DIY clothes for Tilda dolls - patterns

Today, Tilda's fancy rag dolls are gaining more and more popularity. Once in this wonderful world, you stay in it forever, because it is love at first sight. Tilda is the cutest and kindest creature, which any needlewoman can create. In addition, on the Internet today you can find a lot of patterns of various types of dolls, the most difficult thing is to choose from a huge variety that one, only your Tilda. And come up with her exclusive outfit. To facilitate your task, we have collected in this article the most popular and original ideas on how to sew clothes for Tilda dolls with your own hands, patterns for each model will help to quickly understand the whole process.
to contents ↑Tildomania
You look at this beauty and believe that they have long been living their own lives. But, in fact, the artist and designer from Norway Tony Finnanger created this world a little more than 20 years ago:
- At the turn of the century, the world saw the first such doll - with long legs, with dotted eyes and rosy cheeks.
- Realistic accessories and beautiful, often lace clothes give a special charm to these creations.
- Toys are sewn exclusively from natural materials - cotton, calico, linen, decorated with buttons, ribbons, threads.
- As a padding, a synthetic winterizer or a special filler - holofiber is used.
Usually needlewomen learn the art of creating dolls in parallel with the manufacture of angels, hares, cubs and giraffes. And one of the main questions that arises in the process of work is how to make a pattern of clothes for a tilda doll:
- Traditionally, the doll is made of two-color fabric, and already at the final stage they are dressed in underwear - a skimmer. Therefore, making clothes is very simple - just sew in a skirt or attach lace to the underbody! In the same way, sleeves and shoes of dolls are sewn.
- In order to make a blouse for a traditional tilde, it is enough to sew a pretty rose from a ruffle to the body, and tie the doll’s arms with pieces of ribbons that will play the role of cuffs.
When deciding how to sew clothes for tildes, make patterns, it is worth knowing a few simple answers from the practice of experienced craftswomen:
- How to sew a Tilde dress? To create it, it is enough to circle the outline of the doll, not forgetting to add about a centimeter to the allowances for seams.
- How to sew clothes for Tilda-hare? Usually eared dress in pajamas or overalls. A great option would be a shirt and pants. Patterns for this kind of doll are also made easy. Circle the outline of the doll, determining the required length. Remember to add seam allowances.
- How to sew a dress tilde doll of complex style? There is an answer to this question too. Wrap the body of your doll with a regular paper towel, secure it with pins and draw the outline of the desired dress. Removing the napkin, you can easily simulate the clothes you need, based on the size of your creation.
to contents ↑Important! In order to make shoes for the doll, you will also not need much effort. Heeled shoes or shoes can be made from cork, cardboard, or even wood. But first, train on flat shoes.
Many novice craftswomen ask not only how to sew clothes for tildes, but also what materials are best to choose for this.The following types of fabric are recommended for the body of your future doll:
- Cotton is the most versatile material. The advantages include high strength, softness, resilience, and compliance with color. But he also has cons - this fabric has a tendency to shrink and turns yellow in the light.
- Linen, like cotton, is a fairly durable material and is resistant to the test of time, in particular, to light and decay. Linen fabrics have sufficient rigidity and have a slight shrinkage. The disadvantages of this material include its high cost.
- Cotton knitwear has high elasticity and resistance to wear. But completely unsuitable for the manufacture of Tilda. Knitwear has the ability to stretch, in the end - after the stage of stuffing, you can get a more voluminous product than planned.
- Calico can also be attributed to the ideal option. Cotton dense fabric, lightweight and hygienic, relatively inexpensive. Its minus is transparency.
- Fleece, which is a synthetic material, is very light in weight and does not require special care. It is not subject to biological destruction and does not cause allergies. Another plus is its relatively inexpensive cost.
to contents ↑Important! DIY clothes for Tilda dolls can be made absolutely from any fabrics that fall under your arm. Knitwear, jeans, gabardine, jacquard - here the choice entirely depends on your imagination. There is only one exception: the size of the pattern on the fabric should be small, otherwise - your doll will look ridiculous in an outfit with large elements.
