The sofa creaks - how to fix it?

Upholstered furniture is often the main component of a comfortable and beautiful interior. The composition of any sofa includes a frame structure, spring blocks, a filler, upholstery and a folding mechanism. Both metal and wood parts of the frame can cause unpleasant sounds. We learn, if the sofa creaks, how to fix the situation.

Important! Sofas are the most common upholstered furniture that sets the tone and mood of the space. Find out about all the unusual interior solutions from our selection of articles.

Upholstery Design couch.

Dbedroom bedroom with sofa.

Dliving room with corner sofa.

Dkitchen with sofa.

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Why does a creak occur?

For the manufacture of the frame use metal or wood. A sofa with a metal frame creaks for the following reasons:

  • The frame fasteners are loosened - metal bolts and nuts;
  • The connections in the folding mechanism are loosened;
  • The springs in the blocks sagged due to poor manufacturing, improper installation or insufficient gasket material.

Wooden structures make sounds due to:

  • Formation of cracks in the material;
  • Loosening joints.

Important! Far from always starting to creak items require expensive repairs with the participation of a highly qualified specialist. Find out about the causes of squeaks in your home:


Cracks appear due to:

  • the presence of knots in the wood;
  • low-quality assembly;
  • wet wood;
  • incorrect load calculation.

Important! The most common example of an ill-conceived design is the small number of jumpers in the frame. As a result, the plywood, which is located on them, begins to bend and creak.

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Getting rid of problems in a wooden frame

Before deciding what to do if the sofa creaks, it is necessary to understand in detail the causes of this phenomenon:

  • Sometimes a problem can be solved simply by replacing a cracked wooden part. Such a procedure is a rather expensive overhaul of furniture.
  • In the event that plywood bends on the seat, additional jumpers are installed in the seat frame.
  • If it is not possible to replace a part with a crack, it is repaired. To reinforce the part, plywood is reinforced at the crack site. For this, PVA glue and screws are used. If necessary, to reinforce the part with a crack, the plywood mount is attached from several sides. Plywood can be replaced with metal strips, plates, corners, solid or perforated.

Important! How to lubricate the sofa so that it does not creak? In those places where the beam and fiberboard can rub, technical wax or paraffin is applied.

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Fixing problems in a metal frame

The metal structure is stronger. If it is assembled correctly, it will work reliably and for a long time. To fix the metal rattle, you will have to make less effort, since it usually does not appear due to the fact that the parts or structures were destroyed, but because of loose connections or insufficient packing of the mechanism parts in the cushioning fabric. But it happens that the springs are deformed, cracks appear in them.In this case, you need to change the spring unit.

The sofa creaks - what to do:

  • Tighten bolts and nuts.
  • When the spring sags, lay foam between the spring cylinders and inside them. In this case, the spring block is strengthened and the creak is significantly reduced.
  • Replace spring unit if there is a cracked spring. Even if the defect appeared in one part, everything must be replaced, since they are made in the same way and have the same life. When replacing only one part, you run the risk of repeating these steps over and over. Such repairs are considered the most time-consuming and expensive.
  • Lubricate the metal folding mechanism and other metal joints.
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Repair instructions

Let's consider in more detail how to remove the creak of the sofa. First of all, you need to prepare materials, tools:

  • Pliers;
  • Screwdrivers;
  • Stapler;
  • Staple;
  • Sealant (burlap or felt, foam rubber, batting, molded polyurethane foam);
  • Upholstery
  • Plywood
  • Strips, plates, corners of metal;
  • PVA glue.

Further, it remains only to perform work in the following sequence:

  1. Remove outer fabric, lining.
  2. Inspect the springs, identify the source and cause of the creaking, for which it is necessary to press the springs in turn.
  3. With the help of pliers, you need to extend the cylinder-glasses, which are deformed.
  4. Lining foam must be placed inside and between the cylinders.
  5. Lay the cushioning material between the wooden frame and the springs.
  6. Place foam rubber and upholstery on the spring block.
  7. Fasten the fabric with a stapler.

Important! Often after repair work, furniture upholstery needs, if not replacement, then at least cleaning. See the most basic rules for cleaning furniture at home in our blogs:

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Performing restoration, repair work to eliminate squeaking can be independent, and possibly the involvement of specialists. Often after this, the furniture will last for many more years. In the event that the workmanship is poor and repair does not help, it is better to buy new, better furniture.

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