Hooks on a fur coat are unfastened - what to do?

Many owners of warm fur products believe that any work on repairing a fur coat (mink, scribe, etc.) should be carried out only by professional fur coats. However, this also happens: the hooks on the fur coat are weakened and unfastened - what should I do? The task is not the most difficult, and you can cope with it completely independently. In order to fix the hook on the fur coat, it is not necessary to spend most of the time going to the workshop - it is enough to perform a few simple manipulations. Today we will tell you how to neatly, correctly and efficiently put everything in order so as not to spoil the expensive thing.
to contents ↑Getting ready for repair
In the event of a broken hook on the fur product, a repair or a complete replacement of the part remains. Replacing the hook does not require special knowledge and skills, however, you need to be able to sew at least a little in order to do the job accurately and accurately.
For work you will need the following tools:
- Furrier or sharp clerical knife. You can use small scissors with pointed ends (for example, manicure), but to work with them you need experience and skill.
- Needle and thread (as strong as possible). For manual work, it is best to use a special trihedral needle designed to work with the skin.
- Hooks are medium sized. Too massive a part will be inappropriate, and very small hooks can easily break or unfasten.
- Flap of elastic fabric.
- For sewing, choose a thin, strong and long needle so that during piercing, protect the mesra from damage.
- If you do not have too tight threads, then use a regular thread, folding it several times.
- Threads and hooks choose the most suitable in color, even if they are almost invisible. The fastener should not stand out.
- When buying new hooks, pay attention to how they fasten. Keep in mind that in frosty times your fingers sometimes do not obey, and it will be quite difficult to deal with a hook that fastens too hard and tight.
- Upon completion of the repair, it is necessary to restore the position of the pile. To do this, use a natural bristle brush (not very stiff) or, in extreme cases, a brush for combing pets.
Important! Before restoring a tangled area of fur, moisten it with warm water and glycerin.
If you do not plan to change your fur product to a new one in the near future, you must make efforts so that it remains beautiful and durable longer. And our detailed selection of tips from articles will help you with this:
to contents ↑What fasteners are better for a fur coat?
To fasten fur products use:
- Hook with a special ringlet. The fastener system can be of two types: with a fastening and movable element. There is also the simplest type of hook - fixed. Products are made of metal and plastic.
Important! Plastic fasteners are inferior in strength to their metal counterparts, so if possible, use metal fittings, especially if you are the owner of a heavy fur coat on the floor. Plastic hooks may well be suitable for a fur vest or light little short coat.
- Decorative fasteners in the form of clips and decorative hooks. Decorative elements are an additional decoration of a fur product. Most often, such accessories are used for short-haired fur coats so that decorative elements are visible.
Important! Buttons can also be used.
- If you have to travel very often in public transport, use fastening hooks to prevent the fur coat from being unfastened under the pressure of the crowd. Most often, such incidents happen with models flared to the bottom.
- The most common option is a simple metal hook with a movable tongue. Such hooks are suitable for both short and long models of fur coats, regardless of the length of the pile. This type of fastener is considered reliable and looks original.
- If you want to use a decorative hook on outer clothing, then do not overdo it. There should be only one such accessory. It is best to sew it on the collar so that the accessory acts as a brooch and at the same time fastens the hood.
Important! On plain clothes, shiny accessories with stones look the most spectacular. A large size of decorative decoration is allowed, the main thing is that the accessory matches the model of the fur product.
It may not make sense to spend time repairing a fur coat if its style is already somewhat outdated. It is better to arm yourself with step-by-step instructions and update it to the fullest. Find out,how to alter a fur coat with your own hands.
to contents ↑How to fix a hook on a fur coat without replacement?
If hooks are not held on the fur product, this may be due to the following reasons:
- The hardware loosened during operation. If the mechanism is broken, then try to grip it slightly with the help of ordinary small pliers. Do this as carefully as possible so as not to break the part.
- Partially torn threads. Reshoot the hook, replacing the old threads with new ones or make additional stitches for the strength of the fastener.
