Silicone glue for glass

In modern construction, a variety of tools and materials have appeared. Technology does not stand still, and people can choose what to use during construction. One of the modern tools is silicone glue for glass. This material is very popular, which is not surprising, given its quality. It is used not only in everyday life, but also in various industries. Before using this glue, we will find out what it consists of and how it works.

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Composition and properties

Silicones are high molecular weight organosilicon compounds. Today, a huge number of manufactured products and materials from this material. The scope of their use is wide enough - life, construction, industry. The adhesives and sealant have different silicone compounds; in the course of their polymerization, different surfaces are bonded.

Important! It should be remembered that for high-quality bonding of different surfaces, it is necessary to carefully approach the collection of glue. You will learn how to do this from our archive:

All solutions on this basis have the following properties:

  • Consistency, due to which the cavity and irregularities are filled with the composition;
  • High adhesion, which allows bonding a wide variety of surfaces - glass, ceramic, metal;
  • Non toxic;
  • Ease of use;
  • Fast polymerization.

After the transparent glass silicone glue hardens, the seam is strong and waterproof. It is noteworthy that over time there is no decrease in the seam transparency. The properties of the composition are stored in the temperature range from -40 to +200 degrees.

Important! If special additives are added to the composition, it appears antiseptic, fungicidal and other qualities.

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Silicone glue for glass is used to solve the following problems:

  • Glue materials difficult for other compounds;
  • Seal the seams;
  • As gaskets in mechanisms.

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Such glue will cope with gluing glass, ceramics, brick, wood, some plastics, elastic polymers, metals and many other materials.

Important! With the help of such material, it is possible to glue or seal the joints in mechanisms that are very hot or cool - engines, heaters, refrigeration units, air conditioners.

Silicone glue has a number of features that you should not forget about:

  • The material is not suitable for reliable bonding of polyethylene, fluoroplastic, polycarbonate and other polymers;
  • Qualities are lost in contact with gasoline, ethylene glycol and synthetic motor oil.

All this must be taken into account before use, then the work of the adhesive will be effective.

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How to work with the solution?

Transparent silicone glue for glass is easy to use, you just need to follow the simplest instructions:

  1. We remove dirt from the surfaces to be glued.
  2. Apply glue to one of the surfaces. If the parts are joined, a seam is made along the joint.
  3. We fix the parts in a stationary state for ten to twenty minutes.

Important! In order for complete polymerization to take place, it takes about twenty-four hours, after which the product can be used.

To glue based on polymers was more effective, you must follow the recommendations made by experts:

  • The material is applied only to a dry surface. If water suddenly enters, adhesion will deteriorate sharply, as a result of which gluing can become completely impossible.
  • The gluing process is carried out at a positive ambient temperature. When the temperature rises by five degrees, polymerization takes place twice as fast.
  • The size of the filled gap should not exceed 6 mm.
  • The width of the seams should not exceed 15-20 mm.

Important! We figured out the technical part of the glass bonding process. Perhaps worth remembering the creative? Glass is a multifunctional material, therefore there are many options for its use, we have given only some of them.

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Of course, different adhesive compositions have different features, therefore, before starting work, you need to carefully study the instructions for use. Due to this, all actions will be performed correctly, the seam and the part as a whole will be reliable.

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