Dress for Tilda
When the question of how to make a pattern of clothes for the Tilda doll is resolved, you can safely get to work. To do this, you will need:
- fabric for the base of the dress;
- lace, braid and other decorative elements;
- mesh, tulle or organza (if you decide to make a magnificent petticoat);
- thread, needle, scissors.
Further instructions on how to sew a dress for Tilde doll contain the following steps:
- We cut out the details of the dress from the main fabric and from the lining.
- Using pins, we chip these parts together, and then we sew the future dress. First, lay the shoulder seam.
- The front and back parts are cleaved together along the armhole line. After they are fixed, we sew them on a typewriter. In the same way we process a fastener on a back.
Important! It is better to cut off the excess part that was left on the stock so that there are no unnecessary seals. It is also worth trimming the excess diagonally at the corners of the parts.
- On the neck of the allowance we make several cuts in a circle, not reaching the seam line. Thus, you can achieve the perfect line at the final stage, without creases and clamps.
- Now we turn out the upper part of the dress.
Important! Check that all corners are carefully straightened.
- The aisle and the place of the future armholes are sewed on a typewriter. Then we work on the wrong side of the dress. We sew the sides of the dress and do not forget to cut off the excess fabric left for allowances.
- Now let's get to the bottom of the dress. For her we need a rectangle from the main fabric. You determine the width and length based on the size of your tilde. The longer the strip, the richer the frill. We cut out the bottom of the dress - the skirt.
- On the workpiece, we immediately make hem processing. Bend 0.5 cm inside and sew on a typewriter.
- We also sew a line from above, but without bending the fabric. Due to this machine line, we do the assembly on the skirt, gently pulling at one end of the thread.
Important! If you want, you can sew a petticoat of tulle or organza.
- Now it remains only to assemble the parts of the dress in one whole, attach the bodice to the skirt.
- A strip of lace can be sewn to the bottom of the dress from the inside, slightly longer than the main fabric, also having preassembled it. Or decorate the hem with a beautiful braid.
By the same principle, you can solve the question of how to sew a dress for a Tilde doll of any style:
- Half-fitted with frill over the hips.
- With a detachable skirt at the waist.
Cut out a long strip from the fabric, use the stitch to make an assembly on it and sew an additional frill from the main fabric to the skirt, which will make the clothes even more magnificent and elegant.
to contents ↑Important! In the same way you can make the sleeves of the dress. But here you need to take into account one caveat. The handles are first put on clothes, that is, sleeves are created on them, and only then you sew these details to the body.
Tilda Knickers
In search of answers to the question of how to sew clothes for Tilda, you have probably already looked at hundreds of sites and photos of these gentle creations. And they noticed that many dolls under the skirt must have trousers. They are decorated with lace or braid, which gives the doll a special sophistication and charm. Therefore, let's examine the issue of creating this detail of clothing:
- First of all, measure the volume of the thighs of the body, the height of the seat and the desired length of the pants.
- Then draw a pattern on paper. You can also draw the details directly onto the fabric, using a remnant or chalk. Remember to add seam allowances. The pattern should consist of two parts - the right and left parts. Side seams are missing.
- First, connect the parts to each other along the seam of the seat, and then stitch the inner seams - the workpiece for trousers is ready.
- Put it on your baby doll. And make oncoming folds at the bottom of the trousers, on the side of the leg, so that the pants fit snugly on the silhouette, but at the same time create a beautiful volume.
- You can also make a beautiful assembly by making the seam with small stitches and tightening the thread.
- Now fit your trousers at the top. Along the waistline, lay beautiful, soft folds on the sides.
- Now gently sew the trousers to the body from above, the edge of the fabric can not be bent, since this part will be closed with a skirt or dress.
- Finishing the bottom of the pantalon - on the contrary, pay special attention. This part will be visible from under the skirt, so it should be decorated with lace or braid.
