How to remove greasy stains from clothes at home?

Oily stains are one of the most common contaminants, which, moreover, is very difficult to remove. A simple wash from such stains can not be bought off. Depending on the statute of limitations of the “crime” and on the type of tissue affected, different cleaning methods must be selected. There are many folk ways to remove greasy stains from clothes at home. Let's see what can be used in this case so as not to spoil it.

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Useful Tips

So that the process of removing contaminants does not bring you additional unpleasant surprises, use the recommendations of specialists:

  • Start the fight with the stain as soon as it was noticed by you on the territory of your clothes.
  • It is better to take measures to remove pollution from the wrong side. It is advisable to place a napkin or cotton rag under the cloth.
  • Before removing grease, clean the fabric from dust and other contaminants.
  • When choosing cleaning products, you need to consider the type of fabric, its color and the “age” of contamination.
  • It is better to test any product before applying it on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing, for example, from the wrong side.
  • Increase the concentration and aggressiveness of drugs gradually if the first time it was not possible to achieve the complete disappearance of contamination.
  • Work on the stain, moving from the edges to the center so that it does not blur even more.
  • After processing, the remnants of the cleaning agent must be washed off, and the thing washed, if possible.
  • Since some products are quite aggressive and have a pungent odor, the cleaning procedure must be carried out in a well-ventilated area and in gloves. Try not to allow young children or people with allergies to this room for a while.

Important! Do not use chlorine bleach in combination with gasoline, ammonia and other aggressive substances - this can lead to a chemical reaction with the release of toxic gases.

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Print greasy spots

How to remove oily stain from clothes at home quickly and effectively? There are several ways that will help us in this difficult matter.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap - A universal tool that will come in handy and will help us in any situation. It is suitable for any fabrics:

  • Soap the stain and leave for 8-10 hours.

Important! It can be processed in the evening and left overnight. For greater effect, you can wrap clothes in polyethylene.

  • Rinse the product and soap the stain again.
  • Pour some sugar on top, leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rub with a brush and rinse in warm water.


A fresh stain can simply be covered with salt and left for a while so that the salt absorbs particles of fat. After a while, simply brush off the remaining salt and wash the clothes.

Important! If the product cannot be washed, then after processing with salt, this place must be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.

Chalk, Starch, Talc

All these products have absorbent properties, due to which they absorb fat in themselves. They are suitable for cleansing all types of tissues, including light and delicate ones:

  1. Apply crushed chalk, talc or starch to the contamination.
  2. Leave for a while - chalk and powder can be left for 2 hours, but starch needs to be shaken off after 15 minutes. This can be done with a napkin or brush.Chalk is easier to remove with a damp cloth.
  3. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Important! Starch must be thoroughly washed off the fabric, otherwise it can become coarse.

Tooth Powder, Soda, Iron

There is an effective way to remove greasy stains from clothes at home, which is suitable even for delicate fabrics:

  1. Lay the product on an ironing board and sprinkle the problem area with toothpowder or soda.
  2. Put porous paper on top.
  3. Iron with a warm iron.
  4. Put the load. It can be books, a kettlebell, or the same iron, but already cold.
  5. Leave on for 10-12 hours, then brush off the remaining powder.

Important! The usual improvised means that are in every house can be used for other purposes. Find out more about this in our selected articles:

Heat treatment

You can make it simpler and do with one iron. In this case, you need to iron the decomposed thing with a warm iron through a well-absorbing paper or napkin.

Important! The heat will melt the fat and transfer to a napkin. The napkin needs to be changed periodically.


Ammonia displays many kinds of spots. And he is also able to help us with the question of how to remove greasy stains from clothes. It is suitable for natural and synthetic fabrics of any color:

  1. In 100 ml of water, add 50 ml of ammonia.
  2. The resulting solution treat the contamination and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash off the rest of the ammonia and wash the product.

Important! For greater effect, salts can be added to the solution.

Dishwashing liquid

Any dishwashing detergent dissolves fat well. So this can be used, just keep in mind that if the thing is light, it is better to take a white or transparent gel:

  1. Pour the product onto the area of ​​contamination and rub lightly.
  2. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse off the cleaning agent and wash the product.

Important! This method is also suitable even if it is necessary to remove greasy stains from clothes that have already been washed with ordinary powder.


How to remove old greasy stains from clothes? In this case, gasoline, which perfectly dissolves lipids, will help. Only for such cases, you need to take cleaned or aviation, machine will not work.

Cleaning Procedure:

  1. Pour gasoline onto a piece of cloth and place under the stain.
  2. Moisten a cotton pad in gasoline and wipe the dirt on top.
  3. Rinse the product thoroughly.

You can also make a mixture of starch and gasoline:

  1. Mix them until a thick paste forms and apply on the stain.
  2. Leave to dry completely, and then shake off starch residues.
  3. It remains only to wipe the place with a damp sponge or rinse with water.

Important! Another way to use gasoline is to soak sawdust in it and fill it with the affected area. When the chips dry, they can be shaken off and the clothes washed.


Glycerin also dissolves fats well and does not spoil tissue fibers, so it can be applied to capricious fabrics - silk, chiffon, thin knitwear:

  1. Apply a little to the place of contamination.
  2. Leave on for 30 minutes, and then clean this area with a damp cotton pad.

