Air purifier

If you started reading this article, it’s quite clear: you are interested in an air purifier. How to choose a device that will serve you for a long time, does not require complicated care, will work silently and reliably? The task, frankly, is not an easy one. Even a professional will think about the current huge number of models of cleaners, not to mention the inexperienced buyer. Expert advice will help you make better choices. So, an air purifier for an apartment - which one to choose and by what parameters?

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Room Area

Air purifiers are designed for a certain footage of the room. For this reason, it is necessary to determine what is the area of ​​the room in which the device will be placed:

  • If you are ready to place the device in each of the rooms, you must choose a model in full accordance with the service area of ​​this device.
  • If you buy one cleaner for a multi-room apartment, then you need to focus on the footage of the largest of the rooms. It is preferable to choose a device with a margin of service area. The atmosphere will be cleaned more efficiently and quickly.
  • For a small room, an air purifier used for cars is quite suitable. The benefit is twofold: the same device can be used both in cars and at home.

Important! This criterion must be taken into account, otherwise - you will not get the expected efficiency of the device and will continue to feel some discomfort from polluted air. Or the cost of a too powerful device will not be rational.

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What problems does the air purifier solve?

There are several air purification technologies that solve the problems of air pollution in different ways. The cost of the device depends on air purification technology.

Air cleaner for the apartment - a large amount of dust in suspension

If you have such a situation in the house, these types of cleaners are suitable for you.

Devices with electrostatic filters

The filters attract dust using electrostatic charge and are easy to clean. If you want to buy just such a cleaner, you do not need to order replacement filters.

Important! The device is not suitable for a very dusty room. According to statistics, he will be able to remove no more than 90% of the dust. In this case, in order to effectively deal with dirt, it will be useful for you to find out where does the dust come from.

HEPA filters

A home air purifier with HEPA filters is more efficient than electrostatics. Buy such devices for use in families with children or allergies.

Important! Maintenance of this type of cleaner is quite simple: monthly vacuum cleaning and replacement once every 6-12 months, depending on how dirty the filter is.

It is believed that air purifiers with HEPA filters are the most effective means of purifying the atmosphere. They create an obstacle to microscopic dust particles and bacteria. If you need high-quality cleaning, then devices equipped with HEPA filters are the best option. Check out the practical tips from our article on wet cleaning.


This category of air purifiers deposits dust on the surface, making the air cleaner.Dust does not settle on the filter inside the device, so you do not need to wash the filter or replace it.

Important! This option is suitable for people who do not want to spend a lot of time caring for an air purifier.


The biggest problem for allergy sufferers is the smallest dust particles. It is the particles invisible to the eye that provoke symptoms such as allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, or coughing. The best choice for allergy sufferers is as follows.

Devices with HEPA filters

Air purification in an apartment with such a device is 99.9%. Today is the best prophylactic. Additionally, it does not hurt to use effective dust cleaner. Only in this case you will be able to restore the perfect order in the house.

Electrostatic filters

Cleaners equipped with “electrostatics” are less effective because dust is attracted to the filter plates by static electricity. The gap between the plates ensures that part of the dust does not settle on the filter.

Important! The percentage of cleaning efficiency is from 81 to 90%.

Air wash

Cleaning is carried out by sweeping the air mass through a water suspension. The smallest dust particles are washed off by water, without the smallest chance to return to the air of the room.

Important! The most efficient appliances are ionization sinks. The cleaning efficiency reaches 95%.

Humidifier cleaner

Cleaning is carried out using water that is sprayed inside the device, or using a special evaporative filter.

Important! The quality of cleaning is 80-90%.


Ionizer Humidifier Cleaner precipitates dust to the surface, minimizing the concentration of allergens in the air.

Important! Allergy can provoke not only and not so much the dust itself, but also the mold contained in it, fungi, dust mites. A good prophylactic is photocatalytic air purifiers, as well as ozonizers that neutralize harmful substances.

Photocatalytic Air Purifier

As a result of the interaction of the catalyst and ultraviolet rays, harmful substances are neutralized, air is disinfected, and toxic compounds are neutralized.


Ozone gas is the strongest oxidizing agent, disinfects air, neutralizes substances harmful to health. When operating the ozonizer, it is necessary that there are no people in the room.

Tobacco smoke

Air purifier for an apartment - which one to choose for protection from tobacco smoke? The following options are best suited for rooms with smoked air:

  • Photocatalytic air purifiers, preferably equipped with an electrostatic filter. The HEPA filter is also suitable, but it will be much more difficult to clean it of nicotine resin. As a result of photocatalysis, decomposition of toxic substances occurs, an electrostatic filter precipitates a nicotine resin, and an ionizer helps to disperse smoke.
  • Air purifier ozonizer. As a result of a chemical reaction, chemically neutral water and carbon dioxide are formed.
  • Air washing is less effective when compared with photocatalysis and ozonizer.
  • Charcoal filters for protection against tobacco smoke are ineffective, since air flow through the absorbent filter is quite problematic.

Bad smells:

  • Photocatalytic air purifier for the apartment - contributes to the rapid destruction of unpleasant odors.
  • Air ozonizer - cleaves and oxidizes organic and chemical substances in the air. This also applies to volatile substances - sources of odor.
  • Charcoal filters. Part of the volatile substances is adsorbed by coal, but the efficiency of such a device is several times less than that from photocatalysis.

Disinfection of the atmosphere, especially with epidemics of various diseases):

Here are a few options to choose from:

  • Photocatalytic air purifier - photocatalysis reactions contribute to the death of pathogens.
  • Ozonizers are the best option. The efficiency of ozone is two to three times higher than ultraviolet. At the same time, processing time takes much less.
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Issue of care

Answer your own question: how often are you ready to care for the device?

  • If daily care is not very burdensome for you, choose a sink or humidifier. The water in these devices is changed every 3 days. It is also necessary to add water as it evaporates.
  • A plasma type home air purifier requires flushing filters (electrostatic plates) once a week.
  • The most unpretentious devices that need cleaning no more than once a month are: ozonizers, air purifiers with HEPA filters, photocatalytic devices, ionizers.

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Air cleaner operation mode:

  1. The best option when the device is working around the clock. In this case, the air will always be clean, which has a positive effect on the health of all family members.
  2. For round-the-clock operation, cleaning devices with economical energy consumption are best suited (the indicator of power consumption is decisive).

Important! If you purchased the device for periodic use, you must remember that in humidifiers and sinks, water must be changed periodically so that it does not deteriorate.

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Noise at work

You should pay attention to this indicator if you purchase an air purifier for round-the-clock operation. The night mode function is desirable (devices are silent or with reduced noise level).

Important! If you decide to restore complete order in the house and not spend a lot of time on it, consider buying a multifunctional device. A separate review will help you choose a quality vacuum cleaner with steam cleaner.

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Stock footage

So, once again reviewing the above information, you can choose a device for air purification in the apartment. This means that comfort and well-being after purchase are guaranteed to you. Why not use such a household appliance?

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