DIY curtains with patterns for beginners

Curtains can transform any apartment or house. The room becomes more comfortable and comfortable, and the interior of the room takes on a finished look. Agree, when you enter any room in the apartment, the look, first of all, falls on the windows. And without curtains, any room seems empty. For the owners, this is not only a way to add a twist to their interior, but also to hide from prying eyes or sunlight. Today, shops and ateliers offer a wide selection of curtains. Even the most fastidious hostess can choose curtains to their taste and color. But it’s much more interesting to create this beauty with your own hands. If they are sewn in factory conditions, it will turn out at home. In this review, we will give detailed instructions on how to create step-by-step curtains with your own hands with patterns for beginners.
to contents ↑Effective decor element
Lambrequin, who came to us from the French language, is nothing more than a decorative transverse strip, which can be used to decorate window, doorways and arches in the premises. Shod, metal and carved wooden platbands on windows and roofs of buildings are also lambrequins. But to decorate city apartments more often, of course, a textile element is used. Do-it-yourself curtains with lambrequins today have two main functions:
- This in the Middle Ages, their main vocation was to close the heavy structures to which the curtains were attached. Today it is the maintenance and addition of a certain style that gives the room a special tone.
- Visually lambrequin allows you to raise the ceiling. Designers recommend experimenting with these elements for decoration only if the ceiling is higher than 275 cm and if the room is not too small. Otherwise, the design will look heavy and bulky.
to contents ↑Important! The best option for using a curtain with lambrequins with your own hands is to hang it so that the height in the middle coincides with the top line of the window opening, and the edges are raised, as if the window was "smiling."
Types of Lambrequins
DIY curtains with lambrequins add elegance to any interior, turning ordinary boring curtains into a chic window frame. The main thing here is to correctly select the type of element:
- The classic lambrequin is a narrow strip of fabric, gathered in folds using tape. They can be wavy, arched or generally straight. Such a lambrequin is suitable in the case when errors were made during the repair. The classic will perfectly hide defects and give the design a neat and beautiful look.
- Hard pelmet, as the name implies, holds its shape well. This is achieved through the use of a special dense fabric. Curtains with lambrequins with their own hands of this kind look voluminous and majestic.
- DIY curtains with lambrequins can include various elements. Ties, peroxides and even jabots. This is a real flight for imagination and a great opportunity for self-expression. With this design, the room becomes more interesting and even extravagant.
Important! Sewing curtains with lambrequins in this version is not so simple, therefore, it is better to start sewing experiments with something easier to perform.
- Beginners should not take up a more complex type of lambrequin - combined, because all of the above options can be combined here. For example, when through the holes in a hard lambrequin stretch strips of fabric, gathered in folds on the curtains.
Also, some designers and ateliers take as a basis another division of curtains with lambrequins with their own hands:
- simple rectangular;
- assembled from rectangular parts;
- assembled from semicircles;
- fancy with various elements in the form of festoons, prongs and ties.
When deciding which type of element you like best, it is worth considering that you specify the appearance of the entire room to them. This should be the defining moment before sewing beautiful curtains with lambrequins with your own hands.
to contents ↑Important! The modern design of the curtains is so diverse that it is quite possible to choose more original and at the same time simple ideas if you wish. Or vice versa - to complicate your task even more in order to get a truly luxurious option. If you are still not completely sure that curtains with lambrequins are right for you and are considering other options, maybe for another room, then we suggest you also look at our following publications:
General plan of work
A pattern of curtains with lambrequins with your own hands can be taken from the Internet or made in the course of independent work. In any case, there are general rules that will come in handy in the process of creating a spectacular window frame:
- In order to cut and sew the curtains, you need a flat surface of a rather large area. A table, not even a book, is not suitable here. This is best done on the floor, removing all the carpets in advance.
- Before cutting fabric, carry out calculations of your lambrequin. The general recommendations are as follows: ⅙ of the total distance from the floor to the ceiling is considered to be the ideal width.
- If you decide to sew curtains with lambrequins with your own hands with frequently repeated details, then prepare a cardboard template for them so that you do not have to redraw the element every time.
- Before sewing curtains with lambrequins, measure the distance from the cornice to the floor and the length of the cornice. After that, calculate the consumption of fabric for the overall design of the window. Do not forget to take into account the number and depth of folds, add to the obtained values allowances for seams.
Important! Beginners are advised to start with simple elements or, previously, make samples on simple and cheap fabric.
Further, the work is carried out in stages:
- Do-it-yourself details of a paper pattern of curtains with lambrequins on a fabric. At this stage, it is worth doing all the work very carefully.
Important! Fabrics like organza, tulle and polyester - very thin, wrinkled even with a light touch of a pencil or chalk. It is better to pin paper parts with pins. It is also worth considering that some of the fabrics are better not to be cut with scissors, but torn in the directions of the lobar and transverse threads.
- Before stitching curtains with lambrequins, process the fabric. Here you can either traditionally bend the edge with a double fold, or sew on an inlay or fringe.
- Do not try to scribble any folds or draperies immediately. Previously, you need to either sweep them off manually, or pin them with pins, then make sure that the result obtained suits you.
