Samsung Diamond 6 kg user manual 🥝

Samsung products have always been distinguished by a stylish and sophisticated design. When buying goods of this brand, you choose elegance, originality and, of course - quality. The production of Samsung washing machines is based on advanced technologies, modern solutions and innovative ideas. One of the most striking examples is the Samsung Diamond 6 kg washing machine, the instructions for use of which reveal all the rich functionality with the simplicity of controlling this technique. Consider the difference between the washing machine.

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Samsung washing machines

Washing machines of this brand have taken a strong position in the market due to a combination of interesting design, functionality and a wide range of models with a variety of functions. Special attention is given to Samsung Diamond washing machines.

In the Samsung lineup you will always find a unit that meets your requirements for size, loading, a set of options and even color. All models have A class of energy saving, which is an important factor in matters of saving electricity.

Important! An undoubted advantage is the huge number of Samsung offices around the world. This allows you to quickly resolve any issue related to the operation of equipment of this brand. And you can read about where are washing machines assembled different brands.

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What is the difference between the Diamond series washing machines?

Surely you've heard more than once about Samsung Diamond washing machines. Let's see what set of characteristics these units have.

The first thing washing machines of this series are famous for are the following options and features of the device.

Unique drum

It is often called a honeycomb, as the design consists of small cells with recesses inside. The drum seems to be strewn with diamonds, hence the name - diamond.

Important! The unusual innovative design of Samsung Diamond washing machines allows you to achieve high quality washing delicate fabrics. Holes with faceted recesses are 25% smaller than usual. The accumulation of water in them during washing prevents damage to delicate fabrics and items that require special care.

Intelligent Volt Control

The smart Volt Control feature is always on guard. The system is designed to protect Samsung Diamond washing machines from power outages. She does not even notice a power failure lasting less than a second, continuing to work. If the voltage failure is delayed, the machine switches to standby mode. Washing resumes automatically when voltage is balanced.

Important! Also, a unique device has a different brand of equipment, which also occupies a leading position in the market. We devoted a separate review to it, which you can find at the link LG Direct Drive Washer.

Aqua Stop System

Reliably protects the unit from water leaks, which significantly extends its service life.

Ceramic-coated heating element

Particularly reliable Samsung Diamond washing machines provide precisely the heating unit. Thanks to the protective layer of ceramics, the heater is reliably protected from scale and limescale.

Important! Heater failures are among the most common problems of all washing machines.In this regard, Samsung Diamond has a huge advantage over its competitors. Are there any other advantages - learn from our comparative review “Samsung and LG washing machine - which is better?”.

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Model Overview

Consider several options for washing machines “Samsung Diamond” 6 kg.

Important! To understand, you only need the service of selling household appliances or their installation, connection, read also the instructions and installation rules for the washing machine.


Freestanding car of the front type in dimensions:

  • 85 - height;
  • 60 - width;
  • 45 - depth.

It has a concise classic design. Electronic type of control. The maximum number of revolutions during the spin cycle is 1000 per minute.

The model compares favorably with the presence of the optimization and washing control function “Fuzzy Logic”. The system itself selects the desired temperature, determines the number of rinses and the speed at which the drum rotates.

Important! The heater of the Samsung WF8590NMW9 washing machine has a double ceramic coating, which triples the life of the unit.

We also note in this model the possibility of half loading the laundry. This option allows you to significantly save energy, reduce the consumption of powder and water.


This model with front loading also applies to washing machines “Samsung Diamond” 6 kg.

It has a mechanical control type, the same dimensions as the first option, but a larger, compared with it, number of revolutions during the spin cycle - 1200 per minute.

There are functions “Protection from children” and “Mute”. The latter - when activated, it works in all modes. Settings are saved even after disconnecting the equipment from the power.

Important! The “Mute” option is turned on / off by simultaneously pressing and holding the “Temperature” and “Spin” buttons for 3 seconds.

In the operating instructions for the Samsung washing machine, the Eco Bubble program is indicated. This means that when washing uses a special technology for mixing powder, water and air. It allows you to completely dissolve the detergent and get a foam of perfect consistency.

Important! The Eco Bubble feature can significantly save your family budget. The foam formed by mixing the three above-mentioned components provides high quality washing in water even at low temperatures. As a result, less energy is spent.


Front model with electronic control. It has the same dimensions as previous models. The number of rotations of the drum during the spin reaches 1200 rpm.

Equipped with options:

  • Miniprogram, lasting 15 minutes:
  • “Hand wash” wool;
  • "Baby things" mode;
  • Delayed start.

Important! If you strive to spend a minimum of time on caring for things and solving economic problems, it may make sense to consider also the option of purchasing such equipment:

It has the functions of controlling the level of foam and imbalance.

Important! As disadvantages of this Samsung Diamond washing machine, buyers note:

  • a small set of programs;
  • insufficient heating of water;
  • noisiness
  • short rinse cycle.


  • The machine with front loading type and electronic control is made in white and silver colors.
  • Squeezes at a speed of up to 1200 rpm. It has dimensions, as in the above models.
  • Like the SAMSUNG WF60F1R1E2WDLP, it is equipped with the “Eco Bubble” function, so that things can be washed at low temperatures, without fear of output quality.

The main drawback of the owners of this washing machine “Samsung Diamond” 6 kg is considered excessive noise during washing.

Important! All the models that we talked about above are equipped with a Diamond honeycomb drum and a ceramic-coated heating element.Each of the washing machines we examined has the ability to load up to 6 kg, the smart Volt Control option and belongs to the A class of energy consumption.

