How to wash a tie at home?

An elegant tie, perfect for a suit - an integral part of the image of a real gentleman. However, this accessory is also loved by true ladies who prefer, for example, the Military style. A tie is usually worn neatly, but still periodically there is a need to remove stains or just give it a fresh look. About whether and how to properly wash a tie, you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑Bathroom or dry cleaning?
Dry cleaners will cope with a tie from any material. But dry cleaners are not everywhere, and it hardly makes sense to carry a cheap accessory there - cleaning can cost more than it costs.
Of course, if you often use dry cleaning services and you will certainly carry your husband’s favorite evening dress there - it’s a very reasonable step to simultaneously clean this thing. In other cases, it is better to try to cope with this task yourself. Moreover, it’s not so difficult, you just have to follow the simplest rules.
to contents ↑What is it made of?
Before you wash your tie at home, you need to determine what it is made of. Actually, there are only two options:
- synthetic;
- silk.
to contents ↑Important! Remember to read the information on the label. The manufacturer usually indicates what can be done with the product, and what is absolutely impossible. Special signs indicate the temperature at which you can wash your tie, whether it is acceptable to use the washing machine, in which mode you need to iron - in short, you will see a complete instruction in front of your eyes converted to special icons. If you have problems understanding them, use our decoding characters on clothes.
What is needed for washing?
The success of any business depends on preparation. In this case, you need:
- a basin or bath so large that the tie does not have to be squeezed;
- delicate detergent;
- stain removers;
- salt;
- hard cardboard;
- scissors;
- thin needle;
- threads.
Important! Some synthetic ties can be machine washed by setting the desired mode. But for accessories made of natural silk, only hand wash is suitable.
Print spots
Before lowering a tie in water, it is necessary to remove stains. Most often, on such accessories there are traces of some juice, coffee, chocolate, wine, a ballpoint pen. You can use a universal stain remover, but home remedies in some cases are also suitable.
Ballpoint pen stains
Surely there is hydrogen peroxide at home - it is it that is the ideal tool for such spots:
- Spread the tie on a horizontal surface.
- Dampen a cotton swab with peroxide.
- Carefully wipe off the stain - remember that you should not press hard.
- Rinse the tie in warm water and dry.
Spots after a feast
After the party on the tie, spots may remain:
- from chocolate;
- from lemonade;
- from wine;
- from fat.
How to get rid of:
- The easiest way to remove stains from soft drinks. They are excreted simply with warm soapy water, so that you can not specifically remove them, they themselves will disappear after washing.
- In the same way, stains from chocolate and many fruit juices are removed.It is advisable to pre-soap the product thoroughly with laundry soap and leave it to lie in this form for 10-20 minutes. So you will probably be able to remove any dirt.
- In the same way you can get rid of traces of lipstick, although initially you can apply talcum powder or starch to absorb the bulk of the fat base from a cosmetic product.
- Sprinkle a stain of wine with salt and leave the tie to lie down for half an hour. Then rinse the salt off gently.
- Greasy stains are removed with a dishwashing detergent. It is better to choose a quality product.
Important! If there are spots of paint, they must first be wiped off with a solvent. Just do not forget to test the solvent on the narrow tip of the tie from the wrong side - this part is still not visible when worn, so no one will notice your experiments.
Hand wash
Wiping a synthetic tie is easier than silk - artificial fabrics hold their shape well, so no additional measures are necessary. As a detergent, ordinary household soap is suitable, but you can use powder for hand washing. The most important thing to remember is that the tie cannot be wrinkled.
Option 1
The easiest way to wash a tie at home:
- Pour warm water into a basin or bath, dilute the detergent.
- Lower the tie, hold for twenty minutes.
- Gently rinse the tie in warm water and lay it out to dry.
Important! A tie cannot be soaked for a long time.
Option 2
It is better to wash a silk tie with a special pattern. To do this, you need a piece of hard cardboard. What to do:
- Cut the pattern to form a tie.
- Sew the pattern to the fabric with small stitches.
- Lay the tie on a flat surface.
- Wipe it with a soapy sponge.
- Rinse the tie in salted water (at the rate of 60 g of salt per 2 liters of water). Salt is necessary so that a silk tie retains the brightness of colors.
- Dry it.
Important! Neither a silk nor a synthetic tie can be wrung out. From this, folds and creases are formed, which are then almost impossible to smooth out.
Washing machine
Some ties made of synthetic fabrics can be washed in the machine. For this you need a special bag. It is necessary to use funds for delicate washing - and set the machine on the same mode.
to contents ↑Important! A tie, like other elements of business clothes, can either emphasize all the advantages of your appearance, your individual style, and completely ruin the whole impression. To exclude the second option, use the advice of stylists and recommendations regarding the choice of clothing according to etiquette, outlined in the following articles:
Dry the tie
After you know whether it is possible to wash a tie and how to do it, you must also correctly complete the cleaning process. You can dry the tie in a vertical or horizontal position.
Option 1
Hang the tie on a hanger so that it takes a strictly horizontal position. You need to dry until it becomes slightly moist.
Option 2:
- Spread cotton on the floor or table
- Unfold the tie so that there are no wrinkles.
- Dry until the product is slightly damp.
- Iron the fabric.
Important! To remove excess water, put a tie on a terry towel, and cover with a second one on top. When the towels soak up water, lay the product on a piece of cotton cloth and wait until it dries.
How to iron a tie?
It’s easy to iron a tie if you follow some rules:
- First of all, you need to consider what fabric it is made of, and correctly install the thermostat on the iron.Synthetic fabrics melt easily, so if you try to iron them with a too hot iron, you will most likely lose a fashion accessory, and you will have to clean the iron. To avoid mistakes, see in our article all about ironing settings.
- If you have to iron a dry tie, it is best to moisten it a little.
- Creases and creases can sometimes be removed by putting the iron in steaming mode.
- The fabric of the product must be moist, and it must be ironed through a thin cotton fabric.
- When the fabric dries, hang it in the closet - it is very useful if it has special hangers for ties, belts and other long items.
How to store a tie?
To keep the tie longer looking, follow a few rules.
- Store it on a special hanger or twisted.
- Avoid contact with soiled things.
- Do not wear this accessory at home.
Like any thing, a tie needs care, then it will retain its elegant look longer:
- After the tie is removed, it is necessary to dissolve the knot. It must not be allowed to wallow in a closet with a loop.
- You should not hang it on a chair for this very loop. It’s better to learn how to tie it quickly and beautifully.
- If you do not have a suitable hanger, it is best to twist the product into a tube before putting it in the cabinet. Such a measure will protect him from creases and creases.
to contents ↑Important! A special hanger will help you out very much. The tie will be stored upright and will have less chance of wrinkling. There is a small secret - the accessory should not come into contact with other things, especially with street or workers. Then it will have to be washed less often.
Stock footage
Now you know not only whether it is possible to wash a tie, but also different ways to do it, as well as all other rules for caring for such an accessory. Pay attention to your things and then you will have to spend less on new purchases, without depriving your appearance of attractiveness.
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