Feng Shui Bed Location

- Features of the organization of housing
- When should I choose a room?
- Place for bedroom
- If there are several suitable rooms
- If the room is single
- Choosing a place for a bed
- Few principles
- What else will be in the bedroom?
- One or two?
- What should i avoid?
- What should be the bed?
- Bedding color
- Stock footage
A sound healthy sleep is the key to well-being. Supporters of the doctrine of the five elements that are fashionable today believe that for a good rest it is very important to choose and equip a sleeping place. The location of the bed in Feng Shui gives a person the opportunity to have a good night's sleep even when he spends very little time sleeping. You will learn about the features of the arrangement of furniture according to this teaching from our article.
to contents ↑Features of the organization of housing
According to ancient Eastern Feng Shui philosophy, the arrangement of furniture depends on whether we want to weaken or strengthen the vital energy of Qi. According to the apologists of this teaching, any home, regardless of its size and geometry, can be divided into sectors. This is very similar to the zoning system popular in modern Europe, but not quite. Before you arrange the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui, you need to understand why you need it and what the permutation will give.
The organization of living space in Feng Shui allows you to create a favorable living environment both in the house or apartment as a whole, and in each individual room, and even in every corner. Supporters of the doctrine show particular interest in organizing space for relaxation, that is, in the bedroom. The process can be divided into two stages:
- choice of premises for rest;
- organization of a berth.
When should I choose a room?
Having wondered how to put a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui, try to choose the right time. If you move to a new apartment, you still have to decide which room is intended for what. Why not immediately organize your bedroom in Feng Shui? Having done everything right, you are guaranteed to get enough sleep, even if you do not have much time to sleep.
But there are other cases when you need to somehow change your life. For example, such:
- you sleep a lot, but when you wake up, you feel even more tired;
- you are constantly tormented by insomnia;
- your dreams are so vivid that you constantly remember them during the day and are afraid to fall asleep;
- laying in bed, you can not get rid of anxiety, although there seems to be no apparent reason for it.
If you have at least one of these problems - well, the time has come to figure out how to put the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui. It helped a lot, so why should you be the exception?
to contents ↑Place for bedroom
So, you have decided that you will have a bedroom in Feng Shui. How to put a bed? The question is logical, but you still need to start by choosing a place for the bedroom itself, if there is at least the slightest opportunity. The first thing you need to navigate around the world. If you don’t know which side your windows face, take a compass. The room for the bedroom may be:
- in the south-eastern part of the apartment:
- in the eastern part;
- in the northwest.
Important! Proponents of the doctrine argue that it is in these zones that the mountain stream, which to the maximum extent affects the well-being and health of the owner, reaches its greatest strength. It affects relationships.Unfortunately, architects and developers do not always follow Eastern philosophy and arrange rooms in a completely different way than Feng Shui fans would like. Sometimes it takes willpower to use a room that seems to be intended for a living room under the bedroom. But if you decide that it is necessary - you have to insist on it.
The well-being of a person can also be influenced by what he sees through the window. It is highly undesirable for a stream or pond to be visible from the bedroom window. They carry the energy of water, which washes out any other, including mountain. Even a well in the yard can interfere with a relaxing holiday.
The dream will become deeper if you see a hill or other elevation from the window. The mountain energy in the bedroom will increase, and you will feel better, because any such landscape contributes to the concentration of the mountain stream and its amplification.
to contents ↑Important! This circumstance must also be considered when choosing a finish. No seascape, no brooks and beautiful virgins looking into the pool! But the alpine meadow or mural with the image of the Chomolungma is quite suitable. For more information on choosing wall decoration in the spirit of Feng Shui, we suggest you read in a separate article on our website: "What color of wallpaper is better for the bedroom."
If there are several suitable rooms
It also happens that in the southeastern part or in the northwestern part there are many rooms. How to be in this case? It is advisable to choose the farthest, separate, in which there is only one door. If there is even the slightest possibility of choice, do not use under the bedroom:
- passage rooms;
- the room where the bathroom is located through the wall;
- room next to the front door.
