, we consider the features and the principle of their work.

Impact coffee grinders:

  • EKMU (Electric Coffee Grinder Impact) grinds fried coffee grains with a sharp built-in knife, which rotates inside the container at a speed of up to 1500 rpm.
  • The degree of grinding of coffee depends on the duration of grinding. The longer the process takes, the finer the grinding of coffee.
  • The electric machine is also suitable for grinding sugar, cereals, salt and seasonings.

Millstone coffee grinder:

  • EKMZH (ElectroCoffee grinder Millstone) - a device that grinds roasted coffee grains with the help of built-in millstones made in the form of disks, cones, cylinders.

Important! A millstone of millstone action grinds about two servings of coffee at a time.

  • The device provides for adjusting the power of grinding coffee.

Important! The simplest millstone models have at least six steps.

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Why does she fail?

As it might seem at first glance, the coffee grinder can be used as a small kitchen appliance that can grind any food, but this opinion is erroneous. Not all dry products can be processed in this device, but nevertheless, there is a small list of products whose processing will not lead to breakage of the unit.

Important! If you grind everything you want in the device, then sooner or later you will run into the problem of how to fix the coffee grinder.

Products that can be processed in a coffee grinder without fear of breaking it:

  • Dried greens;
  • Corn;
  • Lentils
  • Peas;
  • Rusks for breading.

Products that are strictly forbidden to grind in a coffee grinder:

  • Walnuts;
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Sugar.

Important! 95% of the breakdown of the device occurs precisely due to sugar processing. The knives, rotating at high speed, lead to the melting of sugar, caramel falls on the bearing, and then solidifies with the bearing and sticks to the axis.

If your coffee grinder is broken and you are unable to fix it, you just have to buy a new one. And our choice will help you rating of the best coffee grinders

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How to fix a coffee grinder?

Sometimes it still happens that the coffee mill becomes malfunctioning. Next, we will consider the most common types of breakdowns, their causes and the repair algorithm.

Unstable operation of the device

There are times when the device works “according to the mood”. After use, the device was thoroughly washed and put into the kitchen cabinet, if necessary. But here's the trouble, the coffee grinder after plugging into the outlet either works or turns off. What could affect the continuous operation of the device? How to repair a coffee grinder with your own hands?

Cause of Fault # 1

Fracture of the wire at the entrance to the grinder body. It’s easy to fix the breakdown - you need to plug the equipment into a power outlet and move the wire at the base of the case. If the machine began normal operation, the cause of the malfunction was precisely this. In this case, replace the broken wire.

Causes of malfunction No. 2:

No contact appears in the interlock mechanism. Connect the appliance to the power supply, gently push the power button in different directions. If the device starts to work in one of the button positions, the power button of the device must be repaired.

The coffee grinder does not work fully

How to fix a coffee grinder if it doesn’t work at all? There may be several reasons for this. Some breakdowns are very easy to fix, others require more serious intervention.

Cause of Malfunction No. 1:

Such a problem can occur from frequent use of the appliance, overheating or overloading of the coffee grinder.


  • Before disassembling the equipment, check if the device has overheated, if so, let the grinder cool down.
  • Check if you have overloaded the grinder. Do not put food in a container above the level indicated on it. Remove excess food and try turning on the appliance again.

Cause of Malfunction No. 2:

A break in the wire inside the coffee grinder due to the long life of the appliance. To fix the problem, disassemble the device and solder the broken wire.

Important! A broken wire during disassembly will fall out on its own or fall off with little effort.

Cause of Malfunction No. 3:

The most expensive breakdown in electrical engineering is engine failure. In this case, the repair of your coffee grinder is absolutely not justified: the cost of parts is high and the installation is quite painstaking. If the coffee grinder breaks for this reason, it is better and cheaper to purchase a new coffee machine.

Knives inside the appliance rotate slowly

In the process of grinding coffee, does the machine growl unusual for its work and hear a slight smell of burning? How to repair a coffee grinder with your own hands in this case? This malfunction occurs for several reasons.

