Rating of manufacturers of air conditioners

Air conditioning is a device that makes summer heat very comfortable. Air conditioning, installed in a car, office or home, is for many a real salvation. At the same time, such equipment has long passed from luxury goods to the category of necessary ones. Prices for it are available to the average family with the usual level of income. The topic of the article is the rating of air conditioner manufacturers in 2017, compiled in terms of reliability and quality.
to contents ↑Budget models and the average price category
These are the most popular models. Buyers, first of all, are attracted by the optimal ratio between affordable price, reliability and quite decent functionality. We give a rating of air conditioning companies.
Important! Despite the huge variety of air conditioners, it is very difficult to choose a specific model, especially for an apartment. In order to facilitate your task, you just adhere to a few recommendations of specialists. You can familiarize yourself with them from the articles posted on our website:
The products of this company are inexpensive and have good build quality. In addition, the devices are equipped with self-diagnosis devices for freon leakage, which allows you to recognize a breakdown in time.
Important! Useful options - a filter with the effect of deodorization and remembering settings.
One of the recognized world leaders in the field of climate technology. Reviews about Samsung products are not always positive, but inexpensive products from this company are not losing ground in the market.
The positive qualities of Samsung air conditioners include:
- Beautiful design.
- Simple operation.
- Silent work.
Important! Almost all models are equipped with timers, sleep mode and self-diagnosis. Another advantage of these split systems is reliability. With proper care, the equipment will last a long time.
These are reliable and inexpensive split systems, the best option for a small apartment. Air conditioners operate in cooling and heating modes. Many models have a ventilation mode. Additional options include:
- Automated mode.
- Self diagnosis.
- Timer.
- Air flow direction.
The devices of this company will appeal to those who love not only reliable, but also stylish equipment. Products from "Electrolux" - traditionally reliable, high-quality and with thoughtful functionality.
to contents ↑Important! The equipment is equipped with protection against ice formation, a timer and fine filters. A number of modifications can work for space heating.
Premium Air Conditioners
These are more expensive and status models.
Products from Mitsubishi meet the most demanding requirements. Therefore, if financial opportunities allow, pay attention to this company.
Strict design, simple control, the ability to work even at external subzero temperatures - this is not a complete list of the positive qualities of this group of split systems.
Daikin products are ideal for installation in the bedroom. They are distinguished by a beautiful design, silent operation, reliability and durability. There are other options:
- Protection against ice.
- filter with deodorizing effect.
- Remembering the settings.
- Warm start.
Premium products from Toshiba are characterized by good build quality, reliability and an excellent set of functions. The fine filter makes it possible to use the equipment in families where there are allergies.
Important! 2 filters (plasma and deodorizing), protection against ice, warm start and other useful options make this company's products competitive.
Rating of mobile air conditioners for an apartment
Mobile air conditioners save if the installation of a stationary split system is not possible. The advantage of such devices is also that they can be moved from one room to another. The price of these devices is much lower than for wall-mounted devices.
Important! If you decide to purchase a mobile air conditioner, you should choose it based on the technical characteristics of the device itself. The main points that you should pay attention to, you will learn from the article “How to choose a mobile air conditioner?”
Electrolux EACM-14DR / N3
This technique occupies a worthy place in the rating of air conditioner manufacturers; it works for cooling and dehumidification of air. Additional advantages are: storing settings and remote control.
Important! The service area of the device is 38 "squares", so it is quite enough to optimize the microclimate in a small apartment.
Among the shortcomings can be noted:
- Noise at work.
- The need to connect the duct.
Ballu BPAM-09H
Products from “Ballou”, like the model just described, are equipped with an air duct, and it is necessary to think about bringing the corrugation out.
Pluses of model:
- Quality cooling.
- Low cost.
- Ability to work on dehumidification of air and space heating.
- Ease of controls.
Negative qualities of the model:
- Noisiness.
- Lack of a timer and control panel.
As you can see, there are more positive points than negative ones, and this model has taken a worthy place in the rating of mobile air conditioners.
Timberk AC TIM 09H P4
This model combines low price with reliability. By technical characteristics and functionality, it is equivalent to the previous one, but its cost is slightly higher.
Important! The device is quite noisy, so it is not suitable for installation in the bedroom.
Ballu BPAC-12CE
The technical characteristics of this modification are as follows:
- Availability of ventilation mode.
- Work exclusively on cooling.
- The presence of a timer, remote control, sensor.
- The ability to control the direction of air flow.
- Convenient air duct mounting.
Important! If you need an inexpensive and reliable air conditioning, but the heating function is not important, then buying this device will be the right decision.
General Climate GCP-12ERA1N1
This mobile candy bar can work on heating and cooling indoor air. There is a control panel, ventilation mode, timer, memory settings.
Important! This powerful device would be impeccable if not for the outdated design, strong noise during operation.
Euronord AP-08
This is an inexpensive device for rooms of up to 20 squares. Management is carried out from the remote control. The “smart” system is also equipped with self-diagnosis.
Of the disadvantages - limited functionality. Air conditioning only works for cooling. A great advantage is the almost silent operation, which allows you to use the device in apartments, offices.
Zanussi ZACM-07 MP / N1
Air conditioning is designed to reduce indoor temperature to 20 square meters. For a one-room apartment or a small office space, this is enough. At the same time, the price of the device is very low.
The air conditioner does not work for heating, but it is equipped with drainage and ventilation functions.
Important! Given the very low price, the model is almost devoid of flaws. The device works almost silently.
Bimatek am400
Of all the rating models, this is the most silent. The noise level is only about 38 dB. At the same time, the unit is quite powerful. Management is carried out from the remote control. There are modes of drainage of air, ventilation.Attractive moment - stylish design.
Of the shortcomings - overpriced, lack of heating.
to contents ↑Important! If after purchasing an air conditioner, you will have to install it yourself, do not despair. Follow the direct link and learn how to spend do-it-yourself air conditioning installation.
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We hope that the rating of air conditioner manufacturers in terms of quality and reliability, brands and models will be useful to you.
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