Microlift for the toilet lid - DIY repair

Modern toilet seats can be complemented by different functions. They can be removed, removed, push away dirt, self-clean and even heat up. Similar innovations include the toilet lid with a micro-lift. This mechanism is called “soft lowering” or “Soft-close”. The toilet, equipped with a seat with a microclimate, differs from the usual one by the presence of a special device that helps to smoothly lower the lid. This mechanism prevents loud sound from a falling cover, and also serves as protection against mechanical damage (chips, cracks) that may occur as a result of a falling seat. A micro-lift for a toilet lid is a do-it-yourself repair, this is what we will discuss in our article.

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Mechanism features

Despite the fact that the cost of plumbing products with a microclimate is slightly higher compared to ordinary ones, they have a number of positive qualities, among which are:

  • Closing and lifting the lid is silent.
  • Extends the life of the plumbing device, as it prevents the appearance of microcracks on its surface due to constant shocks. Accordingly, the service life of the plastic structure itself is also increased, since plastic is a rather brittle material that is also prone to cracking.
  • Easy installation, making installing the seat easy with your own hands. Moreover, if necessary, the cover is easy to remove, for example, to wash.
  • More expensive models can work automatically, that is, they lift the lid when a person appears, and also close it if there is nobody in the room.

Important! As for the shortcomings, it can only be noted that this design does not come out quickly to lower hands. If you make an effort, the mechanism may break. Doing this categorically is not worth it, since it is quite difficult to repair a microlift of the toilet lid with your own hands, and in rare cases it's completely impossible.

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Despite the more complex design, the fasteners of the toilet lid with a micro-lift are the same as in traditional products. Therefore, all that needs to be done is to remove the old seat and install a new one. Previously, rubber rings should be put on it, which can ensure a soft fit of the product to the surface of the plumbing.

The only difference from the usual seat with a panel is that a product with a micro-lift may require additional adjustment. This is due to the fact that even a slight skew or loose fit can damage the device.

With the help of the adjusting cups, the seat can be leveled, thereby preventing its failure. So, the task of adjustment is to ensure a uniform fit of the cover over the entire surface of the plumbing fixture.

Important! Adjustment must be made before the locking nuts are fully tightened.

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Doesn't the closer on the toilet lid work? In order to repair the microlift of the toilet lid and fix it with your own hands, you need to understand the design features of this product.


Most people are not interested in the design of the products used, and the models of toilet seats in question are no exception.But if there was a need to repair such a cover, then, first of all, you should understand how it is arranged. So, the microlift device is quite simple:

  • A rod to which a plastic construction is rigidly attached.
  • A weak spring, the force of which corresponds exactly to the weight of the structure and should be on the verge of equilibrium.
  • Articulated microlift mechanism.
  • Cap.
  • Directly the seat itself.

Important! The micro-lift hinge mechanism and spring ensure smooth opening and closing of the cover.



If you saw that the toilet lid mount does not work, you should try to fix the malfunction immediately and repair it. Since, if you tighten the repair, it is quite possible that in the future you will have to completely replace the product and install a new device:

  • Before proceeding with the repair of the micro-lift of the toilet lid, it is necessary to understand what exactly the breakdown is. The most common malfunction is disconnecting and turning the base with the elevator from the toilet.
  • The elevator mechanism is attached to the back of the seat with two plastic bolts that are screwed with nuts from the bottom. Bolts can also break, which can be replaced if necessary.
  • Another common malfunction is a spring break. Unfortunately, in this case, performing repairs so that the device works fully does not work, since it is quite difficult to choose the right spring.

Important! If, for any reason, the toilet lid with a micro-lift breaks, you can try to glue it. For this purpose, you can use "liquid nails."

  • The stock problem is also unlikely to be resolved unless it is possible to find the same faulty device with a whole stock or a suitable repair kit in a specialized store. In other cases, you have to buy a new cover.

Important! Perhaps this is the whole repair instruction for such a plumbing device. In general, the microlift mechanism, unfortunately, wears out rather quickly and is difficult to repair. Because of this, in most cases it is more advisable to buy a new seat.

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A seat with an elevator device is considered more comfortable in terms of use, in addition, it has an important advantage - it extends the life of the toilet. However, it should be borne in mind that repairing a toilet lift of a toilet lid with your own hands is not an easy task, and can not always be fully realized.

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