Descaler for coffee machines

Every day more and more coffee connoisseurs give their preference to coffee machines. Preventive cleaning of the hydraulic system of the device, as well as rinsing of the brewing unit, significantly prolongs the life of the household coffee machine. In order to clean the device from deposits that inevitably arise during operation, it is first necessary to study the instructions and select the appropriate descaling agent in coffee machines.
to contents ↑When to descale the coffee machine?
It is necessary to clean the device regularly, because during the preparation of the drink under high pressure steam is passed through the ground coffee, and boiling water is supplied through a special channel. And even if you use boiled or filtered purified water, then after a certain period of time, scale will still form.
Important! If you have a lot of expensive equipment that uses water, then you just need to install filters for water purification in the apartment.
Scale damage
Accumulating in the boiler, the scum can clog the channel for supplying steam, and this leads to a deterioration in the taste of the prepared drink and can even provoke a breakdown of the equipment. Therefore, if you decide to buy such a system, immediately draw up a schedule according to which the coffee machine will be cleaned and, if possible, stick to it.
The regularity of cleaning the coffee machine depends on the quality of the water:
- If the water is hard, clean it once a month.
- If very soft - once every six months.
Important! You should think about cleaning the device after it has prepared about 200 cups of coffee. Some modern models are equipped with special counters, and they themselves will tell you when it is time to carry out the cleaning procedure. Thanks to this feature, the process of monitoring the condition of equipment is much easier and does not require your constant intervention.
Signs of a clogged coffee machine
Some units are not so smart that they can adjust the proper time for cleaning themselves, so pay attention to the following factors, such as:
- The strong hum of the car.
- A white precipitate appears in the drink.
- A stream of coffee pouring into a cup is much thinner than usual.
- The coffee machine turns on but does not work.
- A fault signal appears.
- During the preparation of the drink, no water flows from the group.
- The device leaks from the chassis when it is turned on.
to contents ↑Important! If your “pet” has such signs, then get ready for the procedure of cleaning the coffee machine from scale (decalcification of the hydraulic system).
Coffee machine cleaners
Methods and cleaning agents for a coffee machine are directly dependent on its structure. Geyser, drip and filtration devices with a removable brewing unit can easily be cleaned under running normal water. Additionally, non-abrasive detergents or liquid can be used to clean the coffee machine.
Important! If you carry out a cleaning procedure after each use of the device, then problems with scale will not occur at all. If the scale has already formed, then use special means recommended by the manufacturer for decalcification.
Types of release form
All funds intended for the care of such devices are divided into:
- Scale cleaners - help to cope with the effects of hard water on the device. Cleaners thoroughly free the machine from scale. Funds are available in 3 types: liquid, powder and in tablets.
- Pills for cleaning the device - perfectly cope with coffee fats and oils that accumulate during the preparation of the drink.
- Special water filter cartridges are an effective tool for cleaning the coffee machine. It purifies directly the water in which the brewing procedure takes place.
Important! All of the above means support the coffee machine in working condition and help it to work fully.
As an example, here are the descaling agents in bosch coffee machines manufactured by the device manufacturer:
- Bosch Cleansing Tablets (10 pcs., 2.5 g each). Specially designed for use in Bosch and Siemens automation devices. Tablets effectively remove coffee oils and other contaminants that have settled on the internal working surfaces of both the brewing mechanism and the hydraulic system during its operation.
- Bosch decalcification tablets (6 pcs.). Bosch has developed tablets designed for automatic coffee machines that simultaneously remove scale, including limescale, and protect the coffee machine. One pack is designed for 3 cleanings.
Important! The process of cleaning the coffee machine takes a certain period of time. Do not deny yourself the pleasure and make aromatic drink in turk, and we will help with tips on how to do it right.
Folk remedies for scale in coffee machines
As an exception, you can use folk remedies for removing scale - lemon juice or acid. However, remember that a coffee machine is a more delicate device than electric kettle or other household appliances, so it’s still better to use original cleaners.
If you are a lover of all natural and do not want to use chemicals for decalcification, then familiarize yourself with the method of using citric or acetic acid for the procedure for cleaning the coffee machine:
- Clean the coffee maker from the waste.
- Rinse all removable parts with running water.
- Prepare a solution of lemon juice (acid): 6-8 tsp. citric acid or juice of 1-2 lemons (depending on the size of citrus) per 1 liter of water (or 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water).
- Pour the prepared solution into the water tank.
- Leave the product for a couple of hours, as acid works much slower than special products.
- After the time has elapsed, start the coffee program (with or without coffee).
- Repeat the procedure until the solution is complete.
- Be sure to pour the prepared drink; it is strictly forbidden to drink it.
- If there is a lot of scale, then carry out a similar procedure several times.
- After thorough cleaning, rinse the tank with warm water to remove any acid residues.
How to clean a coffee machine
If the machine has a display and a counter of brewed cups of coffee, clean as follows:
- Learn from the instructions how to descale the machine. Get the appropriate remedy.
- According to the instructions, prepare the solution.
- Pour the cooked product into the water tank.
- Empty the waste container of coffee residues.
- Start automatic cleaning.
- Strictly follow the instructions that the machine itself will periodically supply (for example, add water and clean the pan again).
- After the program finishes cleaning, make 2-4 cups of coffee, but do not drink them. Let the detergent be removed from the internal working circuit of the device.
Important! Before adding the decalcifier, remove the filter from the water tank (if present in the device).
The auto-cleaning service program cannot be interrupted, just like turning off the machine before the end of the cycle.
If the auto-cleaning function of the unit’s designers is not provided, proceed as follows:
- According to the instructions on the package, prepare a solution for decalcification.
- Pour the required amount (in accordance with the instructions) into a water container.
- Clean the waste container and the filter to remove any coffee residues.
- Turn on the device.
- Open the tap and drain 100-150 ml of fluid to flush the hydraulic system.
- Repeat the drain procedure 4-5 times every 5-7 minutes, draining 80-100 ml of liquid.
- If the appliance is not equipped with a remote control, fill in coffee and start the program for preparing the drink (without draining the cleaning solution). If the coffee maker is of the carob type or the pulverizer is present, then start the program without pouring coffee.
- Pour the resulting coffee drink (absolutely not allowed to drink).
- Repeat the procedure until the pouring solution is complete.
- Pour out any remaining fluid.
- Rinse the device system thoroughly with plenty of running water.
- For high-quality cleaning, fill the tank with plain water, repeat all the above steps several times.
Important! The general principles for cleaning are given above, however some coffee machines have special containers for cleaning products in the form of tablets. Therefore, before starting the cleaning procedure, read the operating instructions.
Useful Tips:
- The tubes and filters can become clogged with coffee oils and oxidize, giving the drink an unpleasant odor and taste. Therefore, after using the device, regularly remove the sediment from coffee oils with running water and any detergent.
- Cappuccino coffee machines need to be cleaned and maintained. The reason for the contamination of the apparatus is very often ordinary milk, since during the preparation of the drink, flowing from one hole to another, the milk partially remains inside. Therefore, to clean just such a coffee machine, we recommend pouring hot water into the milk compartment and start the program by running the liquid several times. Follow the cleaning procedure until clean water appears in the milk compartment.
- To clean the steam nozzle of the coffee machine, dip it in water and turn on the steam for 1 minute.
to contents ↑Important! Pamper yourself and your loved ones with delicious aromatic coffee. We have prepared a separate publication in which we talked about the best varieties of coffee and tea.
Stock footage
Coffee machines and coffee makers also suffer from limescale like other household appliances, so clean your equipment regularly so you don’t have to leave without a tasty, aromatic, invigorating drink in the morning.