- The next step will be fixing the folds with a machine line. If your lambrequin consists of several elements, then collect each separately, only then combine them into a common composition.
- The total length of the lambrequin is calculated quite simply. Plus 5-7 cm to the length of the cornice - you will need so much in order to install the mounting bracket.
- Sew parts of the future curtain preferably with one line. After laying the seam, iron the product.
Now it remains to sew the drapery ribbon and decorative element to the future curtain. After the upper edge of the plank is folded and wrapped in a ribbon, sewing curtains with lambrequins with your own hands can be considered finished.
to contents ↑Simple lambrequin
Now, we will analyze in more detail the options for how to sew curtains with lambrequins with your own hands without a pattern. The pattern for a simple element is not needed even for a beginner:
- At the heart of such a pattern of curtains with lambrequins with their own hands is a simple rectangle.
- One side of the figure equals ⅙ from the distance from the floor to the ceiling. The second side is the length of your cornice.
- If you plan to create a drapery on the lambrequin, then the length of the rectangle is multiplied by 1.5. If the best option for uniform folds. If you want a more magnificent form, then you can double the length by half.
- The soft fabric lambrequin should be processed along all edges, give the final shape and sew on the fastenings of the element for connecting to the cornice.
- Rigid decor assumes the same shape, but all the details of the fabric must be strengthened with non-woven fabric, which will give the necessary density.
Semicircle Lambrequin
The pattern of curtains with lambrequins with their own hands, which are formed in the form of semicircles, looks difficult, and even elaborate. But do not be alarmed, its creation does not require much effort:
- The details of this design are nothing but trapezoid.
- The height of the pattern is the height of the lambrequin in the finished form, multiplied by 1.5
- To get the width, add up the side and the length of the top.
- Finish the cut part first at the edges. Effectively in this case, the fringe will look at the bottom edge.
- In order to make drapery, it is not necessary to simulate fabric. It is enough to sew the curtain tape on the sides of the part and tighten the ties. Thus, easily and simply you will get a beautiful semicircle shape.
to contents ↑Important! Instead of a curtain tape, you can use the following method. Take a long strip of fabric, gather with it the edges of the part so that the middle sags. So you get beautiful folds, the final shape of which can be given immediately after attaching to the cornice.
Fantasy lambrequin
Such curtains with lambrequins with their own hands look very elegant. And at first it also seems that creating them is difficult, almost impossible. But the main thing here is to give the elements a form and the necessary rigidity:
- To get started, prepare paper patterns of additional elements of the lambrequin. Will it be scallops or prongs - it depends on your idea.
- When drawing up the drawing, note that the length of the decorative elements must be reduced by the length of the lambrequin itself so as not to overload the structure.
- Each element of scallops or cogs consists of two parts - external and internal. The inner is additionally reinforced with non-woven to preserve the silhouette of the element.
- Festoons and teeth are sewn from the inside, then the part is turned out and ironed. You can additionally stitch the part along the contour, departing from the edge of 2-3 millimeters.
to contents ↑Important! If you are wondering how to sew beautiful curtains with lambrequins with your own hands, a fantasy option is for you, because decorative elements can be not only in the form of scallops or prongs. You can carve a lambrequin in the form of animals, plants, fish and any intricate figures.
Suitable materials
The main secret of beautiful curtains with lambrequins with your own hands is a good and high-quality material. If any thick fabric is suitable for the curtain, then for additional elements you need to choose a canvas that drapes well:
- The most practical and easy-to-care material is polyester. This synthetic fabric contains cotton, but a small amount, so the material is well washed, dries quickly, does not shrink, and even after frequent washes retains the brightness of colors.In addition, lightweight, almost weightless polyester takes on any shape that you give it.
- Taffeta and viscose are in second place in popularity after polyester, because they have the same qualities. Easy to clean and wash, dry quickly. They do not let light in, look great with other materials and drape without much effort.
- When choosing cotton for curtains with lambrequins with your own hands, keep in mind that this is a very moody material. Over time, it loses color brightness. This can be due to frequent washes and constant exposure to sunlight. Therefore, it is best used for darkened rooms.
Important! Cotton fabrics are well draped if they have a low density.
- Silk, beautiful, soft, pleasant to the touch and at the sight, would seem to be an ideal option for curtains with do-it-yourself lambrequins. But he, like cotton, is defenseless against direct rays of sunlight. Designers recommend duplicating this material with non-woven fabric, so it will be better to keep any given shape.
- If you decide to create curtains with lambrequins with your own hands, which will differ in a variety of draperies and are complemented by elements, then look at a fabric such as organza. Lightweight and airy, easy-care fabric comes in a variety of colors. You can even pick up a material with a metallic or golden sheen. For a fantasy version of a lambrequin, you can’t better imagine.
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We hope we answered your question whether it is difficult to sew curtains with lambrequins with your own hands, whether patterns are needed. Yes and no. Sewing rectangular curtains or curtains is a straightforward task. The most important thing here is to correctly measure the height from the cornice to the floor and determine the width of future products. Sewing lambrequins, as it turned out, is not so difficult. We determine the type, select the appropriate material and turn on the fantasy 100 percent.
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