Humidifier and dehumidifier - why are you needed?

Today it is quite difficult to achieve a comfortable level of humidity for the human body and maintain it without the use of special devices. Modern studies have shown that the normal level of humidity should be 45-70% for healthy work of the body. Therefore, in any home should be present humidifier and dehumidifier. Why do we need these devices - we will describe in detail in this article.

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The need for humidifiers and dehumidifiers

Indoor air is a critical factor that affects human health. What can we say about modern urban conditions, because their quality, as a rule, adversely affects the general well-being. Today, the air contains too many allergens, chemical impurities, various microorganisms. The harm of high and insufficient moisture has been proven more than once.

To make the air more useful and comfortable, it is recommended to use such climatic equipment:

  • Humidifiers.
  • Dehumidifiers.


Thanks to this technique, the air becomes better, in addition, it helps to combat allergic and infectious diseases, as well as dermatological problems.

Important! Some models designed to maintain a favorable microclimate inside the house are additionally equipped with an ionizer. The positively charged particles that a person breathes positively affect the immune system, reduce the concentration of fungi, bacteria.

The positive effect of the use of humidifying and air-drying devices is as follows:

  1. General health improves.
  2. The incidence of the disease is reduced by seasonal colds.
  3. The tone increases, fatigue decreases.
  4. The psychological state is improving.
  5. The quality of sleep improves.
  6. The course of chronic diseases is facilitated.


Modern microclimatic equipment is not only useful, it is inexpensive, convenient to use, and also:

  1. Economically consumes electricity.
  2. It features a high level of performance.
  3. It has compact dimensions.
  4. Looks great in the interior.
  5. Does not make any noise.

Important! You can use dehumidifiers and humidifiers anywhere, even in the bedroom and children's rooms. For some rooms, their use is highly desirable, this applies to:

  • Busy offices.
  • The premises of kindergartens, schools.
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Why use climate technology in apartments?

The use of a humidifier and a dehumidifier in any city apartment has several reasons. In particular, this is due to centralized heating, a small space with a large number of moisture absorbers. In small rooms, an unhealthy atmosphere of movement of air masses, poor ventilation, high oxygen consumption, low or too high humidity levels are initially formed.

The main objective of humidifiers and dehumidifiers is to increase or decrease the water content that is inhaled by the atmosphere through hydrolysis.Without these devices, the moisture content in winter and summer is critical.

Important! It must be remembered that the whole body needs fluids, especially the gastric mucosa, internal organs, lungs, sinuses, epidermal cells. And its overabundance is also incredibly harmful, can lead to the development of a number of diseases.


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How does low air humidity affect health?

We all know that any person has a large amount of fluid in the body. When the air in the house is too dry, the skin becomes overdried, the whole body is dehydrated.

The harm of low humidity is as follows:

  • Mucous membranes that are in contact with air suffer most, they dry out very much, become covered with small cracks, due to which a direct path to viruses and bacteria inside the body opens.
  • Humidity also affects heat exchange, sweating.
  • If the air humidity drops to 10%, people begin to experience discomfort in the nasopharynx, pain in the eyes appears, and nosebleeds sometimes occur.
  • People with bronchial asthma experience terrible attacks.

Despite this, dry air makes it easier to tolerate high or low temperatures. It’s easier to endure the summer heat, winter frosts.


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How to increase the humidity level?

The need for air humidifiers is quite obvious. If you notice that the skin on the face and hands has become tight and dry, it constantly tickles, the hair structure is broken, insomnia often occurs, and attacks of constant fatigue occur, then you certainly need this technique.

Important! The lack of moisture has a detrimental effect not only on human health, but also on interior items - doors, furniture begin to crack, musical instruments and paintings are damaged.


Humidifiers are needed for the following reasons:

  1. They prevent the growth of viruses and pathogenic bacteria in the air.
  2. Increase air humidity to the optimum level.
  3. Fill the air with useful negatively charged ions.
  4. They clean the airspace from pollen, allergens, pet hair, and dirt.
  5. Improve air quality by retaining harmful suspensions and chemical fumes.
  6. Neutralize odors.
  7. Aromatize the room.
  8. Do not allow excessive settling of dust.
  9. Increase the service life of products made from natural materials.
  10. Positive effect on the growth of indoor plants.

Important! Humidifiers can have a different design, the principle of operation, additional functions. Our reviews will help you choose a good model:


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How does a high level of moisture affect the body?

To decide for yourself whether you need a dehumidifier in the house, you must first understand how high humidity affects the human body. It is especially difficult in such conditions to be for people with hypertension, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular diseases.

When the humidity is too high, the following occurs:

  • The heat transfer from the surface of the skin is disrupted, the body is very hot.
  • Excessive heat causes a feeling of heaviness, stuffiness, decreased performance, worsens overall well-being.
  • The body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases is reduced.
  • Mold develops and fungus, the room is infected with dangerous disputes.

Important! All these consequences can be prevented in fairly simple ways:


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How to reduce air humidity?

The easiest way to reduce humidity is to use a dehumidifier. Manufacturers offer mobile and compact household devices for apartments and houses, accumulating all excess moisture inside themselves.

The need for air dryers is as follows:

  1. A person on average consumes 900 grams of moisture per day, that is, this is the optimal value for normal health. In humid rooms, people begin to absorb excessive amounts of moisture, respectively - to lose less. Because of this, the load on the body increases significantly.
  2. In a humid environment, mold spores quickly develop, they spread along the walls, and can also penetrate the body, which is detrimental to health.
  3. High levels of humidity are very harmful for people with asthma, they have swelling, cramping. These conditions are difficult for people suffering from arthritis and osteochondrosis.
  4. Often, high humidity causes damage to parquet, furniture, and interior elements.
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Now you know how useful modern climate technology is, how it affects the general state of health and the environment. The main thing is to correctly determine which of the following devices is needed in your case - to drain or humidify the air.