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Problems washing machines Samsung Diamond and their elimination

Any equipment is not safe from breakdowns, even of such a reliable brand as Samsung.

Important! Remember that household appliances need regular care - timely preventive procedures reduce the risk of breakdown and premature wear of critical parts. Therefore, be sure to check out our reviews and follow the instructions in them:

Codes malfunction washing machines Samsung Diamond series

In case of malfunctions of the Samsung Diamond washing machine 6 kg, the codes on the display, by which the type of breakdown is easily determined, light up on the display. This allows you to quickly eliminate its causes.


The most common and at the same time is a minor error - DE, or for some models - DOOR.

Important! If the DE code appears at the end of the wash cycle or in the middle of it, do not rush to sound the alarm. It will disappear automatically after the water has cooled in the washing machine.

If the DE combination was highlighted during the wash or immediately after it was completed, then most likely it will disappear after the water cools in the washing machine.

This code means that the hatch door is not tightly closed. Of course, the problem is solved simply if it is not about damage to its hinge or breakdown of the microcontroller. For replacement of the latter, contact the manufacturer’s service center.


The sign indicates an excess of the loaded laundry or its uneven distribution in the drum:

  • In the first case, the reason is eliminated simply - it is necessary to remove some of the things for the next wash.
  • In the second - you should open the hatch and properly lay out the laundry. If the door has managed to lock, turn off the power to the appliance. After a few minutes, access to the hatch will be open.

Important! According to the instructions for use of the Samsung Diamond washing machine 6 kg, in emergency cases a small hatch can help drain water through a special hose. It is located at the bottom of the unit.

5E, SE, E2

Difficulties with draining the water from the drum of the washing machine are indicated by such combinations as:

  • 5E;
  • SE;
  • E2.

The appearance of these errors indicates a malfunction:

  1. Electronic module;
  2. Pump impellers;
  3. Water level sensor;
  4. A clogged drain.

Failures are eliminated by checking the contacts between the elements, replacing the latter, or by cleaning the drain using a spare mini hatch.

LE, E9

In the operating instructions for the Samsung washing machine, you can find the LE or E9 signs on some models.

They talk about problems with the drain hose. It may be too low, which prevents water from pumping into the drum. The issue can easily be solved by adjusting the position of the hose.

Important! Repeating LE or E9 errors indicates a malfunction of the drain mechanism. In this case, we recommend that you contact a service center to avoid damage to the heater.


Failures in the operation of the heating element have a combination of H1.

It is possible to repair the unit by replacing the heater. We do not recommend doing it yourself.

EE, E4

Errors UE, EE, E4 are typical for Samsung Diamond washing machines with a drying function.

Important! Violations of the regime of drying clothes are eliminated only by the master of the service center.

3E, FE

Codes with the letter “E” indicate a motor malfunction. Let us consider in more detail varieties of such signs:

  • 3E - the tachometer is cut off or a short circuit of the electric motor winding has occurred.
  • 3E1 - “sticking” of the drum or the difficulty of its operation due to overload.
  • 3E2 - weak connection of the tachogenerator contacts.
  • 3E3 and 3E4 - tachometer malfunction.
  • 8E or 3E4 - damage to the electric motor.
  • FE - the fan of the drum electric drive shaft does not work.

Important! The steps to eliminate the above errors depend on the degree of complexity of the breakdown. In most cases, problems are solved by replacing parts in a service center.


Exceeding the water level in the instructions for use of the Samsung Diamond 6 kg washing machine is indicated by the codes:

  • E3;
  • OE
  • OF.

To solve the problem of “overflow” of water, we recommend that you clean the pipe from possible clogging and check the water level sensor. If the problem is in it, it is necessary to replace it with a working one.


Water supply disturbances are indicated by combinations:

  • E1;
  • 4E.

Reasons may be:

  1. Lack of water in the central water supply.
  2. Pressure.
  3. Lack of cold water connection.
  4. Damage to the nozzle, which sucks water.
  5. Hose malfunctions.

In the last two cases, the issue is solved by replacing the elements of the unit.


If there is little water in the tank, for reasons of low pressure inside the system or its absence in the water supply system, you can see sign 1E.

In this case, the water sensor may break or the hose of the Samsung Diamond washing machine 6 kg may malfunction. They must be replaced with new ones.


A clogged water supply filter is reported by a UE error.

The code will disappear after cleaning the filter or installing a working item.

4E2, 4E1

4E ”or 4E2 - appear on the display when setting up the program, if the desired temperature exceeds the maximum possible.

Important! Everything is easy here - select the smaller one and the digits from the display disappear.

4E1 - the combination indicates that the drying temperature is exceeded or the hoses for cold and hot water are not connected correctly.


If the problem is in the drying temperature, replace the heating element. The same thing needs to be done when errors occur:

  • E6;
  • NOT1.

BE and UC

If the contact in the connection of the control relay is lost, the keys are overheated or a short circuit occurs, the following codes are displayed on the screen:

  • BE;
  • AE.

A power failure is accompanied by the letters UC.

Everything is as simple as that - you need to reboot the unit.

Important! If voltage drops occur systematically, we recommend that you purchase a voltage stabilizer. This will extend its life.

The most complete information can be found in the instructions for washing machines of the Diamond series. Following simple rules and following the instruction manual will help to avoid most breakdowns.

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We hope that you have the most complete and vivid picture of Samsung Diamond washing machines. Let your purchases be pleasant, and technology never fails.


