Can I install a gas boiler in the bathroom in a private house?

Many years ago, strict requirements were imposed on the territory of our country for the installation and operation of gas-fired heating appliances. It is a set of relevant rules and regulations that limits the use of such equipment. According to them, the installation of the boiler in the bathroom is not provided. But there are exceptions, so today we will try to figure out whether it is possible to install a gas boiler in the bathroom in a private house or apartment. This question is subject to thorough study.

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What heating devices can not be installed in bathrooms?

Why not all heating appliances can be installed in an apartment building. According to the current legislation, the types of equipment prohibited for installation in such rooms include gas units, that is, boilers, columns, convectors. That is why when a person asks a representative of the corresponding service whether it is possible to put a gas boiler in the bathroom of a private house, he often gets a negative answer. According to state norms and standards, devices of this kind are not intended for operation in closed premises.

Important! Engaged in arranging an individual heating system? You will find all the necessary information on this subject in our article. “How to choose a gas boiler?”

It is also forbidden to use gas-fired heating appliances equipped with open combustion chambers where forced ventilation is installed. Despite the fact that for the proper operation of such devices good air exchange is necessary, their installation cannot be combined with similar equipment. Under such conditions, the combustion process is disrupted, combustion products begin to accumulate, and there is a danger of poisoning by harmful substances. Find out,how to correctly install the chimney.

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Is it possible or not to put the boiler in the toilet?

This cannot be done without officially certified permits. But under certain conditions, consumers manage to obtain permission to install gas units. If you also want to find out whether it is possible to put a toilet in the boiler room, or, conversely, a gas boiler in the toilet, then consider the following requirements:

  • Redevelopment of the premises, making adjustments to technical documents. If the gas service does not allow the registration of heating equipment, you can take the risk - try changing the status of the room itself. For example, to turn a bathroom into a change house or pantry, submit an appropriate application to BTI, thereby easily solving the problem. If you indicate these types of premises in the registration certificate of an apartment or house, then you will not be denied. That's just the presence of plumbing can cause problems, namely a ban on the installation of the boiler.

Important! If the room has only a toilet, then problems should also not arise.

  • Connect a new device. If a heating device has already been registered in the room design, then no one can prohibit the installation of a new device to you. The easiest way to replace the boiler is if you already have permission.Less often, masters agree to install water heating systems in bathrooms. The main thing is that these should be devices equipped with a closed combustion chamber.

Important! Still, before choosing, buying and installing it is better to consult with representatives of the gas service, because all the prohibitions and restrictions exist not just like that, but to ensure safety. Moreover, not only yours, but also all those around you.

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Features of installing gas flow heaters

Owners of private houses are more likely to place gas heaters or boilers in the toilet or bathroom:

  • First, they need to draw up official documents at the project development stage. Installation takes place where permitted.
  • Then, plumbing devices are installed next to the device, plasterboard partitions are arranged around. This is an ideal version of an impromptu redevelopment.

Important! Private sector residents are often faced with power outages. This can lead to breakdowns of the gas boiler and other appliances in the house, household appliances. You can prevent malfunctions by purchasevoltage stabilizer.

In the future, if the landlord wishes to sell it, problems may arise. After all, as a rule, an examination is carried out related to the dismantling of the walls. Officially, this option for installing gas equipment is provided only on the territory of change houses and pantries. If these rooms meet the accepted requirements, then water heaters can be placed there safely.

Important! High humidity and severe temperature fluctuations, as a rule, lead to the failure of gas heating devices. So before deciding on such a step, weigh all the pros and cons, soberly assess the financial feasibility of such an installation option.

Do not forget about the aesthetic component, because everyone seeks to design their home beautifully, comfortably, conveniently. Perhaps in the course of solving technical issues you decide to install such equipment in the kitchen. Our really comfortable planning will help you overview of gas boiler kitchen design ideas.

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Installation of gas heaters

If you look in detail at the documentation related to the operation of heating systems, you will not be able to find specific prohibitions on the installation of such equipment in the section on multi-storey residential buildings. That is, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to put a gas boiler in the bathroom of a private house, can not be called unambiguous. Some rules and requirements prohibit this, but at the same time others give the go-ahead. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the mass of the most important points and nuances that cannot be ignored.

Important! The installation of closed-type gas equipment is allowed in the absence of its connection to an individual or central heat supply system.

It is permissible to mount gas equipment in rooms of a certain nature:

  • It is important that they have a light opening and are provided with an effective ventilation mode.
  • The room should be at least 15 square meters, since this parameter is directly related to the comfort and safety of operation of the heaters.

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Additional conditions for installing boilers

Naturally, gas appliances cannot be placed in the basement of multi-storey buildings. Having received permission to install the boiler, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Heat generators and gas heaters can only be mounted on walls made of non-combustible or highly inflammable materials.
  2. Installation must be carried out in such a way that there are at least 3 cm gaps between the wall and the device.
  3. Walls near heaters can only be finished with refractory materials.
  4. The lining should not extend beyond the device body by less than 10 cm.
  5. Installation of floor boilers requires additional safety measures.

Important! Annexes and private houses are recommended to be equipped with devices with a sealed combustion chamber and an automatic security system. This is necessary so that in the event of a sudden power outage, gas flow will automatically stop.

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Stock footage

Now you know whether it is possible to install a gas boiler in the bathroom in a private house. But this is not enough - it is important to remember all the rules regarding the implementation of this process. Unfortunately, it is difficult for owners of city apartments to get permission for such installation, because in modern houses, bathrooms, as a rule, do not reach the required 15 square meters in area. And it’s rare to find an apartment with a toilet window, moreover, of the required size.


