How to remove mold from clothes at home?

Mold is a fungus that appears where moisture and moisture are present. It can damage any material, even fabric. On things, this fungus leaves not only spots that are very difficult to wash off (and sometimes impossible), but also spoils the material until it decays. In this article, you will learn how to remove mold from clothing at home.
to contents ↑Why does mold appear on clothes?
Before you begin to remove traces of mold, find the reason for its spread, otherwise - you will have to clean all your things with a certain frequency, and some to throw out at all. Mold is very fond of moisture and warmth, so if you saw spores of this fungus on your thing, it means that you put the clothes in the cabinet unfinished. In addition, check the entire cabinet, and the wall behind it, perhaps the distributor is on the wall, as is often the case.
to contents ↑Important! If you really found black or green spots on the walls or ceiling, and maybe not only in this room, be sure to take appropriate measures to destroy the fungus. What exactly and why it is necessary - read in our special articles:
How to prevent mold on clothes?
When you find the reasons for damage to clothes, eliminate the possibility of stopping other things in the fungus. And in general it is always easier to prevent the development of such microorganisms than to remove mold from clothes at home later.
Rules to help prevent mold on clothes:
- Only store well-dried items in the cupboard. If you doubt that it is dry, it is better to carefully put the clothes on the back of the chair for a day.
- Ventilate all outer clothing from time to time in the fresh air. So all kinds of germs and moisture will not get into your closet.
- Do not store dirty things in the closet, especially those that already have spores of the fungus, because it can switch to other clothes.
- Ventilate things when doing spring cleaning. By the way, find out how often do spring cleaning.
- To prevent the wall behind the cabinet from absorbing moisture, do not lean it close. Always leave a small distance between the wall and furniture to allow fresh air to pass through.
- Watch the humidity in the room itself, otherwise - in other places the appearance of the fungus can not be avoided. On our portal you will find several simple ways, how to measure the humidity in the room.
- Do not leave wet clothes in the laundry basket for long.
How to remove mold from clothes? - The best ways
Each fabric has its own stain remover, so carefully read what fabrics these methods are suitable for before removing mold from clothing.
Brown mold removal
Borax is a safe and non-toxic substance that is used to prepare home remedies from natural ingredients. This mineral can be used both in pure form and by adding it to the washing powder, having previously dissolved it in hot water.
Soak your clothes in warm water by adding this mixture (or just the borax itself) and leave for several hours. Next, wash the clothes with your usual method.
Important! Such a tool is suitable for any, even delicate fabrics.
Bleach - stain remover
A few rules for bleaching stains:
- Look at the label for information on whether this item can be washed with bleaching agents. If it says that you can’t bleach, then forget about washing this thing with similar substances. If until now you have not paid attention to such icons at all, then to help you, our decoding of characters on clothes.
- In the event that you removed the label and do not know whether it is possible to clean the fabric in this way, try the action of the bleach in an inconspicuous place of this thing.
- Use bleach according to the instructions on the packaging and do not leave clothing in this solution for long.
- Be sure to rinse the item after washing in cold water.
- If you wash by hand, then do not rub the thing, but just soak it and leave it for some time in this mixture.
Important! Use bleach only for natural materials and be careful when washing colored fabrics with this product. The most effective way to combat mold "White", but keep in mind that she is quite aggressive.
Table vinegar
Vinegar can be called the most effective method if you need to remove mold from clothing at home. In addition, it removes unpleasant odors on clothes.
Ways of application:
- When cleaning in the washing machine, add it along with the powder to the detergent compartment (approximately 200 ml of vinegar per wash).
- If you decide to wash it by hand, then dilute one glass of vinegar (9 percent) in 10 liters of water. Leave the clothes in this mixture for about 1 hour. Wash the cloth with powder after the spore cleaning procedure.
Hydrogen peroxide
To remove mold from tissue at home with this pharmacy tool:
- Take 3 percent peroxide.
- Treat the stain for a few minutes.
- Clean the fabric in the usual way, you can optionally use a soft brush.
- If traces of the fungus remain, repeat this procedure again.
Important! Use only for white cloth.
A mixture of aspirin and vodka (or alcohol):
- Take a few tablets of aspirin, and dissolve them in 50 milliliters of alcohol (or vodka).
- Using a cotton pad, apply this mixture to a patch of fabric.
- Wait for it to dry.
- Scrub the gruel with a regular brush.
Important! This method is suitable for things that can not be washed or for white clothes.
Ammonia against mold:
- Take equal parts of ammonia and water, mixing them into one.
- Treat the fabric and wash in the washing machine.
Important! Do not forget to check the effect of ammonia on the thing in an inconspicuous place.
Laundry soap:
- Prepare a soap solution for soaking clothes, but before this, rub the affected areas of the tissue with household soap.
- Soak it in the solution for half an hour and wash it well.
- Rinse clothes several times.
How to remove mold from a fabric using folk remedies?
Mold has always been fought, so there are many methods to remove it. Previously, there were no modern means for removing stains, including mold, so our grandmothers used what was at their fingertips.
Onion juice
A great way to expel mold without damaging it. Put the gruel from the onion on the affected areas and leave for 1 hour.
To remove odor, rinse the fabric and wash in the washing machine as usual, using powder and other detergents. Dry the item in the fresh air.
According to experts, mold spores can kill acidic substances. Soak the cloth for one night in yogurt and wash in the washing machine or manually, using powder.
Lemon Juice and Salt
A very good method of tissue disinfection and stain removal:
- Take some juice and moisten the affected area with it.
- After sprinkle with salt on top.
- Leave this mixture in the sun to dry.
- After you find the item is completely dry, wash it with detergent.
Important! You can also use just lemon juice: soak the cloth in the juice and leave for several hours, after which wash in the usual way for you.
Turpentine and clay
Clothes made of silk and wool without harming it can be cleaned with turpentine:
- Check its effect on a less visible place, and wipe the area with mold with a cotton swab.
- After you have used turpentine, sprinkle the cleaned cloth with clay and iron it with a low temperature, while putting a napkin with a towel on the thing.
- Clean with detergent.
to contents ↑Important! You can also use ammonia for silk (the cleaning method is indicated above).
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Before you remove the mold from the fabric at home, carefully read all the methods and choose the one that suits you best. Then you will probably be able to save the thing and not damage it permanently.
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