Cause of Malfunction No. 1:

The grease inside the bearings has dried. For repairs, it is necessary to disassemble the equipment and lubricate all bearings inside the device with machine oil.

Cause of Malfunction No. 2:

One of the motor windings has failed. You can repair it at home, but the process will take at least an hour of your time. To do this, you need a soldering iron and a multimeter.

Important! In some cases, repair is not worth the cost of effort and time, so it is sometimes easier to buy a new device.

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How to disassemble a coffee grinder?

Before starting work, make sure that the device is turned off and the plug is unplugged. In order not to lose small details and not to stain the table from the remains of coffee or other products, spread a newspaper or oilcloth on the surface.

We will describe the sequence of removal of details using the example of the ECMU coffee grinder verified by all the housewives, model IPZO-30d.

Important! If you doubt your visual memory and can forget the sequence of disassembling the device, take permanent marker, and place marks on the mating parts.

Disassembly Procedure:

  • Having looked inside the device, you may have a question how to remove the knife from the coffee grinder, because it interferes with dismantling the parts in order to get to the engine. To do this, insert a screwdriver into the slot through the hole located at the bottom of the device.
  • Holding it motionless so that the axis of the engine does not turn, use your second hand to unscrew the knives counterclockwise.
  • Use a pair of pliers to tighten the plastic nut and also rotate it 90 degrees counterclockwise, remove it from the hole.

Important! To prevent dust from entering the device, a special felt ring is installed under the plastic nut. Be careful, you should never lose it.

  • Next, carefully remove the metal coffee cup and plastic cup holder.
  • With a leisurely movement, so as not to bend, remove the steel washer from the axis.

Important! There are wires under it, so all subsequent repairs are carried out as accurately as possible.

  • To remove the engine from the device, simultaneously press the locking plate with the lock, rotate it 90 degrees counterclockwise and remove from the grooves.
  • Bend the spring located under the plate, remove the power button of the device and the spring itself.
  • Use a pair of tweezers to remove the dirt-resistant felt washer from the instrument axis.
  • Bend the rubber ring at the bottom of the coffee grinder with a screwdriver or other thin object, under it are two screws for securing the wire, they must be unscrewed.
  • Push the wire into the housing 20 centimeters.
  • Now you can easily pull the engine out of the housing, inspect its appearance for damage, burning or breakage.

Important! If the bearing of your coffee grinder does not spin, it should be turned using pliers.

  • Lubricate bearings with engine oil for easy rotation.

Important! Engine oil can be replaced with engine oil.

  • To distribute the oil evenly inside the bearing, use a thin screwdriver to make five axis rotations.

Important! Do not use too much engine oil; remove excess with a rag or dry cloth.

  • Carefully clean the contacts located on the power button and the lock with a small sharp knife.
  • Inspect the motor again for a break or wiring.
  • Next, check the result of your work: unassembled, connect the contact of the power button and the lock using a wooden clothespin.
  • Hold the motor firmly and briefly plug in the appliance.

Important! At the time of connection to the network, the engine will make a strong jerk in the opposite direction of travel.

  • If the coffee grinder is working, the repair was successful.

Important! During the period of connection to the network, a voltage of 220 V is formed on the electric wires and in the place of their soldering. To prevent electric shock, do not touch them.

  • Now that you have a lot of disassembled parts in front of you, the question creeps in, how to assemble a coffee grinder? All parts are assembled in reverse order. If you made notes with a marker during disassembly, then it will be even faster and easier to implement.

So that your hot drinks are always tasty and fragrant, check out the best varieties of coffee and tea

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Using the helpful tips from this article, you can fix your faulty favorite coffee grinder. After cleaning the parts and wires from burning, lubricating the working parts, the device can last for more than one year. And you, in turn, can enjoy the unique taste of freshly ground brewed coffee.

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