Which heater is better for an apartment and more economical?

Outside, cold weather sets in, and the heating season still does not begin - the situation is standard. Few people like to shake their homes from the cold under several blankets, even though this has its own romance. How to prepare for frost without thinking about buying warm home clothes? All attention falls on heaters. Which heater is better for an apartment and more economical? This question has plagued users for a long time. We will try to answer this and other questions that may arise when choosing a heating device.
to contents ↑We make the right choice. What should I look for?
Absolutely every home should have at least some kind of heater. This device can save you from the cold in the rains, during the preparation of the heating season and even during severe winter frosts. There are a lot of variations of models, and this number puzzles many buyers. How to choose the same device that I would never want to part with? For the right choice you will have to get to know the views of this wonderful device.
Important! The use of heating appliances overdries the air in the apartment. Find out from our articles why it is dangerous to your health and how to deal with dry air:
Oil heater
In appearance, such appliances resemble the simplest heating radiators with sections. As you can understand from the name, for high-quality heat transfer in such devices a special oil is used, which is heated even to a boiling state.
Features of the choice:
- Different models have a different number of sections, which helps in choosing power consumption according to the criteria.
- Some devices are not equipped with a thermostat, which is usually responsible for switching off when a certain temperature is reached, as a result of which the surface heats up to 110 degrees Celsius or more.
Important! If you thoughtlessly decide to touch the surface of the appliance, you risk a burn. For this reason, we do not recommend you to use such devices in your apartment, especially if you live with children. The operation of models equipped with a modern thermostat looks much safer.
- If you haven’t liked the thermostat very much, you can pay attention to those devices that have a power-on timer in their design.
Power consumption, as we have already mentioned, depends on the number of equipment sections. If we talk about the advantages of oil heaters, then you can notice the following:
- The device is extremely convenient and easy to operate.
- Such devices do their job very efficiently.
- In most cases, the design looks very reliable.
- Compactness only adds positive shades to such an acquisition.
But such devices have their disadvantages:
- Some models can dry the air, changing the balance of the microclimate in the room.
- The device heats up for a very long time, so you can’t wait for the room to instantly warm up.
You met one of the representatives of the class, but which heater is better to choose for the house? For an answer you need to look at other species.
The mechanism of operation of such a device is very simple. It just has a metal casing, inside which is located a conventional heating element.
Important! Newer models have a ceramic heater, which does not affect the microclimate.
To understand which heater is better for an apartment and more economical, it must be taken into account that convectors are absolutely silent during operation, and air circulation simply cannot but rejoice.
Important! Have you decided to choose a convector heater? Our review will help you choose the best model. "The best convection heaters".
Obvious flaws are hard to notice, but take a look at the pros:
- The ability to adjust the temperature.
- Convenient placement on the floor or on the wall.
- Relatively small dimensions.
- Low power consumption with such good work efficiency.
Important! Our separate post will help you choose the appropriate heater option for your home. “Convector or oil heater - which is better?”
A good option to purchase, but what functionality can other types of devices offer?
Fan heaters
The best heaters for an apartment may be where you have not even looked. Meet fan heaters that heat up air in small rooms extremely quickly. Such devices simply do their job with a bang, so their popularity is extremely high.
Inside the plastic or metal case is a heating element, which is made of ceramic or cermet. Behind the heating element sits a fan, which directs the flow of hot air straight across the volume of the room. You can also turn off the heating and use this device as the most ordinary fan.
Significant advantages of the device:
- Very small dimensions that allow you to choose the most comfortable area for placement.
- Very quick warming up of the room.
- Temperature regulator.
- The presence of a remote control (remote control).
- Some models have a rotating mechanism.
There is only one drawback here - the high noise level during operation. So which heater is better to choose for a home? Consider another option to complete the picture - infrared.
IR heaters
These household electrical appliances have appeared on the technology market recently. That is why some consumers are afraid of them. If for purity, then these models have no drawbacks. The device does not heat air, as predecessors did, but objects in a room that give off heat to everything around them. This type of heating devices can be mounted on the floor, ceiling, walls, etc. Find out more information about this type of heaters in a special article on this topic. "The best infrared heaters".
Here are a few reasons why you are advised to purchase just such a model:
- Fire safety is one hundred percent effective.
- The device does not dry the air.
- The operating mode provides the desired microclimate.
- Energy consumption is just ridiculous.
- You can place anywhere in the apartment.
TOP 3 heaters
In order to make it easier for you to decide, we present to your attention the three best heaters for an apartment according to our experts:
- HEAT PHONE ERGNA-0.7 / 220. This electronic comrade is equipped with a thermoregulation system, protection against overheating of elements and is able to heat up 17 square meters. m. premises in minutes. Unfortunately, it is hung only on the walls. The cost of such equipment is $ 50.
- HEAT PHONE GLASSAR ERGN 0.4. Also quite an interesting option to buy. He “eats” about 400 watts, and hangs on the walls and ceiling. The model is also equipped with fuses and has a cost of $ 55.
- MISTER HIT TERMIK S-0,5. This device is designed for wall mounting and can heat an area of 10 square meters. It costs only $ 30.
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We hope that you have chosen a favorite who will warm you on winter evenings. Carefully read the description for all models and consult with specialists.
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