How to bleach a silver chain at home?

Silver jewelry looks very elegant, elegant and noble, but it's no secret that even the highest quality products can darken over time. About how to bleach a silver chain at home, sooner or later, every owner of such jewelry thinks. In this article you will find practical recommendations for resolving this problem and find out the possible reasons for this “behavior” of silver.
to contents ↑Why does silver darken over time?
Each owner of silver jewelry notices that over time, silver darkens. Why is this happening and what is the reason? Some believe that the cause of this darkening is a person’s health problems or emotional state. Others are of the opinion that the formation of dark plaque is associated with the property of the metal itself. The composition of silver includes copper, which oxidizes, reacting with hydrogen sulfide, resulting in the formation of sulfide deposits, which makes the product darker. However, there is a type of silver, which in itself has a dark color. Find out from our article, what is blackened silverto understand how it differs from the usual.
The main causes of silver darkening:
- Wet air. Humid air contains a large amount of hydrogen sulfide. Frequent water procedures contribute to the rapid darkening of the metal, and accordingly, if you do not remove jewelry while bathing, the question of how to bleach a silver chain at home, you will definitely have, and quite quickly.
- Sweat. According to its physiology, the human body releases a certain amount of sweat every day, which depends on the intensity of physical activity. Sweat contains sulfur. No matter what part of the body you wear silver jewelry, they will fade sooner or later. Since most sebaceous glands in humans are located in the chest and neck, the silver chain will darken much faster than, for example, earrings. The latter, by the way, practically do not darken, due to the fact that sweat is very rarely released in the auricles.
- Medical reasons. Some drugs contain sulfur compounds that can be excreted along with sweat. When using such medicines, silver can tarnish very quickly.
- Hormonal background. Its changes, for example, during pregnancy, during the maturation of adolescents, when taking very strong hormonal drugs, can also affect the appearance of silver jewelry.
- Cosmetics. Often, creams and cosmetic lotions include sulfur. Therefore, it happens that the darkening of silver jewelry is caused by the frequent use of cosmetics. Therefore, in order not to seek an answer to the question of how to bleach a silver chain at home, all jewelry sellers advise you to remove products from this metal when you apply any cosmetics - nourishing cream, foundation, cleaning lotions, etc.
Important! It should be noted that the higher the silver sample, the less it darkens.
How to bleach silver? Cleaning options
What to do if the jewelry is blackened and it is necessary to lighten the silver? There are two options for action.But before you start them, be sure to identify silver for authenticity.
Option number 1. Jewelry repair shop
Take the darkened silver jewelry to the workshop. This method is more suitable for jewelry with a precious coating and instruction of natural stones, such as pearls and amber. The fact is that many precious and semiprecious stones very poorly tolerate processing with aggressive means. Therefore, in order not to spoil such a product with final independent processing, it is better to take it to a jeweler for cleaning.
Option number 2. Self cleaning
You can try to lighten silver at home yourself. You can clean products from blackness using special tools. These are a variety of pastes, gels, liquids that are sold in jewelry stores. However, such funds are not always at hand for the ability to quickly clean silver. In this case, do not be upset, since you can perfectly cope with the help of improvised preparations.
How to lighten silver at home?
There are several ways to remove black from a noble metal. The most common tips involve using simple drugs that are found in every home.
Important! It is necessary to remember the main rule of cleaning products: before bleaching metal, it is worth putting the jewelry for a short time in soapy warm water, and then rinse thoroughly.
One of the most effective methods to bleach a silver chain at home is to use ammonia. It has a neutralizing effect on acids and, thus, relieves metal from plaque.
Mode of application:
- Prepare a solution of alcohol and water by mixing the components in a ratio of 1:10.
- Place the product in the solution for 10-15 minutes.
- At the end of time, gently wipe the product with a woolen cloth.
Important! Many men like to emphasize their image with various accessories, but I can not decide how to wear jewelry. To make it easier for you to understand this issue, follow the link where you will read,on which hand do men wear a chain.
Detergent, salt and soda
This method is suitable for cleaning heavy contaminants.
Cleaning method:
- Dissolve one tablespoon of salt, soda, dishwashing detergent in 1 liter of water. Mix all components thoroughly.
Important! To prepare the solution, it is better to use aluminum utensils.
- Put silver jewelry in the solution and simmer over low heat for half an hour.
You can bleach a silver chain using vinegar. For this, the usual 9% table vinegar is suitable.
Mode of application:
- It is necessary to warm vinegar a little so that the liquid becomes warm.
- Put the product in it for 15-20 minutes.
- At the end of time, remove the jewelry and rub it with a woolen cloth.
Salt also helps brighten silver.
Mode of application:
- In a deep metal bowl, mix 200 ml of water and 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir the liquid thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved.
- Dip the silverware in the prepared solution for a couple of hours.
Important! For faster results, you can boil the liquid with jewelry for 20 minutes.
The method of purifying silver at home using potatoes has been known to people for a very long time. To do this, you can take both unpeeled potatoes and potato peelings.
Cleaning method:
- Boil the potatoes and drain the water into a separate bowl.
Important! Dishes should not be iron or aluminum. Using this method, it is better to take a glass container.
- Put a piece of foil on the bottom of the bowl.
- Wait for the liquid to cool and place the decoration on the foil for 10 minutes.
Important! It is not necessary to buy the finished product in the store, because you can make it yourself.The recommendations we have prepared will help you.make a chain by yourself.
Coca-Cola or Sprite
Favorite drinks by many people can be used not only for food purposes. They do an excellent job cleaning tiles, polishing chrome and removing black from silver.
Cleaning method:
- You should lower the silver chain or ring into a glass with a drink and leave for several hours.
- Remove items and wipe with a clean cloth.
Important! With severe silver contamination, it is worth boiling the product, and then rub it with foil.
Lemon acid
Citric acid can remove an ugly black film from silver and restore its luster and well-groomed appearance.
Cleaning method:
- Place the silver jewelry in a citric acid solution for 1 hour.
- After time, wipe the silver objects with a cloth.
You might also be interested in a few rules,how to choose a silver chain for a man.
Silver can be cleaned with toothpaste or toothpaste.
Cleaning method:
- Rub the product with tooth powder using a soft brush or rag.
- Rinse the decoration under running water.
Important! In addition to all of the above methods, we have prepared a separate article for you, which details aboutultrasonic cleaning silver.
Useful Tips
Lightening silver at home is quite simple, but even easier to prevent the appearance of darkened areas. To do this, you need competent care of the products. Here are some simple rules that will help your jewelry not to be covered with a dark coating for longer:
- Remove jewelry before bathing in the bathtub, the sea or taking a shower.
- Do not wear silver jewelry for sports training, dancing, or other activities that require increased physical activity.
- If water gets on the silver, immediately wipe it off with a tissue.
- Store the products in a special box in a dry place.
- Take off jewelry during home cleaning.
to contents ↑Important! You can not store silver jewelry near cosmetics and medicines.
Stock footage
- If you properly care for your silverware, then blackness will appear extremely rarely on them. But in case of ugly defects, do not get upset. You should determine the cause of its occurrence and eliminate the plaque in one of the ways you already know.