How to wash a large plaid at home?

Plaid is a real salvation on a cold evening: it is so nice to wrap yourself in it and watch a movie or read your favorite book on a winter evening. However, over time, it inevitably loses its pristine appeal and purity. Then the question arises: how to wash a large plaid at home, so that it, as before, remains pleasant to the touch and does not lose its good appearance?

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What are the plaids?

Warm blankets symbolize home comfort and bring comfort and warmth to the house. Today you can choose products for absolutely every taste. The most common:

  • Fleece;
  • Cashmere;
  • Acrylic
  • Fur;
  • Linen;
  • Silk;
  • Cotton;
  • Plaids from polyester.

Important! With the help of such textiles, you can add comfort to the interior. And in order to be able to periodically change the design in the details, just show your imagination and spend a little time. It’s even easier to use our ideas and master classes to make do-it-yourself blankets:

Since many plaids include artificial fibers that are capable of generating static electricity, over time the bedspreads attract dust and an unpleasant odor, so they must be washed or cleaned of dirt from time to time. If the problem is not solved by this, read also our separate article, where all methods of solving the problem are considered: electrified plaid - what to do?

Important! The way of washing the plaid will largely depend on what material this interior item is made of.

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How and when to wash a plaid?

It is not recommended to wash the plaid more than once a month, because after each such treatment it may lose the brightness of the paint or become deformed.

Important! Before washing a large plaid at home, you should pay attention to the composition of the fabric and general recommendations for washing. All this you can find on the label. And it will be much easier to decrypt them if you use our ready-madesymbol table on things.

There are several options for cleaning blankets:

  • Machine washable;
  • Handwash;
  • Dry cleaning.

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How to wash a plaid manually?

Washing such a product by hand is a rather laborious and troublesome process. The easiest way to wash a large plaid in the bathroom, adhering to this algorithm:

  1. Type warm water into the bathroom.
  2. Dilute in water carpet cleaner or simple washing powder.
  3. Lower the plaid into the resulting solution, leave it to soak for a couple of hours.
  4. Work the product with your hands over the entire area, without removing it from the water - gently rub the contaminated places (you can also stomp your feet).
  5. Move the plaid to the edge of the bath and, having opened the drain, release the water.
  6. Pour clean water.
  7. Remember the product and drain the soapy water again.
  8. The washing and rinsing process should be repeated 2-3 times (at the last rinsing, add a little conditioner to the water).
  9. Move the plaid to one side and let the water drain completely.
  10. After 10-15 minutes, roll the product into a roll, lift it by the middle and lean against the wall of the bathroom, giving stability to the U-shaped “structure”.
  11. After 30 minutes, throw the rug over the stick, placing it over the bathtub.
  12. After all the water has drained, hang the product on the street or on the balcony - preferably not in direct sunlight, so that the plaid does not burn out.
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Car wash

Only small plaids can be washed in the washing machine - which can accommodate the drum of your machine. Often these are fleece or baby rugs.

There are no cleaning features here. Just take a suitable powder and add a conditioner while rinsing. Also, to wash the plaid, you should choose the correct program - delicate wash or wool at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees, and revolutions for spinning no more than 400.

Important! If you spin at high speeds, the product may stretch and lose its shape.

To wash the plaid in the washing machine, follow these instructions:

  • Load the blanket into the drum of the machine.
  • Place the selected detergent in the appropriate compartment of the cuvette.

Important! It is recommended to use liquid productsbecause they create less foam than powders and are easier to rinse out.

  • If you have a colored plaid, then it is better to use a product without bleach.
  • Add rinse aid to the designated compartment. It will give the product an aroma, reduce the ability to form a static charge, and make the material soft and fluffy.
  • Select the “hand or delicate wash” or “wool” program. Water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  • It is recommended to refuse the “drying” mode.
  • After completing all the items, press the “Start” key.

Important! To wash a large plaid, you can use industrial automatic machines. Often, the cost of services includes not only washing, but also drying the product, therefore, without making an effort, you will receive a blanket that is immediately ready for use.

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Proper care of blankets made of different materials

To preserve the integrity and attractiveness of your bedspreads for a long time, consider the tips below.


A synthetic blanket is fairly easy to clean. It can be trusted without fear to the washing machine, and even hand washing will not harm it. Polyester should not be boiled, but the permissible water temperature is 60 degrees. In any case, before washing, see the recommendations for caring for this product on its label.

