Repair infrared heater

The variety of options for modern heaters is amazing even for professionals in this field. But the most popular are oil, ceramic and infrared designs. It is not surprising that the repair of an infrared heater or an oil device is so interesting for an ordinary consumer. The article describes the principles of eliminating the most common breakdowns.
to contents ↑Oil
The classic version of the heater is oil. Outwardly, it resembles a conventional finned radiator. And the principle of action is very similar in many ways. TEN heats the oil, which transfers heat to the sections. The latter heat the air in the room. As a rule, this design is equipped with only two control keys to turn on the heating elements. There is also a wheel for temperature control.
Important! The advantages of this design include:
- Durability, reliability.
- Air heating by convection.
- Low cost.
- Impeccable environmental safety.
Important! On our site you can find a lot of necessary information about home heaters. Take your time and read these useful articles on this topic:
To repair the oil heater, it is necessary to carry out the correct diagnostics of the device from the very beginning. The most common problem is related to the electrical part: violation of the integrity of the conductors, poor quality of the connection of the conductors with the terminals. Often the device does not connect to the network at all:
- When the regulator contacts are closed, you need to remove the instrument panel, then raise the armature and check the condition of the contacts.
- To restore the required quality of the contacts, they are cleaned with sandpaper, and then wiped with an alcohol solution.
Another common malfunction is problems with the bimetal plate. In this case, the temperature controller is disassembled, the handle is transferred to the mode of least heating. After that, the old plate is dismantled, installing a new one instead.
Violation of the integrity of the body is fraught with leaks. Repair in this case consists in finding the damaged place and sealing it with a sealing compound. Naturally, additional oil filling is required.
to contents ↑Ceramic
The operation of this heater is based on forced convection. The heating element of the device is made of ceramic. Since the heating element consists of many plates, the device has a significant heat transfer area. This is his undoubted plus.
Important! The advantages include practical “indestructibility”, safe operation and preservation of the initial volume of oxygen in the room. Some models are additionally equipped with a device for ionizing the air.
Repair Issues
The “weak link” of ceramic structures is the fan heater. Sometimes it simply does not turn on. The reasons for this can be completely different:
- When diagnosing, check the serviceability of the fuse and its contacts, as well as the resistance of the transformer windings. If these components are serviceable, check the voltage of the stabilizer.
- A typical malfunction for “ceramics” is a lack of response to commands from the control panel.As a rule, the breakdown is associated with a quartz resonator. Repair consists in replacing this component.
Infrared models of heaters are considered an absolute innovation. Due to their remarkable performance properties, infrared heaters are gradually pushing ceramic and oil models out of the market. They are great for additional room heating, do not dry the air. The main detail of such a heating device is an infrared tube. It heats the surrounding objects, which, in turn, give off heat to the room.
Important! In fact, all objects in the room are sources of heat. You can maintain the desired air temperature with a thermostat. After the air temperature reaches the set value, the device turns off.
As a rule, DIY repair of an infrared heater comes down to replacing one of two main components: a temperature regulator or a heating element. The repair itself is not complicated, provided that it was possible to find suitable spare parts.
Important! If there is a problem with the purchase of components, then the most reasonable solution is to contact a specialized workshop.
Less serious failures are associated with connecting the device to the mains. In such cases, it is enough to strip the contacts and (or) replace the plug.
Replacing the heater
Consider the algorithm for replacing a heating element:
- Remove the cover that covers the terminal compartment.
- Disconnect the wires that connect the heater and the terminal.
- Disconnect the wires of the heating element from the indicator.
- Remove the heating element.
- Insert a serviceable heating element.
- Connect the wires of the heating element to the wires of the indicator.
- Insert the wires into the terminal.
Replacement done.
to contents ↑Important! If you like tinkering and plan to install a heater in the garage, we recommend that you read the article "How to make a heater in the garage with your own hands?"
DIY gas ceramic heater repair: features
As a rule, do-it-yourself gas heater repair comes down to replacing low quality plates that cannot provide the required heat level. In addition, you must ensure that there is no fuel leak in the device. To eliminate the leak, it is necessary to tighten the fasteners, and sometimes to replace the cylinder.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Of course, in theory, repairing any heater does not seem complicated. But if you do not have experience in repairing such equipment, contact the workshop.