But not everyone can choose. It is possible that you have to put a bed in the aisle. In this case, it is necessary that during the day the doors to it be closed whenever possible. You should not have a bedroom near the bathroom. The bathroom and toilet also carry the energy of water. If there is no other room, position the headboard so that it does not adjoin the wall between the bedroom and the bathroom.
to contents ↑Important! If the apartment is two-story, it is better to arrange the bedroom at the very top.
If the room is single
It is very difficult for those who have only one room, which is a bedroom, a living room, and an office, to separate a sector for each type of activity, and besides, they must comply with all the requirements of Feng Shui. But there is an immutable rule. When there is a desk, a bed, and a crib in the room, sleeping places should be located so that they can not be seen by someone who is in the working area.
to contents ↑Important! Pay attention to the computer and TV. They should not be in the bedroom, but some people like to watch programs while lying on the bed. And in a single room it is impossible to do without such objects at all. Try to make sure that he does not bother you. They can be covered, or better yet, put away in a closet.
Choosing a place for a bed
If you have already decided on the room, it's time to decide how to properly position the bed in the bedroom in Feng Shui. To get started, do the following:
- Stand at the door of the selected room.
- Determine which side of the world each wall is on.
- Mentally divide the room into 9 equal parts.
- Do not pay attention to the niche as if it does not exist at all - this zone is considered dead, there is no energy circulation in it.
- Find the eastern, southeast, or northwest sector.
- Look at which side the window is located - if it is located in one of the sectors you have chosen, this zone should be excluded and selected from the two remaining ones.
Few principles
Before deciding where to put a bed in Feng Shui, consider several circumstances that followers of this teaching follow:
- The berth should be permanent.
- The bed should have a rectangular headboard of small height.
- The berth should be on legs.
- From the bed you should see the front door.
- If the bed will be in close proximity to the window, a curtain or thick curtains will be needed.
Important! Do not use beds on wheels - they can not always stand still, and any movement will make your sleep restless.
Permanent place
Having decided to equip your bedroom according to Feng Shui, abandon the transformers. Do not suit you:
- cot;
- sofa bed;
- chair bed.
Important! Folding furniture destroys the energy of Qi, respectively - sleep becomes restless and ineffective. If you really need a transformer, choose a modular one that can only be folded in exceptional cases.
Bed design
A low back is a factor of stability and calm. According to Feng Shui, it brings balance and confidence to the relationship. But a high headboard is also a good thing, because it causes passion and promotes conception. So decide what is most important to you.
Chi energy should circulate freely, including under the bed. That is, she needs a place for this. Therefore, the bed should be either on legs or on an open podium. A closed podium should be avoided, especially since the bed should not touch the floor over the entire area.
Important! Do not block the place under the bed with different rubbish - this interferes with the circulation of Chi energy.
Control the situation
From the bed should be visible to everyone who enters the room. This will allow you to control the life of your household and, accordingly, to feel relaxed.
Important! However, there are enough opponents of installing mirrors in the bedroom, that is, you are unlikely to get a definite answer to this question. Well, in order to add your opinion on this, read the material: “Are the mirrors in the bedroom good or bad?”
In this case, the bed should not be directly opposite the door. If you don’t have the opportunity to put the bed so that you can see the incoming, a large mirror can help you out.
Important! The bed should not be reflected in the mirror.
Do without drafts
The bed should not be in a draft. And not just because you can catch a cold. The wind will spread mountain energy, making your sleep restless, and relationships - incomprehensible and disturbing. If drafts cannot be avoided, close the door or window at night. They will help you:
- screen;
- tight curtains.
The screen can be used to block the front door. If there is no way to put the bed far from the window - well, you have to use thick curtains.
to contents ↑Important! A special place in the list of what needs to be done in the new bedroom should be occupied by the choice of curtains, because they can become both an interesting accent and spoil the entire interior. Learn how to choose clothes for a window and get rid of drafts beautifully in our blog:
What else will be in the bedroom?
There are not many bedrooms in the world, the whole atmosphere of which would consist of only one bed. In the sleeping room there is usually a dressing table, a wardrobe, and other items. Their location will also have to be taken into account.
Important! The arrangement of furniture is usually not an easy task, especially when a room performs several functions at once, for example, a bedroom and a living room at the same time. Therefore, when moving into new housing or having started repairs in the old one, it is worthwhile to study our selection of articles:
Put the closet
In the bedrooms you can see a variety of wardrobes. Of course, they should be suitable in style, but for Feng Shui, something else is much more important:
- If you can choose from several cabinets, put the one with rounded corners in the bedroom.
