Screw or centrifugal juicer - which is better?

A juicer is a very useful thing in the kitchen if you like delicious, freshly squeezed juices. In order to prepare a tasty and healthy drink, this device must meet certain requirements. Not all devices for squeezing juice from fruits are the same. They have their own nuances and different characteristics. To understand the issue, a screw or centrifugal juicer - which is better, you need to consider all the subtleties.
to contents ↑Types and principle of action
These devices are divided into two main types: screw and centrifugal. The latter relate to devices that operate on an electrical network, while augers can be:
- Electric.
- Mechanical.
- Tame.
In addition, they are divided into:
- Horizontal single screw.
- Vertical.
- Horizontal with two augers.
Important! All listed devices for squeezing juice have different design features and the principle of operation.
Centrifugal models
Answering the question of which juicer to choose - screw or centrifugal, it is worth considering each of them in detail. Let's start with the centrifugal:
- Designed for squeezing juice from any hard and soft fruits, vegetables and berries. However, they are not able to process the bones that are in the fruit. Therefore, using a centrifugal juicer, you will have to remove them or, if they are very small (for example, in raspberries), carefully clean the filter after work.
- Inside the capacity of such a device is a disk grater, which rotates at high speeds and turns the products into a puree mass. After - this mass enters the separator compartment, where the extraction and separation of the liquid from the pulp takes place.
Important! The separators can be conical or cylindrical.
- In a conical centrifuge, the waste is automatically collected in a special container. In cylindrical cake, food remains on the compartment walls and must be periodically removed. It is believed that in juicers with a cylindrical centrifuge, a greater amount of juice is obtained at the outlet.
Important! Using devices of this type, you will get transparent juice without pulp in a short time.
- Since these devices operate at high speeds, the process of squeezing the juice occurs quite quickly. Due to the high speed, foam may form on the liquid.
Important! Some models may be equipped with a mechanism for separating juice from foam.
- High spin speed: the device operates at 10,000-40000 rpm.
- The low price of the device makes it affordable for everyone.
- Easy to operate - you just need to download the products, turn on the device and get the juice.
- A wide neck simplifies the process of loading products.
- In the process of preparation, the juice in such a device heats up, which negatively affects the nutrients and vitamins of the products.
- As the centrifuge rotates, the juice comes into contact with air, which results in a “foamed” product at the outlet.
- Also, in contact with oxygen, the juice instantly oxidizes.
- You cannot store such juice - already after 20 minutes after pressing it will become tasteless and unsuitable for drinking.
- High consumption of products - in order to squeeze a glass of apple juice, you will need to use 4-5 apples, and all due to the fact that very juicy cake remains on the walls of the device.
Screw models
Now, answering the question of which juicer to choose - screw or centrifugal, you also need to consider the second version of the device:
- The operation of these devices is based on the principle of cold pressing. The spinning process here occurs due to the strong pressure that occurs inside the device. Juicers of this type are equipped with rotating shafts (screws), which grind the products in mashed potatoes.
Important! Such devices work with almost any vegetables, fruits and berries, including those with seeds.
- Bones and grains are ground together with pulp to a state of gruel. In addition, screw devices are capable of grinding nuts, herbs and other similar products. Juice, which is squeezed by such devices, turns out to be thick, with a high pulp content, uniform in consistency. Some soft fruits (peaches, plums) in the process of processing form mashed potatoes, that is, liquid, transparent juice cannot be obtained from them.
Important! Screw models operate at low speeds, so the spinning process will be longer.
- The manual screw squeezer of the screw model is very similar to a conventional meat grinder. The device is driven by a handle that rotates the metal shaft. The auger, which is located horizontally, grinds the products inside. Cake comes in a separate container, and the resulting juice is poured into a glass.
- Due to the design of the screw apparatus, the percentage of the finished product at the output is quite high. Waste is a very small part (approximately 10%). As a result of the use of cold pressing in such devices, drinks retain their valuable qualities. Products do not undergo heating and oxidation processes (as in centrifugal ones), therefore they do not lose nutrients and vitamins.
- Electric screw juicers are an upgraded version of the manual version. They can be equipped with one or two augers rotating in opposite directions.
Important! Twin screw models are more powerful and make it possible to receive high-quality drinks in a short time.
- Horizontal types can be equipped with different nozzles, which allow you to get many other useful products from different natural raw materials. With their help, you can make pasta at home, sausage, butter.
- Vertical screw juicers are a press, which is driven by a lever. Their difference from other screw mechanisms is that their rotary shaft is located vertically. These are compact and simple devices for quickly squeezing out a small amount of juice.
Important! Their feature is that they cope rather poorly with grains and seeds, and also do not process greens very well.
- The low speed of the apparatus prevents the juice from oxidizing, thereby preserving all the useful vitamins and elements.
- The resulting juice can be stored for two days and it will not lose its properties.
- The wide neck of such devices does not allow products to “jump out”, and the juicer itself does not slide on the table.
- The mechanical elements of such devices do not give in to the force of rotation. This means that the device can be used without interruption for half an hour, and the mechanism will last longer.
- The low noise level makes the job less noticeable.
- After the operation of such a device, a small amount of waste remains.
- The self-cleaning function makes it possible to clean the device in just a few minutes.
- With this device you can make your own nut or soybean oil.
- You can also squeeze juice from lentils, oats, wheat seeds, berries, herbs.
- The juice is concentrated and saturated with a lot of pulp. Those who prefer juice without pulp will have to recycle the product again or additionally use a sieve.
- Using too soft products or overripe fruits, the output is juice puree.
- For devices with a narrow opening, it is necessary to grind the products first.
- If you need a device for commercial purposes, most likely, a screw juicer is not suitable for you, because without a break and without damage to parts, the device will work for no more than 30 minutes.
- Tomato juice can be squeezed out only on horizontal models - vertical ones will not cope with capricious tomatoes.
How to choose?
In order to choose a suitable device for use at home, first of all, you need to decide what you expect to get as a result of the spin:
- If you prefer transparent juice without pulp, then the centrifugal model is more suitable for you. Great drinks come from fruits such as apricots, pears, apples.
Important! Please note that making juices in this juicer from ingredients such as pomegranates, grapes, raspberries, will be difficult due to the presence of seeds.
- If you prefer a thick drink with a high content of pulp, pay attention to the screw model. It will also be a great option if you have kids. You can cook healthy fruit and vegetable purees and cream soups for baby food.
Important! In the event that you are going to make your own pasta, sausage, spices or grind coffee, take care of the appropriate configuration.
- When buying a juicer, special attention should be paid to the strength of the case. It is essential that the appliance stands on the table without vibration. The volume of the device is also of great importance - the larger it is, the more quantity of drink you can make at a time.
- Also pay attention to the size of the food container. It is better if it is wide and large. In centrifugal models, it is desirable to have several speeds for processing different fruits and vegetables.
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Before you go to the store for a purchase, it is worth deciding whether a screw or centrifugal juicer is better, and also what kind of fruits you will process. Make a list of finished products that you would like to receive as a result. So it will be much easier for you to make your choice.
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