How to remove stains from linoleum

- How to remove stains from linoleum?
- How to remove stains from linoleum?
- How to remove stains on linoleum?
- How to wash hard spots from linoleum?
- How to wash green from linoleum?
- How to remove paint from linoleum?
- How to remove stains from linoleum if the paint is dry?
- How to remove stains on linoleum that cannot be removed?
- Useful Tips
- Stock footage
Linoleum is the most common type of flooring. It is affordable and easy to care for, but, like any other material, it is prone to pollution and stains. How to remove rust spots, dark streaks from linoleum, wash gouache and restore its original appearance without damaging its surface? In this article we will give you some tips on how to remove stains from linoleum from any household pollution.
to contents ↑How to remove stains from linoleum?
In order to clean the coating, there are many special tools that shelves of hardware and industrial stores abound, but they are not always at hand. If removing the stain is urgent, any improvised means that every housewife probably has in their arsenal will come to your aid.
- soap - any that is at hand: household, baby, liquid;
- turpentine;
- petrol;
- paper sheets or napkins;
- acetone or nail polish remover;
- plastic spatula;
- iron;
- pumice or fine sandpaper;
- linseed and sunflower oil;
- lemon juice;
- White;
- Domestos;
- hydrochloric acid;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- camphor alcohol;
- vinegar;
- potassium permanganate.
to contents ↑On a note! Please note that the faster you remove the dirt, the lower the likelihood of a stubborn stain. Accordingly, you will quickly and easily deal with cleaning if you monitor the coverage in the house.
How to remove stains from linoleum?
Before removing stains on linoleum, pay attention to the following recommendations:
- At the beginning of the treatment, always wash the stain with a warm soapy solution. If the contamination is removed in the usual way, you do not have to spend extra effort and money.
- To avoid the formation of yellow and whitish stains, do not wash linoleum with too hot water and do not use liquid ammonia or soda in its pure form - this makes it dull and deteriorates.
- Before using any product, test it in an inconspicuous place and wait for the result - if there is no undesirable reaction, use it to clean the entire coating.
to contents ↑Important! You might also be interested in a detailed review of facts and myths on the subject. "Linoleum is unhealthy".
How to remove stains on linoleum?
There are many different recommendations on how to wash linoleum and how to wash stains from it. Consider the most common types of stains and methods for their removal.
Method 1
The usual dirt and dust contaminants are most easily washed with detergents:
- Make a soap solution from laundry soap: add 10 grams of grated soap to 10 liters of warm water.
- Wet a rag in solution.
- Wipe the stain.
- Dry the cleaned area with a dry cloth.
Method 2
If a greasy stain forms on the floor or you drip wax (paraffin), remove it with an iron:
- Place paper in several layers or rags on the problem area.
- Heat the iron.
- Attach to the gasket so that the fat melts and transfers to the blotting material.
- Wash with soapy water.
- If the stain is not completely gone, wipe with turpentine.
- Wash with clean water.
to contents ↑On a note! The laying area should exceed the area of the iron.
How to wash hard spots from linoleum?
Complex stains of various origins require more serious intervention and are removed using chemical agents.
Option 1
To remove stains from rubber soles and shoe polish, use gasoline:
- Dampen a cloth with solvent.
- Process the traces.
- Wash the floor with water.
Option 2
If you brought home pieces of asphalt on your sole and it was tightly imprinted on linoleum:
- Scrape it off with a spatula.
- Rub with a rag dipped in gasoline or acetone.
- Wash with soapy water.
- Wipe with a damp cloth.
Option 3
Remove the ink stain with sandpaper (nulevka) or pumice:
- Gently rub the dirt.
- Treat with linseed oil.
- Polish.
to contents ↑On a note! Depending on the nature of the pollution and its origin, take these recommendations as a reminder:
- Wash food colors, acids, and traces of berries with an aqueous solution containing chlorine in a proportion of 1 part of the substance to 10 parts of water. For this purpose fit: “White”, “Domestos”.
