How to remove puff 🥝 clothes hook

Puffs on clothes - an unpleasant phenomenon, but common. Pussy too happily met the hostess, on a chair in the office turned out to be chipped, an earring caught on the collar - but there are situations when a new dress turns out to be small, but capable of pretty ruining the appearance of the hook. What to do? The main thing is not to panic, but we’ll talk about how to remove puffs on a dress.

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Where are the puffs?

A hook may appear on any material. But if cotton and linen clothes are enough just to iron them well, then with delicate delicate materials you will have to tinker a bit. A small puff on the dress can be removed in a few minutes, but some actions are contraindicated:

  1. Do not pull the fabric strongly in different directions.
  2. Do not try to use scissors, unless it is a question of spools on knitwear.
  3. Do not think that puffs and spools will be able to cope with the usual washing.

Most often, puffs occur:

  • on knitwear;
  • on synthetic material;
  • on chiffon;
  • on woolen knitwear;
  • on silk and satin.

Important! Situations are different, and sometimes some knowledge can play an important role in life. Be sure to read about how to remove a puff puff.

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Remove puff in two minutes

How to remove puff on chiffon, silk or satin? There is one very simple way to remove a small hook in a few minutes. You need:

  • thin needle;
  • iron with a steamer.

Your main task is not so much to remove the puff as to make it invisible. To do this, you need a thin needle, preferably with a wide eye - so that the puff passes freely into it:

  1. Flatten the fabric.
  2. Insert the needle from the right side next to the puff so that the entire needle, except the eyelet, is on the wrong side.
  3. Insert the tightening thread into the eye.
  4. Pull the hook to the wrong side.
  5. Gently pull the fabric in different directions.
  6. Unhook the hook.

Important! You do not need to cut the thread - instead of a small puff, you can get a very noticeable hole. When steaming, the temperature controller must be set to the mark corresponding to this material.

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How to remove puff from synthetic fabric?

The easiest way to deal with small puffs on a dress made of synthetics. For this, even a needle is not required. Just pull the fabric in different directions - and the hook disappears by itself.

Important! Before, how to iron synthetics, make sure that this can be done - the label should be appropriately labeled.

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If the dress is made of fine knitwear

Before you remove the puff on the knitwear, go to the store where they sell goods for needlework. There you will find a special hook for lifting loops. It looks like a regular knitting one, but not quite - instead of a hook at its end there is an eyelet with a lock. It is simply necessary if the “track” has gone from the hook.

Important! If you have a lot of things from such material in your wardrobe, read our article on how to wash knitwearso that they serve you longer.

How to apply it to remove puffs on a dress:

  1. Flatten the fabric.
  2. Hook the loop down.
  3. Pick her up.
  4. After removing the “track”, fasten the loop (you can do this with a thin needle and thread matching the product).

Important! If the puff on the knit is small, eliminate it in the same way as with a chiffon or satin. It is even simpler because knitwear easily stretches in all directions.

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Woolen clothes

Puffs appear on woolen knitwear, perhaps even more often than on thin knitwear. They can form even simply from a long sock. But dealing with them is easier. If an elongated loop appeared and it has not yet had time to tear:

  1. Pull it inside out with an ordinary crochet hook, knitting needle or needle - in a word, what is at hand.
  2. Then spread the canvas - the tightening point will hide quite easily.

If the loop is torn and descended, you will need:

  • knitting hook;
  • threads in the color of the product.

Important! In this case, one must act in exactly the same way as when eliminating the “track” on the knitwear. This is even slightly easier, because the size of the hook may be larger - it depends on the thickness of the threads. You can use the same method in case you need remove puff on sweater.

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If the loop is broken

If a hole appears on a knitted product, you won’t get off with a simple loop lifting. It is very good if you have some woolen threads of the same color and quality that went into the manufacture of the product. In this case:

  1. Bring the ends of the tattered thread to the wrong side.
  2. Cut a piece from the ball that is half the length of the “track”, plus 2-3 cm per knot.
  3. Tie the ends of the cut thread to the clippings - you get a loop.
  4. Lift the loop as in the case of knitwear and secure it with a thin thread of the same color.
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Remove the spools

On knitted and synthetic clothes, spools often appear. They themselves are not dangerous, they do not affect the strength of the product in any way, but are ugly. It is immediately evident that the clothes were worn for a very long time.

There is a simple but reliable remedy for this trouble - special machine for removing spools. You can buy it in the same place as other goods for sewing, but it usually costs inexpensively.

It’s easy to use:

  1. Put the thing on the table.
  2. Drive the machine from the collar to the hem and then back.
  3. Clean the rest of the dress in the same way.

The machine needs to be cleaned periodically. The most important thing in this action is not to press the machine to the material. If you don’t have such a machine, you can cut the spools with very small manicure scissors. This, of course, will take longer.

Important! Coils on coarse knit products should not be removed in this way. You can just cut them off.

Spools of cat and dog hair

Pets, even not wanting it, sometimes bring a lot of trouble to the owners. For example, cat and dog hair gets on clothes, falls off, forms spools. But this is not a problem that should be greatly worried - pellets from animal hair are removed quite easily. The main thing is to do it in a timely manner.

If the wool is already stuck, a special roller with an adhesive surface will help you out. Just slide the roller over your clothes (as well as the carpet or the seat of the sofa) - and all the wool adhering to the fabric will be on it.

Such a roller can be made with your own hands. To do this, you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • Scotch.

Tape the bottle so that the adhesive side is on the outside.

Important! It’s even better to take double-sided tape, then the paper “roller” will not slip during cleaning.

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Claw puffs

Sticky wool is not the biggest nuisance that pets can deliver. It is much worse if there are claw puffs on clothes, furniture or curtains. Such hooks are unlikely to be handled at home. Therefore, the best option is to wash the item and take it to the studio, where experienced craftsmen work, who also have special equipment.

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So that there are no hooks and spools

From unforeseen situations, of course, no one is safe. Even the most accurate person who carefully watches his clothes can catch on the corner of the closet. But some causes of puffs and spools can be prevented. Often they arise as a result of improper washing. To avoid this:

  1. Wash clothes made of thin fabrics only in delicate wash mode.
  2. Use quality fabric softeners.
  3. To keep animal hair less sticky, use antistatic.
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Stock footage

Now you know all the ways how to remove puffs on a dress, sweater and any other thing from knitwear, wool, synthetics. You can use these tips to remove the peels on jeans and coats, or fix puffs on your favorite pants. We hope that such tasks will arise extremely rarely and it is for this force majeure event that you are already prepared. Be careful - both when wearing clothes, and when repairing them, then you will not have to often throw away things that are still in good condition due to a minor oversight.


