How to wipe off adhesive from a sticker 🥝 how to wash a sticky layer of adhesive from a label

How to wipe a pen from the skin 🥝 how to remove ink from eco-leather

Yellow bar on the phone screen 🥝 yellow spots appeared on the phone screen

How to wash the windows so they don’t sweat

How to wash ink, how to quickly paste paste

What to do to make things not painted


A modern person is provided with ample opportunities for arranging his home, everyday life, as well as for choosing food, clothes and all the things and means necessary for his comfortable life. In this category you can find all the information you are interested in about the best models of computer, digital, household, kitchen appliances, about worthy manufacturers of finishing materials, furniture, clothes, and detergents. Everything that may interest you is already here. And every day our rating catalog is being updated so that you receive only relevant and really useful information. Stay with us!

Which is better to choose a water heated towel rail: manufacturers rating

Rating of the best mobile phones for games

Ranking the best wired headphones in 2019

How to wash ink, how to quickly paste paste

Wardrobe Care

Meet by clothes! So the task for the hostesses is not easy to keep all the elements of the wardrobe of the whole family in amazing condition for as long as possible. To do this, we tried to collect information on the care of the wardrobe and inform it to you in an informative way! We will be happy to publish your advice - for this, write to us in feedback!

How to clean suede boots at home: rules and tips

How to beat off a droplet 🥝 how to wear a beret

Why are clothes dyed?

Gold jewelry is always an appropriate classic

Washing secrets

Of course, with technological progress, the laundry washing process has become much simpler compared to how our mothers and grandmothers washed! Now almost every house has a washing machine and a lot of different detergents. But every housewife should know simple and effective secrets in order to correctly use all the miracles of technology to preserve the external attractiveness of textiles. We hope that our tips will help you!

How to drag a chair with your own hands: a guide step by step

Important nuances of washing: which spin class in washing machines is better

How to wash the washed bedding?

How to bleach things with ammonia?

How to whiten things with White?

How to wash clothes from different fabrics?


Even the simplest tips and tricks can sometimes cause confusion or misunderstanding of what the end result will be. It is for this reason that we created a video blog, thanks to which you will see a good example on the work and repair of household appliances, mobile gadgets, cleaning clothes and home, caring for your body.Video reviews, step-by-step accessible workshops on a wide variety of topics - from patterns and sewing clothes, making decorative and home-friendly crafts, repairing washing machines, microwave ovens, stoves, ovens to comparing different models, materials, household chemicals, results from folk remedies , all this will help you quickly and easily cope with the designated task!

How to choose a video blender

Print spots

Nothing is as troublesome as stains on your favorite clothes, furniture or carpets. Every housewife, and especially those who have small children, asks the question of removing various spots from different surfaces very often. Our experts tried to collect only proven tips! We believe that removing stains according to our instructions will not be so difficult and time consuming! You have your own observations and methods for removing stains that are not highlighted in our articles - write to us in feedback!

How to wash a spot of iodine from linoleum and how to remove it from a laminate

How to wash acrylic paint from furniture?

How to remove the handle from the furniture?

How to remove blood stains?

How to remove stains from cosmetics?

How to clean vomit from the carpet?

House cleaning

House cleaning has always been considered a very routine task, which takes a lot of time and effort. We try to collect for you all kinds of information and effective advice from our best experts to facilitate such hard daily work! We hope that you will love cleaning and your home will shine with cleanliness! We are happy to take into account your advice, which you can send in feedback.

Favorable days for cleaning the apartment on the lunar calendar

Which mop is best for mopping: types and overview

How to quickly wash a stretch ceiling without streaks

How to wash a ceramic plate from soot, fat and sugar


Now we can’t imagine our life without household appliances! After all, these are the first au pair! And we all want our favorite household appliances to serve as long as possible without losing their qualities and appearance. Our experts have gathered tips for you, which in our opinion will help you extend the life of your assistants.

Climate class table of refrigerators

How to set up digital and cable channels on a Philips TV

Common Samsung washing machine error codes

How to replace and tension the belt in the washing machine

Which refrigerator with a large freezer is the best

Gadgets and Electronics

The world of electronics opens up the most unexpected opportunities for us. But only functional gadgets, well-functioning electronics make our life easier, richer and more interesting. Therefore, in this section we have collected expert advice on the selection and reviews of different models of phones, tablets, televisions. Putting this information into practice, you can not only choose the best gadget for yourself, but also use all its functional capabilities, as well as restore functionality in case of any breakdown.

Tips on which iPhone model to buy today

How to hide VKontakte friend via computer and phone

Smart watch: how to properly configure management, Internet and geolocation

How to connect a router to a laptop: Wi-Fi and network cable

Housewife tips

The advice of our experts will help you proudly wear the title of this "Hostess"! We try to help you find answers to the most popular and important problems that may arise in the conduct of household chores. All our articles are written on our own experience. If you have any questions or suggestions, perhaps you want to ask for advice or offer your effective way out of a certain situation - write in the comments or in the feedback! Let's make life as comfortable and easy as possible!

Which accurate and inexpensive glucometer is better to choose: popular models,

How to sew a curtain tape to tulle

Construction and repair

Before, everything was simple with the repair - glued the wallpaper, whitewashed the ceiling, laid linoleum, and you're done! The modern building materials market provides such a variety of coatings, panels, tiles that it is no wonder confused in the choice. Adding to this the fact that the services of masters are not cheap, and many people have the opportunity to build their own home or plan an apartment, rather than be content with the room provided by the state, the conclusion suggests itself - it's easier to do it yourself with your own hands, as you want. And it will definitely be within your power with our construction and repair tips. In this section, we will offer you comparative reviews of different materials, give useful tips on choosing finishes for walls, floors, ceilings, organize lighting, and even consider different design ideas - classic and modern, technologies used in building a private house from scratch. Stay with us so that your home is the most reliable, comfortable, beautiful!

DIY decimeter antenna manufacturing

200 Indian-style interior design ideas with photos

How to independently insulate a balcony in an apartment: useful tips

Features and nuances of the art deco style in the interior of the house

Interior design nursery for a boy and a girl together

Creating a cozy interior for a room with your own hands