When washing in the car, set the mode to “delicate” or “synthetics”. If the blanket is not very dirty, use the quick wash. Also, such products can be squeezed in a machine and dried naturally.


A cover made of microfiber can be washed either by hand, or you can entrust this matter to an automatic machine, but observing the following rules:

  • Carefully choose detergents - it is advisable to give preference to shampoos or gels;
  • Temperature condition not higher than 60 degrees;
  • The stain remover is undesirable;
  • Dry the washed product in a straightened form, eliminating the ingress of sunlight and battery exposure.

Hispanic woman petting dog


Fleece products can also be washed both manually and in the car. To properly care for products made of this material, adhere to the following rules:

  • Before starting the wash, do not soak such a cover, because the fleece does not absorb dirt.
  • For handwashing, use regular household soap.
  • Water temperature should not be higher than 35 degrees.
  • If there are no serious stains and dirt on the product, it will be enough just to soak the bedspread for a few minutes in the detergent, and then rinse.
  • If after washing the product is straightened well, then it will not have to be ironed.
  • If you wash in a typewriter, then select the “delicate” mode.
  • Chlorine-based bleaches cannot be used because they can interfere with the water-repellent properties of fleece.
  • Wash the blanket alone and not when the drum of the machine is fully loaded.

Natural materials:

  • Cotton and linen are also fairly easy to clean, as are man-made materials. Their washing can be completely entrusted to an automatic machine, reducing the temperature to 30 degrees.

Important! It is better to iron such products until the cover is completely dry - so the procedure for straightening the folds will be much easier.

  • Silk and cashmere can only be washed by hand and in cold water using shampoo. At the last rinse, you can add a little conditioner. For such fabrics, any spin is contraindicated. After getting rid of moisture, lay the blanket on a horizontal surface and turn it over from time to time until it dries completely.
  • Before starting to wash a fur or fleecy blanket, it should be thoroughly shaken from dust, and only then proceed with washing.

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We erase the woolen plaid

Most often, the housewives ask how to wash a woolen blanket, because it is such products that are very cozy, warm and give a special touch to the interior.

However, this is not always necessary - to refresh such a cover, it is enough to hang it in the fresh air for just a couple of hours. Small dirt can be cleaned with a brush.

Important! Despite the fact that many washing machines have a “Wool” mode, bedspreads from this material are not desirable to wash.

If you still decide to wash the product with your hands, then do this as follows:

  • Type in a large basin or bath cold water - 30 degrees.
  • Add liquid detergent for delicate fabrics (or wool).
  • Soak the bedspread for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse the product in water at the same temperature (do not rub).
  • Moving the cover to the edge of the bathtub, let the water drain.

Important! It is impossible to squeeze or twist a woolen product.

  • Lay the product on a horizontal surface and leave to dry completely.

Important! Such a product cannot be dried in a suspended state, otherwise - it is deformed and loses its shape.

We clean the wool blanket without washing

Considering that even the most careful washing wears out woolen blankets, we recommend replacing water procedures with dry cleaning. To clean a blanket without washing at home:

  1. Shaking the bedspread vigorously several times, clean it of hair and dust.
  2. Prepare such a remedy: 2 teaspoons of shampoo, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 100 ml of warm water.
  3. Beat the resulting solution until a thick foam forms.
  4. Using a soft brush, apply the mixture to the surface of the plaid.
  5. After the composition has dried, vacuum the product.
  6. Soak a soft cloth with vinegar and wipe it with a blanket.
  7. Comb the fibers of the bedspreads with a brush.
  8. Repeat the procedure by turning the product with the wrong side up - so you will achieve a greater effect.
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Useful Tips:

  1. So that during storage the cover does not accumulate dirt and dust, you can wrap it in an old pillowcase.
  2. It is undesirable to store such products in plastic bags, because due to the lack of ventilation an unpleasant odor may appear, as well as moths and other pests.
  3. It is better to tidy up the natural fur blanket in dry cleaning, as this material does not tolerate humidity well, and it can react completely unpredictably to any home cleaning methods.
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In order to maintain the softness and beauty of the plaid for a long time, you should properly care for it. Remember: the softer the texture of the product, the more gentle the wash should be. But handwash can extend the softness and life of a plaid in general from any fiber. Follow our recommendations, and any of your plaids will delight all your household with their warmth for many years.


