Is it possible to glue wallpaper on paint?

The most popular and practical type of wall decoration today is wallpaper, but often sticking it causes difficulties, especially when the surface was painted or whitened before. To remove the old coating is sometimes time-consuming and time-consuming, and few people are attracted by the prospect of spending so much of their energy on roughing, if only simple cosmetic repairs were planned. In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on paint and how to do it correctly without much effort.

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Determine the type of paint

In order to correctly determine how to prepare the surface for gluing, it is necessary to find out the type of finish applied to it. There are 2 types of them:

  1. Acrylic water-based paint is odorless, is absorbed into the walls and firmly fixed in the structure.
  2. Oil paint - has a specific smell, repels moisture and forms a “protective layer”.

In order to understand whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on oil paint or acrylic, you need to find out what type of coating you are faced with. There are several ways to do this.

Method 1

Using a spatula, try to remove part of the coating from the wall. In case it is an oil coating, the material falls off in large pieces. It is easily removed and does not crumble. The acrylic coating, unlike the first option, holds tight, crumbles and falls off in small parts.

Method 2

Moisten the surface with plain warm water for 15 minutes. If the surface easily absorbs moisture and is washed off with a sponge, then this is an acrylic water emulsion. If the water just drains, and the coating itself has a glossy surface - most likely, you have an oil coating.

Now that we have determined what type, we’ll talk about how to stick wallpaper on the paint, because the technology of gluing depends on what we are gluing.

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Preparatory work

Before you start the main work, you need to carefully prepare for it. To do this, prepare:

  • Wallpaper;
  • Glue;
  • Foam roller;
  • Scraper or spatula;
  • Hot water;
  • Putty knife;
  • Priming;
  • Capacity;
  • Mix for putty;
  • Sandpaper.

Important! Before you begin, assess the condition of the walls. If they are raw, dirty, moldy, then you can’t work in such conditions. Before proceeding with gluing, it is necessary to dry them, get rid of unpleasant odors. Mold is removed using special means, and its source is removed.

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Choose glue

A very important part of the work is the choice of glue, because it depends on it how firmly and for a long time they will hold. The best option would be to buy glue for heavy wallpapers. Among them:

  • “Bustilate”;
  • "Moment";
  • “Methylan”.

Important! Do not forget that for each type of coating there are specialized adhesives. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

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Choose a wallpaper

Often there is an opinion that you can choose any coating you like and glue it. But everything is much more complicated. If you have to glue wallpaper on the paint, then you need to adhere to some rules. For example, light and thin materials are not suitable for this type of work, especially if the surface is dark in shades. If you want to glue just such, then the wall before this must be carefully prepared. To do this, you will need special facing paper.With it, you will remove all irregularities and roughness, as well as hide the color of the surface so that they do not shine through.

Important! If you cover the walls with facing paper, it is very important that the seams of the wallpaper and paper do not match. It is recommended to glue them from the middle of the paper.

Also do not forget to calculate the material consumption. If there are patterns on it that need to be selected, stock up on an additional roll.

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Preparing the wall for gluing

We found out that it is possible to glue wallpaper on the paint, but before that you need to properly prepare the surface, depending on what was on it before the repair. Let's consider each option in more detail.

Oil paint

Such paint has its own specific features, namely it has a very smooth surface, which does not give the material sufficient adhesion to the wall. In order to stick wallpaper on oil paint, the wall must be prepared in one of the following ways:

  1. In order for the surface to become suitable for gluing, the walls must be treated with large emery, later apply a mixture of glue and primer with a ratio of 1 to 1 on it.
  2. The second method is less costly and less reliable, but also has a right to exist. Namely, in order to be able to glue the wallpaper on the paint, use a spatula to remove the coating layer from the surface with horizontal stripes. Each strip should be approximately 5 centimeters wide and spaced every 20 centimeters. Next, with the help of putty, we level the wall and proceed to gluing.

Important! Sticking this type of finish on oil paint is practically no different from sticking to a regular wall, except for the adhesive composition. For its preparation, wallpaper glue needs to be taken 2 times more than PVA glue.


Water-based paint

We have already decided whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on acrylic paint. Let's talk about how to prepare the surface for gluing. For this:

  1. Prepare a mixture with the following composition: solvent plus primer in a ratio of 1 to 1.
  2. Apply this mixture to the wall. The solvent will corrode the top layer of the emulsion, and the soil will be absorbed into the wall.
  3. After the wall dries, apply the primer again to create a rough surface, which will provide a sufficiently strong adhesion to the wall.
  4. After the walls dry, proceed to sticking.
  5. Use an adhesive composition of PVA and wallpaper glue in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on paint without preparing the surface?

If repairs need to be done faster and there is no time to process the walls, there is another way. In order to determine the strength of the walls, you need to take a strip of construction tape. Glue it to the wall and tear it off sharply. If there are no traces of the surface on it, then the wall has passed the test, and you can glue wallpaper on the paint. Otherwise, the coating will need to be cleaned off.

Important! In order to roughen the surface, sand it with sandpaper.

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Wallpapering on whitewash and enamel

In addition to paints and varnishes, the wall can also be enameled or whitewashed. Let's talk about what to do with the wall in such cases.


If the walls were whitewashed, then you have to work hard, because the whitewashing from them will need to be completely removed. For this:

  1. Prepare a mild soapy solution.
  2. Put it on the wall and let it soak a little.
  3. Remove the whitewash with a spatula.
  4. Rinse off the residue with a sponge.
  5. Check if everything was removed. To do this, swipe the wall with your palm. If at least a drop of chalk remains on the hand, then the wall needs to be washed again.

The second way to prepare whitewashed walls is also difficult. For this:

  1. Surface is treated twice with a deep penetrating primer.
  2. Then prepare the glue diluted with water in a ratio of 4 to 1.

Next, after each of the two options, you need to wait until the wall dries, and you can proceed to sticking.


Concrete walls

Many developers and just people living in apartments often assume that a concrete wall does not require preparation before gluing. In fact, this is far from the case.

Important! Only in rare cases is it possible to do this manipulation with low humidity and the absence of drafts. At the same time, do not forget that not all types of wallpaper can be glued directly to concrete. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

In order to completely protect yourself from unsuccessful repairs, it is better to process concrete walls in this way:

  1. Level the wall with a brick - this will smooth out the main irregularities.
  2. Strip it with sandpaper.
  3. Remove dust and dirt.
  4. Plaster the wall and soil it.

Important! Choose a soil with a high moisture resistance class to protect the wall from moisture and fungus.

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General recommendations

When sticking wallpaper on any surface, the following recommendations should be considered:

  1. It is customary to start sticking from the window.
  2. This type of finishing work is best done together.
  3. After calculating how many strips you need on the wall, cut the required amount.
  4. Glue over and under the windows in the room is necessary only when all the whole stripes are glued.
  5. Switches and sockets should be cut immediately after gluing the strip.
  6. Do not use hot glue - it has a liquid consistency, goes beyond the edges and stains the front side of the wallpaper.
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Now that you know whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on the paint, you can safely proceed to work. Use our recommendations, and the rooms in your house will get the look you need, for a long time delighting you with their magnificence.

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