Samsung washing machine - mistake 4e

Most models of modern washing machines are equipped with a convenient electronic type information display and self-diagnosis systems. Information that is occasionally displayed on a small screen can be quite useful to the user. In addition to the standard functions for determining the duration of washing and its temperature, manufacturers of washers usually program the system with special codes that indicate the detection of a malfunction. In this article we will tell if the washing machine is “Samsung”, error 4e - what does this mean, and also consider the main ways to eliminate it.

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What does error 4e mean?

If your Samsung washing machine displays error 4e, then this indicates that it is not possible to draw water into the system.

Important! This can be easily understood even on an intuitive level, because after creating complete silence, you will not hear the sounds of fluid accumulating, and you will also notice that splashes do not fall on the glass of the drum.

You can hear a signal about the occurrence of such a problem both at the very beginning of the wash, and when you go to the rinse mode, when the soap liquid is successfully drained, but there is no flow of clean water.

Important! You will find a description of the most common faults and how to solve them in our separate review. “Error codes - Samsung washing machine”.

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Popular causes

The display of error 4e on the information panel of your household appliance can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Lack of cold water in the central water supply system.
  2. The water inlet valve was blocked by a stuck foreign object.
  3. When connecting the unit to the water supply system, hoses with hot and cold water were incorrectly connected.
  4. The lack of water pressure, which can be explained by a low level of pressure on the riser.
  5. An appropriate hose is not connected to the detergent container.

Important! Any home appliance needs proper maintenance. So you can maintain its performance for many years. Take advantage of our helpful tips from a separate review."Caring for a washing machine".

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Repair Features

Before you start an independent repair of household appliances or call the master, open the cold water tap and make sure that the water is not turned off and comes under normal pressure. If everything is in order, we understand the reasons that the Samsung washing machine gives an error 4e.

Error 4e before washing

If there are no problems with water supply in the apartment, but the machine does not want to start washing, but displays error 4e, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Check if the valve and the tap through which water must enter the washer are tight. Perhaps there is a fluid leak.

Important! Often, it is the flowing water that becomes the main cause of error 4e in the Samsung washing machine.

  1. Check if the water pressure supplied to the hose is sufficient to operate the bypass valve.

When the pressure of the water flow is quite acceptable, but the machine still informs about the problem, the reason may be the clogging of the inlet filter with foreign objects and small particles, for example, earth, sand or pebbles.

In such a situation, it will be enough for you to clean or replace the component. After cleaning the filter system, try restarting the washing machine. In a separate post, we gave detailed instructions,how to clean the drain hose of a washing machine.

Important! If it is not possible to determine the reason why the washer generates a 4e error before washing, then contact an authorized Samsung service center. Perhaps the problem is a malfunction of the internal components of the unit, but only an experienced master can determine this.

If error 4e precedes rinsing

If your washing machine of the Samsung brand has flashed an error 4e on the display before rinsing, then you can eliminate it by following the following recommendations:

  1. Check for cold water outages.
  2. Unplug the washing machine.
  3. Make sure that the hose intended for draining the fluid is correctly connected. Follow the link to find out all the information about drain hoses for a washing machine.
  4. Turn on the washer by starting its operation with the “Rinse and Spin” mode.
  5. If the error appears several times, then you should contact a highly qualified specialist in household appliances.

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Are errors 4e and e4 equivalent?

In solving the problem of error 4e on the Samsung washing machine, some users confuse it with an outwardly similar e4 code. However, the Samsung manufacturing company has developed a self-diagnosis software system for washing machines of its own production in such a way that these designations have completely different semantic loads.

Error e4 means, informs the owner of the equipment about the imbalance that occurred in the drum of the machine. There are several common causes for this malfunction:

  • when loading linen, the hostess exceeded the permissible amount of things - competent tank loading will help solve this problem in accordance with the recommendations onthe weight of the laundry;
  • insufficient amount of textile products loaded into the drum;
  • during the loading process, the laundry got stuck in a lump, as a result - it stuck to the drum;
  • there were irregularities in the operation of the electronic controller, which could lead to breakdown of the machine drive parts.
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Stock footage

In this article, we told you about the most popular error of Samsung washing machines, which are displayed on the information panel with the code 4e. We hope that from now on you will not have problems with the use of household appliances and it will delight you with a long service life.


