Yellow spots on white clothes - how to get out?

In the 21st century, clothing is one of the fundamental foundations of our image. It is not for nothing that they say that they are "greeted by clothes." Agree that white things look elegant, graceful, but when yellow spots form on the armpits, on the back and other places, it already does not look very good. Yellow spots on white clothes - how to remove, a frequent question, since so many housewives do not know how to do this. Each type of clothing has its own methods, methods and means, but today in particular we will talk about bright things.

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Yellow spots

Yellow spots are formed as a result of the release of salts, all this liquid is immediately absorbed into the tissue. As a result, unpleasant yellow spots remain. How to remove yellow spots from white clothes at home - there are many ways to do this.

Important! Stains form not only from sweat, but also from the deodorant used. We have prepared special reviews, tips from which will help you prevent the appearance of such contaminants on clothing:

Method 1

Pharmaceuticals: aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) or hydrogen peroxide. These tools are great for this purpose:

  1. Soak the thing in water and apply hydrogen peroxide to a speck.
  2. Foam should appear - it's okay, it's a reaction of the interaction between tissue and peroxide.
  3. We wash again and rinse.

If you decide to use aspirin, you must:

  1. Crush two tablets and dilute in a small amount of water.
  2. Rub the soaked thing with the prepared solution, wait a few hours, rinse.
  3. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Important! Also try “dry fuel” or “dry alcohol”. We make a mushy solution out of it and rub it.

Method 2

  1. We take one tablespoon of baking soda, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and half a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent.
  2. Rub this mixture into the stain and wait a certain amount of time.
  3. Then we wash and rinse well.

Important! Do you know about the most affordable and affordable universal home cleaning product? We have revealed all the secrets on our portal of useful tips in a separate publication“Hydrogen peroxide, soda, vinegar - how to use at home?”.

Method 3:

  1. Bleach “Persol” in the amount of one teaspoon is added to a glass of water. Other types of bleaches and the rating of the best products we described in detail in our publication “Bleach for linen”.
  2. Rub the resulting solution with a soft brush to the place of contamination until completely saturated with it.
  3. Then everything is as usual - we wash and rinse.

Method 4

Ordinary laundry soap will do well with yellow spots. Just rub the spot thoroughly with soap and after about 30-40 minutes wash it manually or in a washing machine. Use the tips from our special post. "How to wash clothes?".

Method 5

If you have a solvent on hand, you can try it to remove yellow spots on white clothes:

  1. White spirit is mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with ammonia.
  2. Wipe the fabric and rinse in order to remove the smell.

Important! Carry out test checks on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric so that an aggressive solvent does not spoil the item.

Method 6

For dense tissues we take the same solution in a ratio of 4: 2. We repeat the entire procedure completely. We wash, rinse and ventilate.

Important! Also try gasoline and ammonia by spongeing each substance in turn.

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Old spots

These types of stains need a special approach. Such tools and methods will help in whitening white clothing from yellow spots:

  • Oxalic acid - wash the stain with soap and rinse. We dilute the solution of 1 teaspoon into one glass of water, moisten and wash.
  • Lemon acid. We act by analogy with oxalic acid - we do not use concentrated freshly squeezed lemon juice, because spots can remain after it.
  • Hard solution - we combine 30 ml of gasoline, 40 ml of denatured alcohol (technical alcohol) and 20 ml of ammonia. Apply the solution for about five minutes. We wash off as usual.
  • Bleach - buy oxygen products. Because they are cheaper and better cope. Dissolve one teaspoon in a glass of water, gently rub into a stain, and then - as usual.
  • Heat treatment. Try to boil a thing for about half an hour or scroll in the car for 5-6 minutes at a temperature of 80-100 °.
  • Traces of wool are removed as follows: a piece of laundry soap 72% rub on a fine grater and dissolve in warm water. We apply to the problem area, wait a few hours, wash, rinse.
  • Collars and cuffs are also a non-standard approach to them. Take 4 parts ammonia, 1 part salt and one part water, mix - rub into cuffs or a collar, leave for a couple of hours.
  • If suddenly traces were left on a cotton, not a new thing, try boiling laundry in soapy water. Do the same actions with soap as above. Only now we boil the thing in this solution. Constantly stir the product.
  • Ammonia and ethyl alcohol. In a ratio of 1: 1 we dissolve and process the product. After that, you can rinse, only in cold water.
  • If you need to remove yellow spots on white clothes from rust, put one teaspoon of soda with a slide, pour vinegar. Leave in this state for 12 hours, then wash in a washing machine with powder.

Important! Boiling in vinegar solution will also remove rust well. For 0.5 l of water, one tablespoon of vinegar is added, the solution is heated to 80 °. Note that there should be no boiling, because the fabric may not withstand such a high temperature.

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This must not be done!

  • Natural fabric can be cleaned by exposing it to the sun. Ultraviolet gives a whitening effect.
  • It is undesirable to use chlorine-containing agents, because there are irreversible consequences, for example: divorces will become brighter.
  • Do not overdo it while cleaning. We do everything calmly, measuredly, and most importantly - with a soft brush. Careful handling will preserve the properties of the product.
  • Nitric, hydrochloric acid is unsuitable for cotton. Alkali for wool and silk is not used.
  • Stains are best removed from the inside, to avoid stains around the stain.
  • For nylon or nylon fabric types, gasoline or solvents of this type are prohibited.
  • Wool is strictly forbidden to process with liquor.

Important! Most stains can appear during the storage of clothes, and existing ones become even brighter. In order not to have to resort to radical measures, follow the link and find out how to store clothes.

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Now you know how to remove yellow spots from white clothes. Unfortunately, such problems in life cannot be avoided - they are always unpleasant, since this means that you will soon have to spend money on a new thing if the spots do not go away. But look for positive aspects in this, a new thing - it's great. Just do not forget to look after the new thing. Ideally, you should not wear it and wash it two days after you put it on. The main thing is to take the care of things correctly, on time and responsibly, and everything will be fine.

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