DIY glass cleaner

At least once a year, you need to wash the windows. For their high-quality cleaning, special detergents are needed, which sometimes are very expensive. Therefore, many housewives have a question: how to save money? There is only one answer - do it yourself for glasses. You can make such an effective solution quickly, and most importantly - with the use of products and liquids that can be found in any home. Do not think that the purchased household chemicals will better cope with dirt on the glasses, a homemade detergent gives an equally good result. The most important thing is to keep the proportions accurate. It is in our article that you will learn how to make a liquid for washing glasses with your own hands.

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The benefits of homemade solutions

In order to verify the veracity of our words, let's look at the main advantages of detergents with our own hands:

  • Saving. By making a glass cleaner with your own hands, you will save money on the purchase of expensive household chemicals. At the same time, it is not a fact that the purchased product will cope well with the task.
  • Security. Homemade cleaning solutions are absolutely safe for both adults and children. They include only natural products that are not harmful to human health. So, you can make a detergent composition that is right for you, which does not have pungent odors and does not cause irritation on the skin.
  • Convenience. Sometimes it happens that during the general cleaning the necessary solution unexpectedly ends. So, if you make a glass cleaner with your own hands, you will forget about this problem forever.

Important! Today, of course, it’s easier to purchase any means to clean up your apartment. But can you be sure of their quality and safety for households? Maybe you should deal with the issue of "chemistry" on your own? Have you thought about it? - Then be sure to check out the selection of materials from the DIY section:

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Do-it-yourself ways to make a washing liquid

So, we have come to the most important thing - how to make such a wonderful solution at home. Let's get started with the main options:

Vinegar and Starch

The composition of this solution includes two completely available ingredients, which are found in every kitchen. They make it very quick and easy:

  1. We fall asleep in a prepared container of 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch, which will be the base substance for our mixture.
  2. Here we pour two glasses of water at room temperature, then shake everything thoroughly.
  3. After that, add 50 grams of vinegar and 50 grams of alcohol (technical or medical) to the resulting mixture.
  4. Last time we mix and shake our homemade liquid.

That's all the work! The glass washing solution is ready to do its job.

Important! After finishing work, you can proceed to the direct washing of windows. The liquid is applied to the windows with a spray, wiped first with a damp, and then with a wet, dry cloth. All contaminants are removed, stains do not remain, and all this thanks to a wonderful substance - starch, which absorbs all the water from the surface of the glass.


Vinegar and water

Let's look at making the simplest window washing solution, where the main ingredient is vinegar and the auxiliary is water:

  1. We take a glass of cold water and pour it into a regular spray bottle.
  2. Add here 1 tbsp. tablespoon of vinegar.
  3. Shake the resulting solution.
  4. Spray it on dirty glass.

Important! Many will find this method less effective, but we assure you that this is not entirely true. Vinegar is a very strong antiseptic that will perfectly cope not only with dust, but also give additional shine to any surface. Speaking of dust control, and not just on glass surfaces, be sure to check out our instructions:

Water and lemon

In the process of making baking, many housewives replace vinegar with lemon juice or acetic acid, and they do it right. Let's look at the easiest way to make glass cleaning fluid:

  1. Pour one glass of water into the container.
  2. Add 50 grams of citric acid to the water (1 to 5 ratio).

Important! If the windows are not very dirty, then you can reduce the concentration of citric acid, which, by the way, can be replaced with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice.

This solution will be pleasant to smell, which will refresh the room and add vivacity for the whole day. In a word - a wonderful tool!

There is a second option for the preparation of a cleaning fluid based on citric acid, which is done according to this recipe:

  1. We pick up a half-liter jar, fill it up to half with the crushed peel of fresh lemons.
  2. Pour table vinegar into the same jar, filling it to the top.
  3. Close the container tightly and leave it in a dark place for several weeks. This is necessary for the interaction of two substances - lemon and vinegar.
  4. After the allotted time, open our jar, filter the resulting solution through gauze. We have obtained an effective concentrate on natural components.
  5. We add a little of our magic liquid to the water with which we plan to wash the glass.

You will be pleased with the result of the work of such a tool, as the surface will not only be cleaned, but also perfectly disinfected.

Important! Not all homemade detergent compositions are so harmless. So, for example, solutions based ammonia made from harmful chemicals, where the main component is ammonia. But such substances remove the most persistent pollution and even technical deposits.


