Dry skin - what to do?

Our skin at any time of the year needs thorough and regular care - cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing. Especially in winter, since the cold wind and lowering the temperature have an extremely negative effect on the condition of the delicate skin of the face, because the face is the most unprotected part of the body. In order to understand the cause of the problem, when dry skin, what to do in such a situation, it is necessary to consider a number of reasons that can cause it. This will be discussed in our article.
to contents ↑Causes of dry skin
There can be many reasons that can cause dry skin. Of the main ones, one can distinguish the following:
- Inadequate or improper skin care. Washing your face with chlorinated, hot water, using ordinary soap.
- Vitamin deficiency in the body. Vitamins E, C and A are very important for our skin. As a rule, an acute deficiency of vitamins falls in the spring and winter.
- Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can contribute to dry skin.
- Prolonged exposure to frost in winter and sun in summer. Also, excessive dryness of the skin may be due to changing weather conditions.
- Dry skin may indicate the presence of diabetes. Moreover, with this disease, the skin can be overdried not only on the face, but also on the arms, legs and head.
- Incorrect work of the sebaceous glands.
- Lack of thyroid hormones.
- Frequent peeling.
- Age-related changes.
- Use in the heating season of various heating appliances.
- The use of powder and tonal foundation, especially in the winter, also negatively affects the skin.
- Inadequate fluid intake.
to contents ↑Important! There are a lot of reasons that can cause excessive dryness of the skin, however, if the problem is accompanied by itching, peeling and other unpleasant symptoms, then it is better to consult a doctor (endocrinologist, dermatologist).
What to do to eliminate dry skin?
Many girls are owners of dry skin - what to do to moisturize it?
- If skin is dry, drink plenty of clean water. Water is the basis of life, so it is advisable to drink at least two liters per day.
- Try not to wash with cold and hot water - the temperature of the water should be room temperature.
- It is advisable to wash with cooled boiled water. You can also use stale or filtered water.
- Try to wash yourself with softer cosmetics that do not dry the dermis and do not contain alcohol.
- After washing, pat your face with a tissue and do not wipe it with a towel. Also, after washing, use a special tonic. After that always apply lotion, oil or cream.
Important! The composition of cosmetics should not contain alcohol.
- Do special moisturizing masks several times a week.
- Add foods that are high in vitamin E, C, and A to your diet. You can buy a complex of minerals and vitamins, as well as fish oil, at the pharmacy.
- If possible, it is advisable to purchase a humidifier for the home.
to contents ↑Important! Among other things, you can apply vitamins E and A in its pure form, as well as add them to masks and oils.
Oils for dry skin
Oils perfectly moisturize, nourish and nourish the skin with its natural vitamins:
- Apricot kernel, peach seed and almond oil are considered the mildest for the face.
Important! These oils can be used for delicate and sensitive skin, as they are very soft and do not cause allergies and irritations.
- You can also use jojoba oil for dry skin - it is not comedogenic and does not “clog” the pores of the face. In addition, it is very soft and quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy shine on the face.
- You can use argan, olive, linseed, wheat germ oil and others.
- It is very good to use solid oils, that is, “butter”: shea butter, cocoa, coconut, mango. However, all these oils can cause comedones. Before use, they must be warmed up, and only then lubricate dry areas on the face with them.
to contents ↑Important! You can use oils several times a day, or you can make compresses. To do this, slightly warm the product, soak a gauze piece in it and attach it to the cleaned face for 15 minutes. Do such compresses several times a week.
Honey for dry skin
Bee products work very well on the epidermis, especially when the skin of the face and hands dries. But with honey, as with other beekeeping products, you should be careful because they can cause allergies.
Important! Before using the mask, you must conduct a skin test.
Honey relieves peeling, inflammation, dryness and tones the skin, softens it and saturates it with natural vitamins. And honey-based masks have a rejuvenating effect:
- Egg-honey mask. Take one yolk and add one teaspoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes. After time, rinse off the mask with warm water.
Important! This mask perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
- Honey oat mask. Take a spoonful of chopped oatmeal and 2 teaspoons of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture on the face for about 15 minutes. This mask nourishes, tones and whitens the skin well.
- Sour cream mask. Take a small amount of fat sour cream and mix it with the same amount of honey. Mix well and apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Physiotherapy for dry skin
With a problem when dry skin is what to do, physiotherapeutic procedures can be very useful, among which mesotherapy and microcurrent therapy are very widely used:
- Mesotherapy is the introduction of a vitamin solution into the deeper layers of the skin. It nourishes cells, normalizes metabolic processes, and also protects cells from dehydration, maintaining youthful skin. Such an injection cocktail is enriched with selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sulfur, potassium.
Important! This procedure is similar to skin biorevitalization - injections with hyaluronic acid. The procedure helps to moisturize the skin and restore its structure, and also helps to normalize elastin, collagen fibers.
- Microcurrent therapy is one of the most popular procedures that helps normalize metabolism in dry skin. Exposure to weak electrical impulses improves blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and also restores damaged cells.
to contents ↑Important! The effect of microcurrent therapy is similar to the result after a healthy deep sleep. The optimal course is ten procedures.
What should not be done with dry skin?
It is very easy to damage thin, sensitive skin by improper care, for example, disrupting the sebaceous glands, which already produce insufficient lipid secretions. To avoid this result, consider the following rules:
- This effect is observed after taking a hot bath with ordinary alkaline soap or going to the sauna. Hot water, hygiene products adversely affect the protective fat layer, due to which the skin is quickly dehydrated.If you are the owner of dry skin type, it is advisable to take a warm shower with special hygiene products developed by dermatologists.
- Moisturizers are skin moisturizers, but they are only useful when used properly. So, categorically it is impossible to use moisturizing creams based on water or with the content of hyaluronic acid less than half an hour before going outside. In the cold season, water molecules on the surface of the skin freeze and, expanding, tear it. In summer, on the contrary, evaporating moisture leads to the formation of burns.
- Many people think that very oily creams, for example, for children are the best means to nourish dry skin, but this is not so. Such products contain a large amount of lipids, which is useful for children, but harmful for adults, because skin respiration is impaired, pores are clogged, acne is caused, and inflammation is caused.
Important! Very greasy creams are best used to moisturize the elbows, knees, heels.
- It is undesirable for owners of dry skin to swim in pools due to chlorinated water. If you still really need to swim, it is recommended to apply moisture-proof sunscreen to the body before entering the water, take a cool shower after the pool, after which it is imperative to moisturize the skin with a suitable product.
- Also, do not get involved in scrubs to cleanse the skin. The effect of this will not be the “radiant result” promised by the advertisement, but the wounds or redness.
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Many girls are wondering what to do if they dry their skin very much.? First you need to understand the causes of an unpleasant symptom, only then deal with it. Proper, regular care, a sufficient amount of water consumed per day, diet and much more - all this affects the beauty and health of your skin.