What is the danger of dry air in the apartment?

Everyone knows that a person is 80% water. Naturally, this indicator is individual and depends on many factors, therefore, a person regularly needs to consume the recommended amount of water. But it’s important not only how much water you consume, but also what air surrounds you daily. Excessively dry or humid air can adversely affect not only human health, but also accelerate the process of furniture damage. This article will focus on low humidity in the room. You will find out what is the danger of dry air in the apartment, how it affects human health.
to contents ↑Signs of excessively dry air
The best way to measure humidity is to use a hygrometer. Many models show not only the level of humidity, but also the temperature regime.
There are common signs that may indicate low humidity. These include:
- indoor plants begin to die;
- furniture spoils;
- the periodic occurrence of unpleasant static discharges from contact with objects or another person;
- dry skin is observed, peeling of the body is intensified, which causes itching;
- frequent colds in all family members, regular dry cough, prolonged and protracted diseases;
- discomfort associated with dry mucous membranes of the eyes;
- the appearance of periodic nosebleeds;
- there is drowsiness and lack of assembly;
- during sleep, a characteristic whistling of the nose appears due to the drying of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.
As you can see, there are many signs that the microclimate is too dry at home. Many of them are directly related to changes in the human body. Based on this, it's time to figure out what is dangerous dry air in the apartment.
to contents ↑The effect of low humidity on human health
As you can already guess, a too dry microclimate can negatively affect human health. The presence of this factor affects many vital human systems and leads to serious changes in the body. Of course, this process is long-term, however, in the long term it can cause serious damage to health.
What is the danger of low humidity for humans? Here are the main possible health effects:
- Slows the transport of oxygen in the blood. For optimal functioning of the circulatory system, a sufficient amount of oxygen must be inhaled. With a dry microclimate, it is quite difficult to ensure this. This leads to the fact that oxygen is supplied in insufficient volume, too slowly. In turn, this entails the occurrence of excessive fatigue and increased drowsiness. The performance of a person is reduced.
- With low humidity, the nasal mucosa is not able to effectively cleanse itself, and it thus fights various viruses and infections that enter the body through the respiratory tract. This leads to the fact that a person begins to get sick more often.
Important! This is especially true for young children. Dry air interferes with the body's quality control of respiratory diseases.
- Premature aging and withering of the skin occurs, early wrinkles appear.For skin health, it is very important to obtain the necessary moisture not only from the inside but also from the outside, thanks to the optimal level of humidity of the surrounding air.
- Reduced humidity provokes a constant circulation of dust, because under such conditions it becomes light and actively flies in the air without settling on the floor. Regularly, with each breath, it enters the human body and carries with it various allergens. Their constant exposure can provoke bronchial asthma.
- The danger of dry air is also great for the mucous membranes of the eyes. For people who have to wear contact lenses, this causes enormous discomfort. You have to constantly use special solutions to moisturize the mucous membranes of the eyes. Otherwise, severe cutting pain in the eyes cannot be avoided.
As you can see, the talk about the dangers of the dry environment for human health is far from exaggerated. Long stays and living in such conditions can lead to serious consequences.
Important! Given all the negative factors of this phenomenon, tackle the problem. Our tips will help you with this:
The effect of dry air on the interior
In addition to affecting human health, low humidity can adversely affect the home. What is the danger of dry indoor air? Check out the main effects of dry microclimate:
- One of the main consequences that you can regularly observe at home is excessive dust. From great dryness, dust constantly circulates in the air and settles on various objects. This entails the need for frequent cleaning of all surfaces. With increased humidity, dust rises less, settling on the floor. Then it will be enough regular wet floor cleaning.
Important! Find out also the better to wipe the dust so that it sits less.
- Low humidity negatively affects indoor plants. Most of them suggest an average level of humidity or humidity indicators are above average. If these indicators are not maintained at the right level, then the plants turn yellow and dry.
- In dry air, all wooden furniture suffers. This happens because, at low humidity, the environment compensates for it from the objects in it. Doors crack, tables, wooden steps, chairs are deformed. Cracks may occur on their surface. The most unpleasant is the drying of the parquet or laminate. Because of this, it is deformed and can creak strongly when walking on it.
Important! If there are musical instruments at home, then low humidity can cause the drying of the wooden elements in them. This negatively affects their sound.
Reasons for low humidity
The optimal humidity is considered to be from 40 to 60 percent. Humidity below 30 percent has a very negative effect on human health. This problem is very common. The situation is especially aggravated in the winter season.
What causes dry air? Here are the main causes of low humidity:
- To create maximum comfort at any time of the year, mankind began to actively use air conditioners. Of course, they are able to maintain a given air temperature, however, not everyone knows that at the same time these devices dry the air too much. Air conditioning is one of the main causes of low humidity in the warm season.
- Some models are equipped with heating function. This leads to the fact that the device is turned on not only in hot summers, but also in cold winters. In this situation, it works as a heater. Therefore, heaters and air conditioners with heating function are another reason for the dehumidification of the air.
- Lack of airing.For a healthy microclimate, it is very important to open windows regularly and do ventilation. This will ensure the flow of fresh air, reduce the number of harmful viruses and bacteria in the air.
Important! Do not get carried away by prolonged airing in severe frosts. This will drain the air even more. It is enough to open the window for just a few minutes.
- Poor ventilation in the room. As a rule, during repair, due attention is not paid to the ventilation system. An incompletely thought out system of air inflow and outflow adversely affects the microclimate in a house or apartment.
- Central heating. Buildings in which heating is centralized suffer from excessive dryness of air in them in winter. The direct humidity level is affected by the inability to control the temperature and intensity of the heating system. Too hot radiators can drain air to critical levels.
- A large number of people in a certain area. This problem is especially relevant in large offices. Inhaling oxygen, a person exhales carbon dioxide. In the absence of airing in a large office and excessive crowding, the air quality leaves much to be desired. Moreover, part of the moisture from the air is absorbed by the human body through the skin. In such conditions, humidity decreases, as a result - dry air in the office is provided.
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As you can see, dry air can negatively affect objects in the house and human health. Do not ignore this problem if it begins to manifest in your home, but do everything possible to achieve the optimum level of humidity in the house - the right microclimate is the key to good human health.
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