Ammonia and water

We want to warn you that you should be extremely careful when working with ammonia, as it consists of 10% ammonia - a volatile liquid with a very pungent and unpleasant odor. Let's get acquainted with a simple recipe for liquid for washing glasses based on ammonia:

  1. Pour 1 liter of warm water into the jar.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia.
  3. We put on protective gloves in our hands, using the resulting solution, use a rag with microfiber.
  4. We wipe the entire surface of the glass with a newspaper or paper.
  5. We admire our clean and transparent windows.

Let us explain the principle of wiping glasses with crumpled newspaper sheets. The fact is that the composition of the printing dye includes carbon, which gives our glasses such an incredible shine when polished with newspapers.

Important! If you need to wash very dirty glasses, then make a solution according to this recipe: 1 glass of water, 1 tbsp. spoon of any ammonia and 1 tbsp. a spoon of vinegar. You will receive a very powerful detergent for washing glass with ammonia.

Vinegar and soap

If you want to wash your windows with a lot of foam, then this method will be very welcome. The manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Pour 1 glass of water into the container.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar.
  3. Pour half a teaspoon of any liquid soap.
  4. Shake the resulting liquid well.

Now you can start washing the windows!

Important! If you need to take more of such a washing solution, then do more, observing the above proportions.

Vinegar and soda

Such a detergent composition with soda will remove not only dust, but also difficult to remove impurities from the glass, for example, a marker and pen. Here is his recipe:

  1. Pour 2 liters of water into the container.
  2. Add 100 ml of vinegar.
  3. Pour 50 grams of soda into the liquid.
  4. Mix the cooked composition.
  5. We use as intended.

Important! Soda can be replaced with a fine salt, which will cope with such pollution no worse.


Vinegar and black tea

You probably did not expect to see such a combination in the list of homemade window cleaning detergents. Such a composition will cope well with small contaminants. Let's look at a fairly simple recipe for its preparation:

  1. Take one cup of brewed tea and 3 tablespoons of table vinegar.
  2. Mix the liquid until a uniform color is obtained.
  3. Wash the windows with the resulting solution.
  4. We wash the glass with clean water, and then wipe it dry.

Glycerin and ammonia

Glycerin copes with polishing windows. It is a kind of barrier that protects the surface from rapid contamination. To make such a polish based on glycerin is very easy and simple:

  1. Mix 30 ml of water and 70 ml of glycerin.
  2. Add a few drops of ammonia to the liquid.
  3. Shake everything well.

The composition for cleaning windows is ready!

Important! Such a tool is very effective, because thanks to glycerin you will not leave stains on the glass and protect the surface from dirt and fogging. And thanks to ammonia, you can not only clean the windows with high quality, but also get rid of other economic problems. Check out our archive:

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Tips & Warnings

If you still decide to make a glass cleaner with your own hands, we recommend that you listen to our useful tips that will help you do this job quickly, and most importantly - efficiently:

  • Daily dust from the glass can be cleaned with damp crumpled newspapers. To do this, lightly sprinkle the newspaper with water and wipe the glass in circular motions until they dry. So you remove the dirt and do not leave stains.
  • Do not wash windows in rainy or too sunny weather. In the rain, all work will be ineffective, and in direct sunlight, the glass detergent will quickly dry, leaving behind the same dirt and stains.
  • Everyone knows that the outside of the window is dirtier than the inside. That is why it is advisable to carry out a small preparatory procedure before their main cleaning: wash the glass with soapy water to remove a large layer of dirt.
  • If you want your windows to be clean for a long time, then periodically wipe their surface with slightly salted water.
  • After basic cleaning, you can add extra shine to ordinary sunflower oil. To do this, apply a few drops of oil on a napkin and spread in a circular motion on the surface of the glass.
  • By adding a little essential oil to the finished composition, you can wash the windows with a pleasant smell that will refresh the room for a long time.

Important! Do not forget that the success of your undertaking depends on all the materials used. In the case of washing windows, the quality of cleaning depends not only on detergent, but also on special devices. One of the most popular today is specialwindow cleaner with telescopic handle.

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We have listed the most basic ways to clean glass with your own hands. Such recipes can be used not only for cleaning windows, but also successfully used for working with tiles, plastic and iron. Some safe detergents with their own hands wash dishes well. In any case, now you know exactly how to make a glass cleaner at home!


