Repair of washing machines Virpul

A huge variety of different models and manufacturers of washing machines are presented in household appliance stores. One of these brands is Whirlpool. Units are produced in Slovakia and Italy. All units are of high quality. However, there are cases when it is necessary to repair Virpul washing machines. A washing machine is a complex mechanism that has many possible causes of failure and repair methods. Today we will look at the most common malfunctions and tell you how to do the Virpul washing machine repair yourself.
to contents ↑Important! According to statistics, one out of fifteen cars undergoes repair.
Drum water does not drain
One of the most common causes of malfunction in washing machines of different manufacturers is the lack of fluid drainage. Almost every person was faced with the fact that the unit after running the program does not drain the water.
Important! This disadvantage also manifests itself if you restart the function or press the forced water drain button.
This situation may be in such cases:
- blockage in the drain pipe;
- clogged filter;
- a blockage that has occurred in the sewer;
- breakdown of the electric pump responsible for draining the water in the washer.
Before repairing the Virpul washing machine, regardless of whether it is loaded vertically or frontally, it is necessary to free the drum from the water that formed during washing:
- You can use the emergency drain pipe, which is located next to the main hose. To do this, just open the cork and substitute the pelvis.
- The second way to drain the liquid from the washing machine is to unscrew the filter. You need to do this very carefully and arm yourself with a large number of rags, since all the water (there is a lot of it there, despite the fact that at first glance there are no more than five liters) will pour out of this hole. With such a drain, it will not work to substitute the pelvis, since the filter is located at the very bottom of the device.
To eliminate the problem associated with poor or missing water drainage, the filter and hoses must be flushed to remove dirt and debris. Sewers should also be cleaned with a flexible cord made of wire.
Important! The above steps do not require special skills and disassembly of the Whirlpool washing machine. If you cleaned all the pipes and the unit still didn’t work, then you need to repair the Virpul washing machine - you will do it yourself or call the master, decide based on your practical skills.
DIY repair
To resolve the problem, it is necessary to disassemble the unit casing and get to the drain pipe and coupling.
How to get to the drain pipe:
- Remove the detergent tray.
- We disconnect the washing machine from the mains, water supply and sewage.
- We turn the unit and put it on its side on the carpet.
- Remove bolts.
- Remove the bottom.
- We measure the resistance at open contacts with a multimeter.
- If the problem is in the drain pump, replace the old with a new one. If the reason is not in it, we move on.
- A little unscrew the clamps that hold the drain pipe.
- We clean from debris and dirt.
- Set in place.
After these steps, the water in the machine will drain properly. Consider the following reason.
to contents ↑The water in the machine does not heat up and the programs do not work
Sometimes owners of washing machines are faced with the fact that the display has stopped working normally. Display failure is easy to identify. During washing, the entire panel and all buttons will flash, while nothing happens to the program that is running. She works as she should.
To check the panel for proper condition, it is necessary to turn off the washing machine from the mains for a couple of minutes. If, upon switching on, the problem still manifests itself, then you must call the wizard or take the device to a service center. It is impossible to repair the electronic panel yourself!
Important! There is another option for the development of events - the washing machine turns on, you set the program, and then a failure occurs - it completely turns off and does not react to your actions in any way.
In this case, most likely there is another situation, which we examined in detail in a separate article “Knocks the machine when the washing machine is turned on”.
Failure of the heater
Have you thought about the fact that you need to repair the Virpul washing machines, since the water does not heat up during washing? Then you need to independently determine the cause of the breakdown. If the temperature does not correspond to that declared when choosing a program, then the only reason is the failure of the heater or thermistor.
Important! Remember that the failure of the heater in 90% of cases is caused by poor water quality and lack of care for the equipment during its operation. But you can easily prevent such a malfunction if:
- perform regularly washing machine prevention;
- from time to time by special or at least improvised meansdescale.
In any case, it is necessary to diagnose this malfunction.
How to replace the heater:
- Using a screwdriver, unscrew the bolts that hold the back cover.
- We remove the bracket, which prevents getting close to the heater.
- In front of you is a heater - this is a metal plate with contacts and wires.
- Disconnect the wires.
- Using a special device - a multimeter, measure the resistance.
- We measure the resistance of the heating element.
At this point, you will notice that the readings are zero. In this case, it is necessary to do the Virpul washing machine a do-it-yourself repair, namely the replacement of the heater. To do this, you need to remove the old heating element.
Important! Often, it is possible to determine the breakdown of a heating element without a multimeter. The plate sticks to the surface so much that a thick layer of scale forms, which can be up to one centimeter thick.
In case of strong scale and the inability to disconnect the plate the first time, you must use the special tool WD-40.
The heater is installed on a rubber gasket, which also needs to be replaced when the heating element breaks. This is due to the fact that not replaced rubber during operation can leak, which will lead to serious consequences.
After you have installed a new heater, it is necessary to reconnect all the wires to it and tighten it. Replace the back cover. Simply put, the assembly process is the same as the disassembly, only in reverse order.
Water flows from the hatch during washing
One of the most common problems is water leakage from the window while a program is running. Before you think about repairing the Virpul washing machine, you need to know the exact cause of this malfunction.
Water may leak out of the hatch only due to poor rubber cuff, which is fixed on the inside of the window. This part is designed to not let water through.
Important! You must constantly monitor the cleanliness of the gum. So, when washing, dirt and a small amount of water are constantly collected in the lower part of the cuff. As a result, rubber may burst, crack and let water through.
How to replace the old cuff with a new one:
- Open the hatch as much as possible.
- We use a small screwdriver to pry up the plastic holder in which the elastic is fixed.
- On a rubber lining we find a bolt - this is the cuff attachment point.
- We unscrew the bolt, thereby, straightening the cuff.
- With a little force we pull on the cuff, and it will succumb to you.
- Carefully insert a new rubber band. The use of sharp objects at this stage is not recommended.
- Dress the collar.
- We twist a bolt.
- We use a washing machine.
Important! When buying a new cuff, we strongly recommend that you opt for the original model, which is produced by Slovakia or Italy. Do not buy cheap cuffs that will not last you long and cause more damage to the device.
In order not to think about repairing the Virpul washing machine with your own hands, you should constantly look after the unit. Namely:
- put network filtersthat will protect all electronic parts and contacts;
- clean filters after several washes;
- wipe the cuff;
- check pockets before washing;
- use only special detergents;
- calculate correctly bedding weight.
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Then the Whirlpool technique will last you a very long time!
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