How many approaches to do on the press?

Everyone will probably dream of a beautiful, relief press. And to achieve it is not such a difficult task, the main thing is to set a goal. But before embarking on its implementation, it is worth learning some things that will help you get a beautiful flat tummy in the shortest time. In our article we will talk about how many approaches to do on the press to get the desired result as quickly as possible.
to contents ↑Bit of theory
As practice shows, many people who want to tighten their abdominal muscles overestimate the exercises and their importance. If you swing quite often, but the relief has not appeared, then there may be several reasons that prevent you from getting the desired result.
It is worthwhile to understand that if you want to pump up a sculpted, beautiful belly, physical effort will not be enough. An important role in achieving this goal is played by the amount of subcutaneous fat that is located between the skin and muscles. If a person has an excess of fat cells under the skin, then the abdominal muscles under them simply will not be visible. Even if you do twenty repetitions, the result will still not be, at least visual.
Important! To begin with, a person who is overweight needs to lose weight, and only after that start working on the relief and gain in muscle mass.
Training in the gym or at home, only accelerate the body's metabolic processes, thereby speeding up the process of splitting fat cells. But the main factor that directly affects weight loss is the correct diet. It includes the use of healthy food in a certain period of time and in certain quantities.
In general, to quickly pump up the press, it will not be enough just to do a certain number of approaches. To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to apply several methods in an integrated mode:
- Aerobic exercise.
- Proper and balanced nutrition.
- Strength exercises.
- Sports nutrition.
If you have no problems with being overweight, you are eating right, and you just need to find out how many approaches to do on the press, we will go directly to the topic of our article.
to contents ↑How many press approaches do you need?
Most people are sure that the more repetitions to perform, the faster you can achieve a result. But in fact, this is a big misconception:
- The abdominal muscles consist of the same striated muscles as the buttocks, biceps, and triceps. That is, for them it is enough to do 3, maximum 4 approaches. The same can be said of the abdominal muscles.
- If you recently started training or even have some experience in the gym, one approach will not be enough. The fact is that in one repeat you can not work out this muscle efficiently. The first set is done to warm up. To fully work out and use the press, you should perform 2-3 approaches.
- Of course, there are exceptions and they concern beginners who have never before trained not only the press, but also other muscle groups (or trained, but too long). For such beginners, in the first week of training, it is enough to do one approach to the press (apply about 2-3 exercises).
to contents ↑Important! Thus, if a person has never been engaged, first you need to prepare the muscles for the upcoming loads.This should be done gradually and not in a hurry to give the body and muscles the ability to adapt to regular loads. Only after 1-2 weeks can you slowly proceed to the implementation of 2-3 approaches to the press.
What is the most optimal number of approaches?
In principle, for both beginners and more experienced athletes, the ideal number of repetitions is in the range of 3-4 sets in one exercise. All this is only provided that the athlete eats properly, does not have excess weight, trains according to a correctly drawn up plan, devoting sufficient time to recovery.
to contents ↑Important! If the athlete has a sufficiently large training experience, the number of approaches can be increased from 4-7 in each exercise. But sometimes there is absolutely no need for this.
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A beautiful embossed press is everyone's dream. And to get the expected result, you need to make some efforts. We hope, thanks to the material of our article, you now know how many approaches to do on the press, and your training will be as effective as possible.