The skin dries in the winter - what to do?

Many people are faced with the problem of peeling of the skin of the face, and this can happen both in the winter season and in the summer. Dermatologists recommend that you do not ignore such symptoms of the body, as this can be a sign of serious health problems. You must understand that such a deviation as a result leads to premature aging of the skin, that is, to premature aging. Let's see why the skin dries in the winter, what to do to solve this problem?
to contents ↑Dry skin - sensations and symptoms
Generally speaking, correctly, the dermis of the face itself is prone to dryness. One of the main reasons for this is dehydration. That is, when the body does not have enough moisture or its level all the time is kept at a mark below the norm, the consequences begin in the form of redness, peeling, unpleasant tightness and general dryness of the face.
Important! Do not neglect this problem for both ladies in age and young girls. Microcracks and the most “crow's feet” can quickly appear and be clearly visible even on young skin.
What symptoms indicate that the skin on the face is dry and needs intensive hydration. Here are some of them:
- Excessive tightness.
- The tone and elasticity of the skin disappears.
- Typical phenomena are redness and peeling.
- The dermis quickly hardens, becoming rude.
- Too early expression lines began to appear, “crow's feet”, “cobwebs”, and other unpleasant flaws.
- The face has a dull color, that is, there is no living blush.
- Thin lines begin to form in the cheekbones, mouth and eyes.
Causes of dry skin
To summarize, all the reasons why the skin of the face dries can be divided into internal, that is, those that occur due to some changes in the body, and external factors that surround us. Using the correct definition of negative factors, you can eliminate existing problems in a fairly short period of time.
Why does the skin dry in winter and what to do?
- Climate. Of great importance is the environment and weather conditions. If the face too often receives direct rays of the sun or sharp temperature changes occur, for example, when a person enters a warm room from a cold, then the skin condition becomes much worse. Extremely negatively affect the condition of the skin and such reasons as dry air, wind and severe frosts.
Important! To reduce the negative impact, special cosmetic protective agents should be applied before going outside.
- Excessively dry skin can be due to improperly selected cosmetics or due to the use of already expired cosmetics. If there is such a problem, then it is necessary to review the contents of the cosmetic bag. It should be understood that a high price is not a guarantee of the absence of this problem. It is advisable to contact a cosmetologist to correctly determine the type of your skin, and then choose the right makeup.
- Skin may peel off due to overuse of makeup. In addition, many women forget to wash it off before bedtime. Always use special makeup removers, which you can buy at any cosmetic store.
Important! There are special tonics that not only cleanse the skin, but also narrow the pores, thereby preventing pollution.
- Often the problem of dryness arises from improper washing. It is important to choose the foam or gel for washing, depending on your skin type. Many people prefer to use ordinary soap, although, as a rule, it is this that causes excessive dryness. In some cases, chlorinated water affects the skin negatively, so it must be replaced with filtered water.
Important! Try not to wipe your face with a towel, but gently pat it with a napkin or paper towel.
- If there is a problem of dryness, it is worth completely eliminating the use of cosmetics, which include alcohol, since it is this component that causes itching, irritation and dryness.
- Dry face can also be a sign of an allergy to some components of cosmetics. Be sure to check to see if your makeup contains lanolinic acid or lanolin, since these ingredients are powerful allergens.
Internal factors of dryness
In some cases, when the question arises, the skin of the face dries very much - what to do, the problem lies inside the body, and it is not so simple to determine it correctly. First of all, you will have to pass tests and undergo the necessary medical examination:
- Often the cause of dryness lies in the deficiency of certain vitamins. If the reason appeared for the owner of oily skin type, then, most likely, the body lacks vitamins of groups E, A and B. It is advisable to change the diet or use the vitamin complex additionally, however, this can only be done after consultation with a doctor.
- Sometimes the cause of peeling is a lack of moisture. The daily norm of the drunk liquid makes at least 1,5 liters. The problem is also likely to occur if you consume a lot of alcohol or coffee - these very drinks help to dehydrate the body.
- In addition, problems with the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, and also dermatological diseases can lead to excessive dryness.
How to restore healthy skin?
Humidification and protection are two basic conditions that contribute to the harmonization of water, providing the desired level of moisture. Special tools that contain such substances can help in this:
- Dexpanthenol is used to moisturize severely withered middle-aged skin. Cosmetics containing this substance also contribute to the renewal of the epidermis.
