Installing a washing machine on a wooden floor

If the floor in the room where the automatic washing machine is located is concrete, then there are no problems with installation. It is quite enough to check the level of correct installation of the device and, if necessary, adjust it by adjusting the height of the legs. Installing a washing machine on a wooden floor, which, moreover, is not too new, is associated with certain difficulties, which will be discussed in this article. Let this process go by chance by installing the washer somehow, in no case be impossible. The floor from vibration becomes even more dilapidated. The equipment is also gradually failing, and this is a more serious issue. The tips in this publication will help you avoid problems.

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Common installation errors

Vibration is a destructive force that contributes to the breakdown of the most important parts of the washing machine. A solid monolithic surface damps vibrations, and the working life of the “home assistant” in this case is quite long. The machine, mounted on a shaky wooden floor, literally bounces during operation, which does not contribute to its safety.

Consider the typical mistakes that owners make when installing household appliances:

  • Application of anti-vibration mat. This does not solve the problem, except that the washing machine works less noisy. Therefore, such a measure is, rather, complacency, or rather, self-deception. Significantly better to useanti-vibration stands for the washing machine
  • Strengthening the floor with metal pipes or corners. In the place intended for the installation of equipment, the floor is marked, 4 holes are drilled in the boards. A sheet of thick chipboard is laid on the fortified floor, on which the washer is placed. Practice shows that such supports last for 2-3 months. They quickly become loose, and the problem again becomes relevant.

  • Laying a concrete slab under the machine. In this case, we are not talking about strengthening the floor. A heavy plate dampens vibration, and the operating conditions of the washer are quite favorable. This, of course, is good, but the heavyweight design leads to the fact that the floor is deformed and swings during the operation of the machine. For concrete to effectively dampen vibration, it is necessary that the support occupies an area of ​​at least 2 "squares".
  • Attaching the legs of the device to wooden boards with metal plates. It does not lead to anything good. The washing machine vibrates and sways so that boards come off the floor. The problems from this approach are only increasing.

As you can see, none of these methods helps to resolve the issue as it should. At best, this is the notorious “trial and error method”; at worst, it’s elementary laziness.

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How to install the washing machine on a wooden floor? Concrete screed

Proper installation of the washing machine on the plank floor without preliminary arrangement of concrete screed is impossible. It is a concrete screed that becomes a reliable basis for the most “jumping” device. It is not known whether this is the best way, but what is good is certain. In any case, before installing the unit, be sure to find out what all availableicons on the washing machine

How to install the washing machine on a wooden floor in this case?

  • Determine the exact location for the washer on the floor.
  • Mark up the floor and the nearest wall.
  • Carefully remove the floorboards.
  • Make formwork using slabs or unnecessary boards. It will be needed for concreting the washing platform. It is also advisable to use reinforcing mesh so that the concrete platform is stronger.

Important! The dimensions of the platform are determined so that there is a margin of 20-30 cm. In this case, during operation of the washer, the edges of the concrete platform will remain intact.

  • Pour mortar prepared in advance, tamp it.
  • Put additional lags on the edges of the platform. They are needed so that the floorboards do not hang in the air.
  • Wait for the solution to solidify completely. Then return the wrong place to the board, and do not forget to attach them to the newly mounted lags.

The work is over. Now it remains only to connect the washer and not be afraid of any vibrations. And so that the washing of your things is always of high quality, find out:

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Pipe mounting

So that the washing machine does not damage the plank floor and does not fail from its own vibrations, you can use a concrete slab laid on top of the floor from the boards. But there are certain specific points:

  • Steel pipes must be concreted under the floor so that their ends exit through openings in the plank floor. At the same time, the installation of pipes should be strictly vertical (this can be easily verified using the construction level).
  • A slab of concrete or marble is laid on top of the pipes. Furthermore, the minimum weight of the plate is 100 kg.
  • Fastening the plate to the pipes is not necessary.

Important! The essence of this method of installing the washing machine on a wooden floor is that the metal pipes are of sufficient length, they are deeply driven under the floor and concreted. Do not be afraid that after a couple of months such a design will be shaken.

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Thus, if you have old wooden floors in your house, you need to take measures to make the base for the washing machine as sound and durable as possible. Arranging a shaky foundation not only does not solve, but also exacerbates the problem. At the same time, there is not only a risk to the equipment itself, but even the quality of washing the laundry is reduced.


