Washing vacuum cleaner

A washing vacuum cleaner is an assembly that causes a lot of controversy. Many housewives insist that this device is a godsend of the modern world, while other women consider it a bulky device with an overpriced price. Today we will deal with this issue and advise you which washing vacuum cleaner for the apartment to choose and what nuances you should pay attention to. So let's get started!

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The washing vacuum cleaner and its principle of operation

Every person who is thinking about buying such equipment is interested in the question of how the washing vacuum cleaner works. Due to the fact that all units are equipped with a special tank, which is filled with purified water, the liquid flows through the tube to the nozzle and is distributed around the entire perimeter, moisturizes the floor, thereby collecting dirt. On another tube, dirty liquid, together with garbage, enters a separate tank.

Important! Washing units work flawlessly. In a matter of minutes, your floor will shine with cleanliness and there will be no stains on it. He stays wet for a couple of minutes.

Many will say that laminate, parquet, tile and linoleum can be washed with an ordinary rag and a mop. Of course this is true. But speaking of carpet cleaning and soft flooring, then only household appliances filled with water can cope with the dirt that is present on them.

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  • Universal cleaning product.
  • Carry out wet and dry cleaning.
  • Suitable for walls, floors, windows and other surfaces.
  • Can clean clogged water pipes.
  • Cope with construction debris and leaves fallen from trees.
  • Collect any liquid.
  • After cleaning, a pleasant aroma remains.

Important! Any washing vacuum cleaner consumes electricity several times more than similar simple models.

You may be interested in information from our separate post about where does the dust come from, its composition.

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The main disadvantages of washing units:

  • A lot of weight.
  • The considerable dimensions and bulkiness.
  • After each cleaning, it is necessary to disassemble the device and completely rinse, dry each component.
  • Takes up a lot of storage space.

Important! Regardless of which model you decide to give preference to, you must have an understanding of the correct cleaning in the house. Then the time for it will be much less. The tips of experienced housewives collected in articles will help you with this:

  1. Wet House Cleaning.
  2. Dust cleaner.
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When and how should I use a vacuum cleaner?

Due to the fact that all units have considerable weight, it is worthwhile to figure out how a washing vacuum cleaner works, how often to use it and for what purposes.

Important! Due to the shortcomings voiced, purchasing this appliance for cleaning in a small one-room apartment is not the best option. Then it's worth looking at cheaper and simpler devices. Or, as an option, you can consider a multifunction device, for example, vacuum cleaner with steam cleaner.

The principle of operation of a washing vacuum cleaner is that it removes a fairly large area. Therefore, if you are the owner of a large apartment or house, then this is exactly what you need.

Coatings, which the water unit copes with in the best way:

  • stone floor;
  • ceramic tile;
  • parquet;
  • linoleum;
  • carpeting in which the main material is latex;
  • laminate, which is treated with a protective moisture-resistant coating.

Important! Do not use a washing vacuum cleaner on surfaces that are afraid of moisture. For example, foam or jute carpets.

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Power and its nuances

How to choose a washing vacuum cleaner for an apartment? This question interests a lot of people. To all this, sales managers add fuel to the fire and do not always talk about real indicators and characteristics of devices.

So, the declared engine power can be 2000 watts, and at the same time it will be poorly sucked, leaving debris on the carpeting. Therefore, it is very important to know which absorption rate is acceptable:

  • For cleaning the apartment and small areas suitable units with an indicator of 300 units.
  • If you have a big house, then buy a device with a designation of 400 watts and even a large suction parameter.

Important! If you bought a vacuum cleaner with a suction power of 450 units, and clean a small area - that's okay. With this use, the unit independently rebuilds and selects the most optimal mode of operation.

Based on the above data, we strongly recommend that you do not pay attention to the marketing moves of advertisers when they say that the power of 2500 W is an indicator of absorption, this is not at all. Around the world, the most powerful unit is characterized by a suction rate of 900 units.

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Choose a tank

When buying a washing unit, it is worth knowing how a washing vacuum cleaner works and what it consists of. One of the most important parts is the fluid tank. Choose this part is in accordance with your needs.

The capacity of the liquid tank depends on the cleaned area:

  • if you need a device for cleaning in a two-room apartment - then opt for tanks with a capacity of 2-4 liters;
  • for cleaning in three rooms - 4-5 liters;
  • when cleaning an even larger area, that is, the entire house, give preference to models with a capacity of up to 10 liters.

Important! Of course, you can buy a washing vacuum cleaner with a smaller tank capacity. However, be prepared for the fact that you have to collect water several times during cleaning. In this case, it is necessary to completely disassemble the unit.

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Dust filtering system

The principle of operation of a washing vacuum cleaner is that the dust particles that are sucked into the device enter a humid environment, become heavier and settle in water. The whole procedure takes place at the molecular level.

Important! 5-10% of dry dust does not enter a humid environment, but is enveloped in a bubble of water and flies further than the tank. In order to prevent this dust from settling on the surface and not returning to the room again, special filters are provided.

Main filters:

  • HEPA;
  • AFS;
  • S;
  • aquafilters.

The last option is the best.

Important! Even when using an aquafilter, some particles pass by it. Then it is worth using an additional HEPA filter. Its feature is a long service life. Rinse it once a year.

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Design features

All washing vacuum cleaners are divided into four groups according to their design:

  • The water tank is located one above the other. To replace dirty water, remove the upper tank.
  • The tanks are in one another. The most convenient and popular way.
  • The tank is in the housing. It is removed very easily.
  • The vacuum cleaner is equipped with a special tank and a filter that purifies dirty water and returns it to a clean tank.
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Each manufacturer completes its unit with different nozzles. Let's see what parts are used for:

  • universal nozzle - designed for basic wet cleaning and furniture cleaning;
  • brush for crevices, universal, main nozzle - used for dry cleaning;
  • antistatistical brush - designed for cleaning household appliances, monitors, keyboards;
  • plunger - recommended for cleaning pipes;
  • brush - used to clean blinds;
  • Wip brush - suitable for cleaning polished surfaces and washing a plasma TV;
  • turbo brush - used for cleaning carpets, upholstered furniture and carpet.

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A few tips for choosing and buying a washing unit:

  1. The noise from the operation of such a device is small. It can be compared to a dishwasher. But still pay attention to this characteristic, so as not to fall into trouble. Please note that with a design feature, when the motor is above water tanks, the noise level is much less.
  2. When buying, pay attention to the manufacturer. We recommend giving preference to German quality or other branded models.

Important! In order not to spend a lot of time choosing truly high-quality equipment, use our Top rated Vacuum Cleaners.

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Today we told you everything about how to choose a washing vacuum cleaner and what nuances are worth paying attention to. Choosing the right model is now yours!

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