Important! You can also make the following mixture based on glycerol: mix water, ammonia and glycerin in equal proportions and apply to the stain. After 30 minutes, rinse with water.

Other recipes:

  • Apply fresh bread crumb to the stain and hold for a while until the fat is absorbed.
  • Make mustard and water powder a mixture that resembles sour cream in consistency. Apply to stain for 30 minutes. Brush the remaining powder.
  • Squeeze a little shaving foam onto the stain. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse.
  • Pour oily hair shampoo onto dirt. Leave on for 60 minutes.
  • Wipe the oily blot with a cotton pad soaked in turpentine. Turpentine can also be used with ammonia. This mixture must be applied to the area of ​​contamination and left for 3 hours.
  • Dissolve 150 g of salt in 1 liter of boiling water. When the water cools down a little, lower the product into it for 1-2 hours. This method is suitable for stubborn stains.
  • Mix the gel for the dishes and soda until a thick slurry is formed. Put it on a stain and rub it with a brush. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse.
  • Mix water and vinegar in a ratio of 1 to 1. In this solution, soak the thing for 15 minutes.
  • Pour Sprite, Schweppes, or Coca-Cola onto the stain. Leave on for 15 minutes, and then rinse.

Important! Keep in mind that Coke can only be used for dark things.

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How to remove greasy stains from different materials?

Not all fabrics react equally to different solvents, especially for materials such as leather or suede. Some items of clothing are undesirable to wash, some are not even worth wet. Therefore, let's consider what methods are suitable for some capricious types of tissues.


  • Grease stains on the skin can be easily cleaned with fine salt: change salt powder several times until all the fat is absorbed. At the end, drip a few drops of dishwashing detergent and leave for half an hour. The remaining salt can be brushed off and then wiped with a damp sponge.
  • Apply a thin layer of potato or corn starch moistened with gasoline. Soak until completely dry and gently clean with a soft brush. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  • On light skin, you can remove such impurities using the following solution: 200 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of ammonia, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, a few drops of any detergent. The components must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the problem area.
  • Artificial leather items are cleaned with a detergent.

Important! If the treated areas are coarsened, then castor oil, glycerin or a special cream will help restore their softness.

In our separate post we described in detail what are skin cleansers.

Sheepskin coat

If greasy stains appear on your sheepskin coat, then it is advisable to entrust this matter to dry cleaning specialists. But there are ways to remove greasy stains from such clothes and at home:

  • If the sheepskin coat is light, then it is suitable for treatment with a steam generator or an aqueous solution of ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 1.
  • Fresh contamination can be removed with a school eraser. You can also use fine sandpaper, but you must do this carefully so as not to damage the structure of the fabric.
  • You can also sprinkle this place with starch, talc or other absorbent and leave for a while. Brush off leftovers.
  • Treat with soap “Antipyatin”, and then go with a suede brush and wipe with a damp cloth.


Jeans are one of the most popular types of clothing. How can I remove oily stains from jeans?

  • Soak the affected part of jeans in a salt solution for 2-3 hours, and then wash.
  • Fill with fine salt, starch or talcum powder, changing the product several times. Then fill it with fresh portion for 15 minutes and shake out the product.
  • You can use a solution of ammonia in water. In 100 ml of water you need to dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia and soak the problem area. Put a sheet of paper on top and walk a few times with a warm iron. After such processing, the product must be left for 2-3 hours, and then washed.
  • Laundry soap will help. Soap the stains, rub with sugar or salt and leave wrapped in polyethylene overnight. After all these procedures jeans need to be washed.


  • If the stain is fresh, blot it with a paper towel. Sprinkle with chalk, starch, semolina or talcum powder. Leave for a while. so that all the fat is absorbed and brush off the remnants of the product with a brush.
  • In a glass of warm water, dissolve one teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and beat until foam. Distribute this foam over the area of ​​contamination and after 20 minutes remove residues with a dry cloth. To avoid stains, treat with a solution of table vinegar in water in a ratio of 1 to 2.
  • Dissolve one teaspoon of liquid soap and two teaspoons of ammonia in 200 ml of warm water. Mix the components thoroughly and apply this mixture to the problem area with a cotton swab. Then hold the product over steam for 2-3 minutes and pat it dry with a napkin.

Important! Follow the link to find out the difference between suede, leather and nubuck.

Cleaning of clothes made of wool, silk

How to remove oily stains at home from clothes made of delicate fabrics?

  • Eaten stains of fat with woolen things perfectly removed with refined gasoline.
  • Unpaint the stain by holding the product over a boiling kettle or pan.
  • Mix glycerin and water in equal amounts and add a spoonful of ammonia. Apply this mixture to the problem area and leave for 30 minutes, and then rinse with water.
  • Light items lend themselves to dry processing with tooth powder, baby powder or crushed chalk.
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Not everything is as scary as it might seem to you initially. Means for neutralizing oil stains are more than enough, and for each type of clothing and fabric. Use the helpful tips suggested in this article, and you will see that you can remove greasy stains from clothing at home quickly and effectively!

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