How to get rid of the smell of cat urine from shoes?

Many pet lovers have encountered a problem when their furry

favorite began to mark the territory. Mainly affected are things and objects relating to its habitat. The question of how to get rid of the smell of cat urine from shoes was asked by more than one owner of a cat breed. In our article we will tell you how to solve a similar problem without extra time and money.

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Why are cats tagging shoes?

Before you start getting rid of unpleasant odors on your shoes, you need to figure out why your animal chose shoes, not a sofa or, for example, a stool. There are reasons for everything.

Cats living indoors are wary of odors. Your new shoes will smell for the pet a completely unfamiliar and threatening aroma for him and it is clear that the kitty wants to put its own “mark” on it for the owner of the territory. If this happened to you, do not despair, we will help you understand and understand how to get rid of the smell of cat urine from shoes.

Important! Take into account the fact that in this way cats sometimes take revenge on their offenders. If you feel guilty about yourself, try to make amends to your pet, otherwise you will do these procedures more than once.

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What are the difficulties in combating the smell of cat urine?

The very composition of cat urine is the cause of such a sharp and hard to remove amber. It consists of:

  • Uric acid is an element that quickly crystallizes animal waste.
  • Urochrome is an element on which the color scheme of urine depends.
  • Urea - a substance that gives stickiness after drying.

Important! It is the crystals that are in uric acid that become an obstacle to quickly remove the smell from the cat’s urine, since they do not dissolve in water.

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How to get rid of the smell of cat urine in shoes at home?

There are several ways to get rid of the smell of cat urine in shoes:

  1. Wash.
  2. Special means.
  3. Housewares.

Processing methods depend on its composition and coating.

Important! If the pet has marked fabric products (sneakers, sneakers) that can be washed completely in the car or manually, without ruining them, then this procedure, done several times, will eliminate the smell of cat urine in shoes. How to do this, read in our articles:

If the cat has marked products made of leather or dermatin, then home remedies such as:

  • lemon;
  • vodka or alcohol;
  • iodine;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • formalin;
  • soda;
  • vinegar.

Important! Do not try to get rid of the smell of cat urine with chlorine. You can ruin your beloved couple completely. Chlorine has a very pungent odor and does not weather well, which can cause it to attract the cat again. He, in turn, will begin to interrupt him in the way you already know.

Before processing any of these methods, you need to remove urine from the inside with paper towels or toilet paper.Only after this procedure you can proceed directly to the removal of unpleasant amber.


  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  2. Treat the desired area with the resulting juice.
  3. After a while, wipe with water at room temperature.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice will help you eliminate the unwanted smell of cat urine in shoes. The procedure can be repeated several times to achieve the desired result.

Important! Feline is very negative about the aroma of citrus, and most likely, now your puffy will bypass the subject that emits this smell.

Vodka or alcohol:

  1. Take a clean rag.
  2. Wet the rag liberally with vodka or alcohol.
  3. Place a rag inside the product for several hours.
  4. Take out the rag.
  5. Dry the shoe.

If you could not overcome the stench on the first attempt, do all the actions again.


  1. Dissolve a few drops of iodine in water.
  2. Treat the product material with this solution.
  3. Dry it.

Important! Only darkly colored shoes can be processed this way.

Hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Pour a small amount of peroxide inside.
  2. Leave it for a while.
  3. Wash the peroxide with paper towels.
  4. Dry the product thoroughly.

Important! With the help of hydrogen peroxide, only light shoes can be processed; dark shoes will be discolored due to their chemical properties.


  1. Treat contaminated products inside with formalin.
  2. Take a tight bag.
  3. Pack formalin-treated shoes in a bag.
  4. Leave the bag for several hours.
  5. Remove items from the bag.
  6. Place it in fresh air (balcony) to completely weaken the smell of formalin.

Important! It is advisable to work with formalin outdoors, because it has a very pungent and specific smell.


  1. Rinse your shoes with clean water (you can add a little vinegar to the water).
  2. Pour soda onto the wetted area.
  3. Wait for the soda to absorb all the moisture.
  4. Remove the soda.
  5. Wash shoes with soap and water.
  6. Dry the processed product.

Important! Soda will help you if you react to a cat label quickly, preventing it from completely absorbing and drying out. If you missed a moment, then the procedure will need to be done several times and you will certainly achieve the expected result.

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Professional chemicals for cat urine odor

Progress does not stand still and if your cat has marked shoes, and you do not want to master the home methods of dealing with such a smell, you can use special tools that you can easily purchase in numerous pet stores and veterinary clinics. The most popular of them:

  • “Dezosan”;
  • "Zoosan";
  • “Urine-off.”

In each of these special products you will find the exact instructions for use.

Important! You may also find our other shoe care tips useful:

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We hope that by listening to our advice, you will never again be puzzled by the question of how to get rid of the smell of cat urine in shoes. Observe your pet, find out the reason why it marks in shoes and try to eliminate it.

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