- Incorrectly sized fittings. Too small hooks cannot hold the product material well. Improperly selected fittings should be replaced.
How to sew a hook to a fur coat?
To sew accessories and solve the problem, the hooks on the fur coat are unfastened - what to do, it is necessary, first of all, to determine its location. If you want to fasten a hood or collar with a hook, you need to clearly understand that a scarf is usually pulled under the collar, and the hood must be fastened so that it does not fly off. Therefore, very carefully determine the location of the future hook - it is best to take measurements, having previously put on a scarf.
Important! Another point to remember before sewing on accessories: all fasteners are made on the lining, without touching the main skin. For example, the inside of the hook should be hidden under the lining.
When replacing an old broken part with a new one, you must first remove the old fastener, having done some operations:
- back up the seam on the lining to get to the hook;
- if the lining is not sewn, then turn the fur coat inside out and find the desired element.
Important! Some craftsmen open a seam on the lining, going from the sleeve, to remove the old clasp hidden behind the skirt.
We repair hooks
In order to independently install the hook, clearly follow the following recommendations and perform this process step by step:
- If there was no other hardware on the fastener, then make a small incision in order to bring out the necessary part of the hook. If you change the old accessories to new ones, then sew the place of the old fastener (except for the slot for the new hook) and strengthen it with adhesive cloth or a piece of leather. First, make a slot for a new fastener on a leather material.
- Sew a hook on the inside of the lining. As a rule, the base of the hook has several holes.So that the clasp “sits” firmly on the edge and does not tear it, sew all the holes to evenly distribute the load.
- Sew all the lining backing layers layer by layer. Make new seams as carefully as possible. Try to keep the bulk of the threads from the inside. Sew the last lining to the fur collar with a blind seam.
Important! During sewing, do not pull the thread too much, as the mezra may break.
- If you need to sew a ring for a hook, then first make careful measurements so that the fittings are at the same level. The ring can be sewn to the lining, securing it in two places with strong threads. A more reliable option is to tamper the lining in the right place, thread the ring into two holes made and sew it on the inside of the lining, just like in the case with a hook.
- To avoid stretching or tearing of the mazra, fasten the fastener with a flap of dense fabric, leather material or adhesive cloth. Sew the patch by hand, leaving the slot for the hook first.
- If the fur of the fur coat is thin, then secure the ring with a strip of leather.
- Buy only high-quality hooks, so as not to change them often, since a fur coat is a very expensive thing and you should not regularly steal the lining.
Or maybe it makes sense to make yourself a great gift and just upgrade your wardrobe, buy more fashionable and beautiful clothes for the winter? Then it's time to learn and remember all the subtleties,how to choose a fur coat good quality.
to contents ↑Replacing hooks with buttons
Many owners of fur products believe that hooks often fail, and replacing them requires painstaking work, so it is better to replace them with buttons. We hasten to dissuade you, to make such a replacement is not easy. The main difficulty lies in the design of the loop. In order to make a loop, it is necessary to have the appropriate technique that will help to process the edges so that the pile does not crumble in the places of the cuts.
If you nevertheless decided to change the hooks on the buttons, then listen to the following recommendations:
- Loops make internal. They are easier to arrange. Proceed as follows: in the place where the hook ring was sewn, form a loop from tight threads. You can use a dense elastic band, but it will have to be changed periodically, since it will stretch over time.
- To replace the hook with a button, first remove the old hardware and sew in the holes remaining from the removed hardware with light stitches. From the inside, lay the adhesive tape in the place where the hook was, and install the desired part.
Be sure to find out all about how to store a fur coatso that she served you more than one season.
to contents ↑Stock footage
As you can see, it’s not difficult to sew a ring and a hook. Follow our tips and tricks, do the work carefully so as not to damage the fur product. If you doubt your abilities or you feel sorry for the repair of a very expensive thing, then contact a specialized workshop where the masters will accurately solve all problems. Wear a fur coat with pleasure!