- If this is not the case, you will have to arrange it so that the sharp parts are not directed to the bed.
Important! Sharp angles emit negative energy. You can block her path - as in the case of the door, you will be rescued by a screen.
Should I put bouquets in the bedroom or put indoor plants there? This is best avoided. Plants have their own energy, which will interfere. In addition, bouquets are dying flowers that simply expire with negative energy. Leave indoor plants in the kitchen and living room, where they will live their lives without disturbing anyone.
Important! It is not necessary to place an aquarium in the rest room. Not only is this a special ecosystem, with its own rules and conventions. It carries the energy of water, which prevents a safe rest. The fountain is also not the most suitable decoration for the bedroom.
Overlappings and beams
If something hangs in the room from the ceiling, it can unbalance even a person who has never heard of any Eastern philosophy. There should not be beams, exposed ceilings and other objects that may cause alarm over the bed. Try to hide them. Stretch ceilings are just perfect for this.
to contents ↑One or two?
If the spouses have a common bedroom, it is better to choose a wide double bed, rather than two narrow ones. The same applies to the mattress. It’s more convenient than one, but large than two small ones. The fact is that the gap, which inevitably exists between two objects located nearby, will inevitably affect your relationship.
to contents ↑Important! A lonely person who has decided to equip his home in Feng Shui is also better to choose a large bed and a wide mattress. Thus, he will provide an opportunity to enter into his life the energy of his future second half.
What should i avoid?
For those who have a large and, moreover, correctly located house, it is much easier to choose a place for a bedroom than for owners of tiny standard apartments in high-rise buildings, built in the way the architect wanted. However, even if you don’t have the opportunity to comply with all the rules of Feng Shui, try to at least consider what you should never do.
And there are many such considerations:
- Do not place the bed with the foot of the door or window.
- Do not place the bed so that it is reflected in a mirror surface (for example, in a polished cabinet door).
- The headboard should not be in the airflow path between the door and the window.
- A chandelier or a night lamp should not hang over the pillow, as well as shelves, shelving or any other heavy objects.
- Sockets and switches should be no closer than one and a half to two meters from the bed.
- Do not put the bed in the middle - it should be protected by a wall at least on one side.
What should be the bed?
Feng Shui supporters strongly object to round beds. They are uncomfortable, moreover, do not have backs. It is best to choose a bed of classic rectangular shape, not bulky, but spacious enough.
As for materials, natural wood is considered ideal. Metal beds are sometimes allowed. But what all Feng Shui masters dissuade from is water and air mattresses, since there is a contradiction between the elements.
Important! When choosing a metal bed, keep in mind that electrical appliances, as well as heaters, should be located as far from it as possible. Metal is an excellent conductor of both heat and electricity, so sleeping on such a bed next to such equipment can be simply dangerous.
As for the color scheme, the color of natural wood is most preferable. Upholstery should not be bright and flashy - it is better to choose materials of gentle pastel colors.
to contents ↑Bedding color
Fans of Feng Shui rarely use white linen, so common for a person brought up in European culture. Other colors are more commonly used:
- red;
- Orange;
- green;
- blue;
- Violet.
Each color is assigned a symbolic meaning. For example:
- Red sheets and duvet covers can improve blood circulation and metabolism.
- Covering orange underwear, you will get rid of a bad mood and overcome the anxiety state.
- Green color promotes good heart function and relieves nervousness, and also provides relaxation to the eyes.
- Sleeping on blue sheets becomes especially calm, a person feels comfort.
- Finally, a purple pillowcase can relieve migraines.
to contents ↑Important! If, besides all of the above, you are still concerned about some other points, you may find answers to your questions in another article in this section of our site:"BUTmules for home protection. "
Stock footage
Feng Shui is an ancient philosophical system that takes into account the characteristics of human nature. But this does not mean at all that having equipped the bedroom in accordance with the rules adopted in this system, you will immediately get the desired result. Maybe, of course, that will happen. But all people are different, and in order to provide the most comfortable conditions, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of each. If something didn’t work out for you, you can always contact the Feng Shui masters who will determine what you forgot to take into account and help to correct mistakes.
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