Clothes for Tilda-hare
Another popular question that excites needlewomen: how to sew clothes for Tilda-hare? As we already said, this type of doll is most often dressed in pajamas or a suit consisting of trousers and a shirt.
Pants are made in the same way as the trousers. At the bottom, initially, when drawing a pattern, it is worth slightly narrowing each leg and bending it inside. Or you can make outward turns, then when drawing patterns for this you need to lay the required amount of fabric.
Here it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on how to sew clothes for Tilda's shirt patterns. This piece of clothing should fit snugly to the body, so it’s worth taking the pattern of the doll itself and using it for a shirt, adding 1 cm on each side for allowances for seams. So you can achieve the exact size. Next we perform the following actions:
- From the fabric that is prepared for clothing, cut the shelf and back - the main details of the future shirt.
- Next, lay only one side seam and process the bottom of the shirt, simply bending the edge of the fabric so that it does not crumble.
- Next, proceed to such a detail as a collar. Using the body, determine the width and length of the part, draw it on the fabric.
- Do not forget to prepare the part for the bar. Its size depends on the size of your doll.
- Iron the bar so that the edges of the fabric remain inside, on the wrong side. Now we sew it in place - in the middle of the shelf. Do not forget to bend the top of the part so that the shirt looks neat when finished.
- Now try on the detail of the future collar, if necessary - cut off the excess and draw up the final version.
- After - attach the collar to the blank or sew it manually with neat, small stitches.
- Then turn the collar and iron it again, giving the final look.
- Now sew the shirt, but leave a small gap so that you can put it on the Tilda-bunny.
- Put the shirt on the doll and sew the shirt to the end along the bar using a blind stitch
- Now repeat everything that was done at the beginning - only with hands. Take the details, wrap in fabric, taking into account the indent by half a centimeter.
- Sew the sleeves with a hidden seam on the parts of the body, not forgetting to bend from the bottom.
- Now sew the handles, already with the sleeves, to the hare body.
Tilda Shoes
The story of how to make a pattern of clothes for the Tilda doll would be incomplete without such a detail as shoes. The following materials are suitable for her:
- For the front side of the product, it is better to choose artificial suede. It is better to duplicate this material with non-woven material so that it does not crumble at the edges.
- For the wrong side, take hard faux leather to keep the boots in shape.
- For the sole, it is also worth choosing artificial leather. If it does not seem rigid enough to you, then duplicate it - either with a non-woven fabric, or with another layer of material.
The pattern for shoes is quite simple:
- You need to trace the outline of the foot of your doll.
- The upper part of the boot will be curved and somewhat reminiscent of a horseshoe. You do its length and width “by eye”, relying on the length of the foot.
Important! The most remarkable thing in such a pattern is its arbitrariness. The sock can be either rounded or pointed. The cutout can be either large or close to the leg. The main thing is that as a result, the structure is firmly and confidently supported on the doll's leg.
Further, the process is not difficult:
- Duplicate those parts that you consider necessary.
- Attach the upper part of the boot so that its middle and the center of the sole coincide.
- From this point, you begin to gently connect the parts with a seaming seam. The stitches should be small, insert the needle at a distance of 0.3-0.5 mm from the edge.
- Once you have reached the heel, leave the free end of the thread. Do not fix it, return to the center again.
- Sew the second side of the shoe with the same overcast seam.
Now you just have to connect both parts, moving from the sole up. You can choose any seam that you like. If all measurements were made correctly, then the boots should ideally fit the leg of your Tilda.
to contents ↑Stock footage
As you have already seen, clothing for such creatures is very diverse. And the answer to the question of how to make a pattern of clothes for the Tilda doll is quite simple. Using basic knowledge, you can come up with a variety of images for your work, using all kinds of fabrics and decorative elements. It is worth noting that the creation of such dolls is a painstaking process and requires a certain amount of time, but if desired, everything can be mastered. In addition, the result, if you want, will please not only you, but also your loved ones. You just have to decide!
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