How to choose a bathroom scale?

If you follow your figure, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, then you definitely would not be in the way of floor scales. This device makes it easier to control your weight. How to choose a bathroom scale? This question worries a lot of people, so today we will provide you with an answer to this urgent question for those who are losing weight.

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Weight measuring device

First you need to identify one very important nuance - this is the classification of weights. This device can be distinguished by two of the following types:

  • Mechanical.
  • Electronic.

In order to make the most competent choice, let's talk about each of the types in more detail.

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Good old mechanics

The mechanism of this device is based on such a component as a metal spring. A person rises to the surface of the gadget, thereby acting on this spring. The component is deformed under the influence of weight (stretched) and rotates the pointer on the scale of the division price, or the scale itself.

Such mechanisms are equipped with a regulator that allows you to calibrate the device and set zero values ​​on the scale. Most often, the division price is one kilogram, much less often - half a kilogram.

Important! Despite the “ancient” method of measurement, such devices cause less trouble than the second type. You do not need to replace power supplies and do not have to worry about the maximum allowable load. Even the cost of such gadgets is not very great, but such drawbacks, perhaps, have such scales.

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New technologies

Unlike the first, these scales do not show the measurement result on a scale, but on a modern digital display. Even in this type of instrument, the readings have a certain division price. Values ​​may vary between 0.1-0.5 kg.

Also, equipment can have different measurement principles:

  1. The first models were equipped with a measuring spring, but the result itself was displayed on the screen.
  2. Most modern models are equipped with two metal disks, which form a certain capacitor inside the structure. With physical exposure, the distance between the plates changes, which directly affects the charge. n is converted to digital values ​​and gets on the display, showing us the desired or not desired number.
  3. The newest models have a slightly different principle. A voltage sensor is mounted in such devices. It is a metal wire through which electric current flows. The weight acts on the conductor and it stretches, thereby changing the readings on the scoreboard.

How to choose a scale? Of course, it is better to give preference to electronic variation, but for the final solution it is worth paying a little more attention to the main nuances.

Important! Remember that tracking body weight is only an indicator of the result of your physical exertion. So that you can enjoy the displayed numbers from the understanding that all your efforts are not in vain, we recommend that you follow our tips from the articles:

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What could be the error?

  • All devices of this type have a certain range of values, which is limited by the maximum permissible mass.Usually this threshold does not exceed 160 kg, but for some cases it can vary from 100 to 230 kg, which depends only on the manufacturer.
  • If we turn to school physics, we can recall that any measuring device has its own error, so you should carefully familiarize yourself with this parameter before buying. Budget equipment has a larger error, up to one kilogram. Dear devices, they are mistaken by 100-200 grams of force. If you want to know your weight with greater accuracy, then the choice by price category will be obvious.

You can also select a floor scale by the amount of internal memory.

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Number of users

When you select a device, then pay attention to the amount of internal memory that determines the maximum number of users. Today, models can boast a list of two to ten people, the measurement results of which will be stored in a graphical interface.

Important! The device is able to track the dynamics of changes in human weight and demonstrate the results of previous uses.

When buying, consider the number of members of your family who want to use this technique. The more users, the more memory you need.

Important! Starting to fight for beautiful body shapes and the health of your body, you need to competently approach not only the choice of exercises, but also the organization of a diet. We have prepared a lot of interesting information for you about this. Check out her articles in the links below:

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Advanced functionality

Such gadgets boast wide functionality. Of course, all additional parameters have been introduced in order to attract consumers to increase sales. But it’s worthwhile to understand that this functionality will affect the cost of the balance, without affecting its effectiveness during operation. It is better to think a few times before purchasing a device with speakers and backlight. Why pay extra?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most interesting innovations.

Calculation of the human body mass index

To get started, you must enter all the user information: height, age, gender and a few other values. The integrated circuit of the equipment contains a complex formula that calculates the index and displays it on a graphic display.

Important! If your electronic assistant does not know how, then you should not be upset, because this formula can be found on the Internet and calculate everything yourself.


Mass of fat and muscle

There is such an innovation as calculating the ratio of fat mass to muscle mass in the human body. This function works by passing small current charges through a person. For this, the device is equipped with special electrodes that are located on the surface of the device.

Important! Muscles, bones and fat have different resistance indicators, which helps to determine their ratio in your body.

Other interesting options:

  1. Some models are able to automatically determine the identity of the user who stands on them.
  2. There is also a weight control function that will notify you with a loud beep if everything goes wrong.
  3. There are even such electrical appliances that are equipped with a wireless monitor. The developer believes that a person does not have to lean in order to see the meaning on the screen.
  4. Well, almost all of these gadgets are equipped with an automatic on and off function.

Important! When you decide on suitable scales, you will need to calibrate them. To quickly and clearly do this, follow the link to Instructions for setting up electronic scales.

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We hope that this information will help you in finding the answer to the question of how to choose a scale.We recommend that you purchase electric devices without functional excesses, then you can use the device quickly and easily, paying more attention to your physical form.

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