- Hydrocortisone removes peeling. It is applied to problem areas for about two weeks.
Important! The content of the pharmaceutical product in cosmetics should not be higher than 0.5%.
- Hydrants not only normalize the level of moisture, but also perform a protective film-like function. These include glycerin, cosmetic waxes, mineral oils.
- Six-atom alcohol sorbitol has the property of hygroscopicity, so it greatly enhances the moisturizing effectiveness of creams.
- Linoleic acid regulates water balance and retains moisture. Collagen, lactic and hyaluronic acids have similar properties.
The use of home masks
Nature gives us a huge amount of products and herbs that allow us to provide comprehensive skin care. First of all, we are talking about the preparation of masks based on simple but effective components.
To remove the stratum corneum from the skin surface, you can prepare a soft scrub:
- Pour boiling water over the oatmeal and infuse it for 20 minutes.
- Add the protein of one egg to the pulp.
- Apply the resulting mass to the skin with gentle finger movements and massage for about a couple of minutes.
Important! For the same purpose, slices of watermelon apples, cucumbers or coffee grounds are useful.
Skin Nutrition
After a cleansing scrub, it is very useful to saturate the dermis with nutrients:
- Take 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix it with two yolks and 1 tablespoon of honey.
- Lightly heat the mixture.
- Apply to face, leave for 20 minutes.
- Rinse off with lukewarm water.
Important! An effective emollient also has a linen mask. Pour a spoonful of seed with a glass of boiling water and boil until a thick slurry is obtained. Apply a warm product for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.
Curd mask
For skin with dilated capillaries, this mask is very useful:
- Take 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil, 1 teaspoon of tea leaves, 1 tablespoon of parsley juice and 1 teaspoon of chopped zest of any citrus.
- Mix all the ingredients well.
- Apply the mask for 15 minutes with a thin even layer.
to contents ↑Important! After each procedure, you must use a moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type.
Beautician treatment
If the cause of the trouble, when the skin dries in the winter, are more serious problems (weakening of the functions of the sebaceous glands, the cells are not able to retain moisture), then you need to seek help from a specialist in the field of cosmetology.
The most effective cosmetic procedures to date are the following:
- A hot compress perfectly warms dry skin, removes peeling and dust, restoring lost elasticity and softness to it.
- Various peels contribute to cell renewal.
- Masks with collagen content tone well, and also significantly tighten the skin. A similar effect gives a qualified cosmetic massage.
- Acid mesotherapy (therapeutic injections) nourish the dermis with fatty acids useful for severe dryness.
- Biorevitalization (injection of hyaluronic acid) has a strong moisturizing property.
- Salt cleaning is also very helpful.
Vitamin Complexes
Excessive dryness and peeling can be symptoms of a lack of trace elements necessary for the skin in the body:
- Say exfoliation of the epithelium in the nose, on the forehead and in the ears indicates a deficiency of vitamin B12. To replenish its supply, you should include in your diet a small amount of liver, meat, fish caviar, kidneys, as well as dairy products.
- A lack of vitamin A can cause not only dryness, but also the appearance of various pustules, which, in turn, lead to peeling. This vitamin is found in yolks, as well as orange and red fruits and vegetables.
- Vitamins F, C and E are also very useful for maintaining water balance. They are rich in them: brown rice, seafood, brown bread, nuts.
to contents ↑Important! In winter, it is advisable to take multivitamins.
Dermatological diseases also contribute to the appearance of dry skin, therefore, for preventive purposes, it is always necessary to respond in time to the appearance of allergic reactions, ichthyosis, eczema, depriving, dermatitis. Their transition to a chronic form can lead to the fact that getting rid of permanent peeling will be almost impossible.
Important! In the summer heat and winter cold, it is very useful to use creams with a pronounced protective property.
Also, fried, sweet, fatty foods, as well as smoked meats, caffeine and soda, negatively affect the skin condition. Their use is desirable to minimize. Beauticians also include tobacco and alcohol as bad factors.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Today, many girls are wondering what to do if their skin dries. To solve this problem, you need to carefully care for the skin, eat right and try to abandon bad habits. So you can keep a beautiful and healthy look on your face for longer, but it is your “calling card”.
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