- Wash off stains from fruits and vegetables with hydrochloric acid.
- Rusty spots, mold traces of grass can be removed using lemon juice.
How to wash green from linoleum?
The first by degree of difficulty of elimination is green. It is impossible to remove diamond greens with water, since the aniline dye is very persistent and is kept tight in the pores of linoleum. But do not despair, there are several effective ways to remove a stain from green on linoleum.
On a note! Before you begin the process, consider:
- Do not smear the stain, blot so that the green mark does not spread even more on the surface and does not fix on it.
- Work in rubber gloves.
- Always change the used cotton pad or rag to a new one.
Method 1
Remove green stuff with agents that can dissolve alcohol, as it is based on it. For this, hydrogen peroxide or camphor alcohol is suitable for you.
- Wipe the stain with one of these remedies.
- Rinse with water.
- Repeat until the stain is washed off.
Method 2
- Pour baking soda on top of greens with vinegar.
- Under the influence of a chemical reaction, the brilliant green will gradually depart with the foam.
- Remove residues with a damp cloth.
- Repeat the process until the stain completely disappears.
Method 3
- Add a little potassium permanganate to acetic acid.
- In the resulting solution, moisten a rag, put on the problem area.
- Wait until the green turns pink, and then brown.
- Wipe with warm water.
- Make the following solution of peroxide and 30% acetic acid.
- Apply to the treated area until the stain is discolored.
- Rinse with clean water.
How to remove paint from linoleum?
One of the stubborn stains is paintwork.
Clean off non-hardened enamel as follows:
- Blot dry with a dry cloth or old crumpled newspaper.
- Wipe the cleaned area with a damp cloth.
- Treat with a dry cloth.
It’s a little harder to remove oil paint:
- Remove as much paint as possible with a paper towel.
- Turbid stains from paint fill in with sunflower oil for several minutes.
- Remove the oil with a rag.
- Wash off the resulting greasy stain with soapy water.
- If the paint has not completely removed, apply a solvent.
- Rinse with water.
How to remove stains from linoleum if the paint is dry?
- Carefully scrape off the top coat of paint with a spatula or knife. Hold the tool at an angle of 10-15%.
- Soak paint remaining on the coating for 2-3 minutes with a solvent-based product.
- Rub it.
- Rinse off with clean water.
to contents ↑Important! If the contamination is large and in large quantities, it was not possible to remove them without a trace, use our tips, how to choose a practical flooring for the home.
How to remove stains on linoleum that cannot be removed?
Even those pollution that at first glance cannot be removed, it is still possible to remove, if you know how and how to do it.
Option 1
- Sand with fine-grained emery paper in a circular motion to the problem area.
- Repair minor scratches with water.
- Use special mastic for linoleum: rub the cleared place.
- Fill microcracks and scratches with a special emulsion or putty selected in color.
On a note! This method can be used only on the homogeneous commercial form of linoleum, in this material the pattern passes through the entire thickness.
Option 2
If you still have a piece of linoleum with this pattern, you can remove the part of the coating where the stain formed:
- Cut a small piece with a margin with a matching pattern.
- Apply to stain to be removed.
- With a sharp clerical knife, cut the problem area on two layers at once.
- If the bottom layer is not completely cut out, repeat the knife along the perimeter of the spot.
- The edges of the “patch” process with sandpaper to eliminate roughness.
- Apply special glue, put a new piece on an empty space.
- Cold weld the seams to make them less visible.
Useful Tips
For prevention, use special polishes for linoleum - they create a protective film, repel dirt and give shine.
Try to avoid the use of compounds that contain gasoline, turpentine, kerosene, ammonia, wine alcohol, acidic substances - they can violate the color of the coating and even dissolve it. If you had to use them to remove complex stains from linoleum, act very carefully.
For regular and general cleaning, be sure to check out the selection of tools, how to wash linoleum.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Now you know how to solve the problem with linoleum pollution and how to remove stains of any origin from it. Try to avoid the formation of complex marks on the coating so that it lasts you as long as possible.
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