Salt baths for weight loss at home

Most of us know how salt water has a positive effect on the body. But at sea we visit once a year, and the body needs constant recharging. Each of us can give ourselves a small piece of the sea and improve our body. In addition, salt baths for weight loss at home will work no worse than salon procedures. How to organize such procedures correctly - you will learn about this from this article.
to contents ↑How do salt baths affect the body?
In general, their action is very useful. Through the pores, the salt is in the blood, and then spreads throughout the body. Thus, almost all internal organs fall under its therapeutic effect:
- Using this procedure, you can normalize the water-salt metabolism in the body and remove excess fluid from it. Thanks to this, swelling of the limbs is quickly eliminated and weight is reduced.
Important! During the procedure, maintaining water balance is very important, you need to drink liquid. It does not matter whether it is drinking water or tea. In the event that the goal is weight loss, you can not add sugar to tea or drink sparkling water.
- Excess fluid is excreted, the body gets rid of toxins and toxins. As a result, metabolism is accelerated, the condition of hair and skin, the digestive tract and the general condition of the body improve. Due to the acceleration of metabolism, weight quickly decreases, and if you combine the bath with diet and exercise, excellent results will be obtained.
- The salt bath at home to eliminate puffiness is suitable even for pregnant women. But before the procedure, a specialist consultation is required.
Important! Pregnant women do not take a bath completely, only immersion of the lower extremities is allowed.
- Salt baths help the skin become more elastic and eliminate cellulite, which is more important for many women. The only drawback is the subsequent dryness of the skin.
Important! If there is varicose veins, the procedure is carried out carefully, since you can harm not with salt, but with the temperature of the water. It should not be too hot.
Salt procedures are not only used to lose weight. Still such procedures are prescribed if it is required to treat:
- The kidneys;
- Nervous system;
- Gastrointestinal tract.
to contents ↑Important! Such treatment is prescribed only by an experienced doctor who will individually select the water temperature and salt concentration. This will help to benefit, rather than complications, due to which the treatment process may not be as effective, or even to the detriment.
Types of Salt Baths
Before taking salt baths at home, it is important to decide on their main types. They have:
- Very low concentration, up to 300 g of salt. This option is intended to treat skin rashes: acne, acne, acne, etc. It also has a positive effect on arthritis and rheumatism.
- Low concentration, 300-100 g of salt. She is prescribed to treat a variety of vascular diseases. After the procedures, the skin is cleansed, the muscles become strong and toned.
- The average concentration, 1000-4000 g of salt. Used to treat diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system.
- High concentration, 5000-10000 g of salt. This option is designed to eliminate excess weight.
We know how salt baths are useful at home, but not everyone can perform this procedure. It is strictly forbidden to carry it out if:
- Menses;
- Problems with the vessels;
- High body temperature;
- Low blood pressure;
- Heart disease;
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Infectious diseases;
- On the skin of cuts, wounds and abscesses;
- A variety of gynecological diseases;
- Nervous disorders;
- Blood pathology;
- Tuberculosis
- Chronic diseases in the acute stage;
- Pregnancy
As already mentioned, varicose veins can also be a contraindication.
to contents ↑What salt is used?
It is obvious that salt benefits joints and nails, helps to lose weight, but you need to know what material to use for manipulations.
In order to maximize the effect, you should buy sea or ocean salt. It contains large quantities of vitamins and minerals. There are many in sea salt:
- Potassium, due to which “dead” elements are derived from the cells of the dermis;
- Magnesium, contributing to the improvement of metabolism;
- Calcium, with the help of which the cell membrane is strengthened.
Important! In pharmacies or specialized cosmetic stores you can buy aromatic salt, but it can harm a person prone to allergic reactions.
If it is not possible to purchase a special composition, you can use ordinary kitchen or iodized salt. Sometimes the iodine-bromine salt prescribed by the doctor may have more effect than the purchased sea salt.
to contents ↑Important! For wellness procedures, do not use compounds obtained by evaporation. Such a procedure leads to a violation of the molecular structure of the product, as a result, the application will not be so useful. Also, do not use colored bath salt for medicinal purposes.
General rules for bathing with salt
Not everyone knows how to take salt baths at home.
To maximize the effectiveness of the procedures, you should adhere to simple recommendations:
- The product is poured in the required amount onto gauze or cotton cloth, from which a bag is eventually made. It is possible to add salt directly to the water, but if the crystals do not completely dissolve, bathing will be uncomfortable.
- Before the procedure, a shower is required to remove impurities.
- The salt in the material is substituted under a stream of hot water, and then the water in the bath is diluted to a comfortable temperature. The optimal indicator is 38 degrees, but deviations are also possible.
- The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour, while the area of the heart should be above the surface of the water.
- After the procedure, the salt is not erased, but slightly blotted, it can be washed off after a half to two hours.
- A moisturizer is applied to the skin.
- Repeat the action once every three days, the duration of the course is ten to fifteen sessions.
to contents ↑Important! After a course of procedures, you must definitely take a break for a period of at least two months.
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The most useful procedures will be not from the fact that the mixture is highly concentrated, but from regular repetition. It is important to choose the right treatment option. Do not hope that excess weight will go away only thanks to salt, you will have to make more efforts.