Beko washing machine 5 kg - malfunctions

A washing machine is one of the most important types of appliances in the whole house. The products from the Beko brand, which produces models of different types at an attractive price, have become very popular. And very often it happens that our favorite technique breaks down when we do not expect this at all. Of course, no mechanism can be eternal, so today we will figure out the question: if you have a Beko 5 kg washing machine, what kind of malfunctions may arise, and we will give some tips for fixing it.

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Home diagnostics

Typically, the causes of breakdowns are very simple, although they cause the user some panic. In this section, we will try to find out the causes of a malfunction of the Beko 5 kg washing machine.

How to identify a possible breakdown?

In this section, we will help the reader identify the main causes of the breakdown of his equipment. In order not to resort to the help of a master from a service center who will take a lot of money for the diagnosis of the machine, we will try to independently understand whether there is a breakdown in the washing machine, and if so, what is it connected with.

Breakdowns can be as follows:

  • The water in the apparatus either does not heat up, or heats up too much, as a result - the machine “does not obey” its owner, things are not washed at the temperature that is required.
  • The manhole cover does not close, due to which washing cannot start.
  • The Beko washing machine gives an error code and flatly refuses to wash things.
  • Water is not poured into the tank or poured for a very long time.
  • Water after the washing procedure does not drain along the hose, and sounds that are not characteristic of it are heard from the machine.
  • The rotation of the drum during washing clothes is accompanied by an incomprehensible noise, rattle and creak.
  • The machine does not turn on even if it is plugged in.
  • It is impossible to start any program, although the machine issues it, but does not execute it.

Attention! If you notice any other strangeness in the operation of your washing machine and cannot determine what is wrong with it, contact the master - he knows his business. A specialist will diagnose your washer and may be able to fix it right on the spot.

Two types of faults

Masters specializing in the repair of such equipment divide all breakdowns into two types:

  • External Usually caused by damage to the case. External damage to the control panel (hole, deep scratch), a crack on the glass of the hatch, or breakage of its handle can also be characterized.
  • Internal They are connected with the breakdown of internal parts providing the main work. Most often, this problem occurs when some part of the loaded clothes gets inside (for example, a small coin or a button from a shirt), or wear of an element has appeared, due to which the whole machine fails.
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The main causes of damage to the washing machine

So, we figured out the manifestations of the malfunction, now we need to determine its cause. What could cause a breakdown of your favorite equipment? Let's try to explain the most common causes of some malfunctions in order to proceed with the possible repair of a Beko washing machine with your own hands.

Important! Note that if the problem is caused by a breakdown in the engine or control unit, it is most often advisable to buy new equipment. For the price it will be almost the same as the cost of repair in case of failure of such expensive parts.For you to quickly solve the problem of replacing equipment, read the articles:

If the temperature in the device does not match the temperature selected by the user

Most likely, the cause may be a malfunction of the heater (part that heats the water) and / or control board. It is imperative to check both elements.

Important! For the future, you should understand one thing that the heater fails due to poor water quality. To prevent such a breakdown, it is enough to follow our tips so that from time to time descale in the washing machine.

If water does not flow into the tank or flows, but very slowly

There may be several reasons for this:

  • The first of them - the filter that is in the hose is very clogged, so water cannot pass through it.
  • The second is the lack of water in the water supply system.

Also, the cause may be damage to the control unit, which often fails because voltage surges are often present in the network. Protect your equipment is possible and necessary. For this, only put a good surge protector.

If the hatch does not close

Try to lightly push it with your knee, perhaps it just can not slam due to weak pressure. However, if the machine generates an error, and the code is decoded that the hatch is not closed, although this is actually not the case, the sensor has broken down, which blocks the device during washing.

If the machine does not drain used water and at the same time buzzes strangely

The problem may be a blockage in the hose from which water should pour out or in the control board.

If the machine turns the drum noisily

Such a malfunction of the Beko washing machine may result in damage to the bearings or the ingress of a small foreign object into the device. In this case, you must immediately turn off the machine, because this malfunction often is dangerous.

Important! Often this problem is caused by improper operation of the washing machine, which leads to imbalance, increased vibrations. If until now you had no idea how to sort things correctly, which clothes can be loaded into the tank together and which ones are not worth it, be sure to read all about weight calculation for washing.

If the washing machine does not turn on at all

Also, the device may not turn on at all or not obey the operator. Here, most likely, the control panel buttons are broken or some wire (usually network) is broken. There may also be a situation that we examined in detail in a separate article - knocks the machine when the washing machine is turned on.

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Self repair device

Manufacturers and service center masters do not highly recommend complicated repair of the washing machine, however, it is possible to do a simple repair of the Beko washing machine with your own hands, because this brand lends itself well to repair, since it is not so difficult to arrange, unlike its counterparts.

So, here is what the owners of the equipment can do:

  • Replacing the heater;
  • Cleaning the drain hose filter and timely washing machine prevention;
  • Replacing the intake valve;
  • Replacing the drain pump.

Attention! If repairs of the most complex nature are necessary, we recommend that you immediately contact the foreman working in the service center, otherwise the risk of breakage is provided to a greater extent.

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The information in this article helped you troubleshoot your Beko 5 kg washing machine, quite simply. We hope you managed to do it yourself and repair it yourself.


