Thin face skin - what to do?

Many women suffer from the fact that the skin on their face is too sensitive. Such thin skin is subject to rapid aging, expression wrinkles are formed on it faster, redness and irritation often appear. If nature has rewarded you with thin skin, what should I do? Proper care will help you avoid many problems and keep your skin youthful. We will talk about all the rules in this article.
to contents ↑Signs of thin and sensitive skin
How to determine if your skin is thin or not? Let's look at the main signs of thin skin. You have thin skin if:
- After washing, you get a feeling of tightness.
- Often on the face there are redness, as well as itching and burning.
- The skin often peels.
- Often there is a negative reaction to cosmetics.
to contents ↑Important! If you are not sure, then you can conduct a simple test. To do this, take the pen and swipe the blunt end across the cheek:
- If the pen mark disappears within 20 seconds, you have normal skin.
- If you stayed for a longer period, then you have thin and sensitive skin.
Causes of Thin Skin
What are the causes of thinning of the skin?
- Constant stresses and emotional overstrain lead to negative consequences in the work of the whole organism, including the skin.
- Hormonal disruptions can also lead to thinning of the skin.
- Incorrectly selected cosmetics can cause significant harm to your skin.
- Factors such as heredity and age-related changes also affect the skin condition.
Problem Skin Care
Care for thin skin should be correct. First of all, this is daily care, which consists of several stages.
- Wash your face in the morning with warm or cool water. It is desirable that it is not chlorinated. Sensitive skin does not respond well to chlorine and hot water.
- Treat clean skin with a tonic.
- Be sure to brush your face with day cream. Choose a cream marked for sensitive skin. Use only quality cosmetics from trusted manufacturers.
Important! At different times of the year, depending on weather conditions, facial skin care should be different. Having mastered the simple rules, you can easily do your skin perfect. You do not need to look for a long time, all information can be found in our archives:
- To remove makeup, use cosmetic milk, micellar water, or another product designed for this purpose.
Important! It’s best not to remove makeup with plain tap water.
- The tonic must be selected without alcohol.
- Apply a nourishing night cream for sensitive skin.
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget to pamper your skin with pleasant and healthy procedures and masks. Then the results will not take long:
Recommendations for sensitive skin
In addition to daily care for thin skin, the following recommendations should be observed:
- Do not use ordinary soap, use a special gel or cleansing milk.
- Do not leave makeup overnight.
- Use creams and masks regularly.
Important! The main trick in this matter is the right skin care products.And in this matter we will help you figure it out:
- If you make masks, then remember that there should not be any alcohol-containing or aggressive components, for example, mustard.
Important! It is advisable to test any mask for allergies.
- Often problems with the skin are caused by vitamin deficiency, in particular a lack of B vitamins. Therefore, fruits, vegetables, nuts, bran should be your best friends. Spicy, fried, salty should be excluded from the diet.
- Do not use cosmetic ice, herbal compresses, aromatherapy is also contraindicated for you.
- Do not abuse the sauna, bath procedures, limit pastime in the sun.
- Your best helper is a dream. During sleep, cells are renewed and restored.
- Try to control your facial expressions - do not squint your eyes, do not wrinkle your forehead.
- Drink more water. Remember, a person should drink at least 1, 5 liters of water per day, and in your case - better than 2.
- Try to protect your face from direct sunlight, use special sunscreens.
- For peeling, choose products with artificial exfoliating microbeads that less damage the skin.
Factors Affecting Thin Skin
Since we are talking about caring for thin skin of the face, we must also mention that some factors negatively affect her condition and it is advisable to exclude them:
- We already mentioned that sensitive skin does not tolerate chlorinated water, so you should not provoke it to irritation and wash yourself with tap water. But if you can’t avoid such contact, for example, when visiting the pool, then you need to apply a special water-repellent cream.
- Such skin does not like frequent changes of cosmetics. Experts recommend changing funds no more than once every 3 months.
- Owners of thin skin are contraindicated in masks based on aloe, honey, as well as hormonal creams and ointments.
- Nicotine also has a negative effect. Therefore, try not to be in a smoky room for a long time.
Masks for thin skin
To maintain the youth and health of your face, you need to periodically make masks. Before the mask, experts recommend peeling, because after cleansing, the skin is more susceptible to the nutritional properties of the substances that you apply to it.
This mask has a rejuvenating effect, nourishes and softens the skin:
- In a small amount of milk, put 30 grams of yeast. Add a few drops of olive oil.
- Apply a mask and leave for 20-25 minutes.
- Rinse with boiled warm water.
To restore water balance, you can do the following:
- Mix one tablespoon of boiled water, one egg yolk, one tablespoon of sour cream and one teaspoon of olive oil.
- Apply on face and leave for 15 minutes.
- Rinse with cool boiled water.
Cucumber masks that moisturize the skin are very useful:
- Grate one fresh cucumber on a grater or scroll in a blender and squeeze the juice.
- Mix two tablespoons of cucumber juice, one teaspoon of cottage cheese and one teaspoon of honey.
- Apply on face for 20 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.
Flax seed has a beneficial effect on any type of dermis:
- Pour two tablespoons of flax seeds in a glass of boiling water.
- Cook until the mixture thickens.
- Cool the broth and apply on face for 40 minutes.
- Rinse with cool water.
Such a vitamin cocktail will supply your skin with nutrients and normalize the sebaceous glands:
- Mix one egg yolk with one tablespoon of milk.
- Add two tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of chopped oatmeal to the mixture.
- Apply on face for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.
Such a mask will saturate the face with vitamins, improve its color and remove age spots:
- Cut 10 grams of spinach into small pieces, add 15 ml of olive oil.
- Apply to face and leave for 35 minutes, then rinse with water.
From avocado
A very effective mask that nourishes the dermis with vitamins, as well as softens and improves its elasticity:
- Pass half an avocado through a meat grinder, or you can use a blender. Add one egg yolk to the resulting puree.
- Apply the resulting mass on the face and leave for 20-40 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
to contents ↑Important! In the cold periods of the year - autumn, winter, early spring - you need to remember about skin care on your hands, because it suffers no less and gives out your age. What you should pay special attention to, find out on the pages of our website:
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Keep in mind that thin skin care should be started as early as possible, then your face will delight you with its beauty and healthy appearance for a long time.
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