Electrolux washing machine - malfunctions

Even the most reliable washing machine can malfunction over time. The reason for this can be both improper operation in violation of the manufacturer's rules, and poor water quality, natural wear of parts. If the display of the washing machine shows symbols that you don’t even know the meaning of, the device most likely sends a signal for help and gives an error code. Today we’ll talk about what kind of malfunctions the “Electrolux” washing machine may have.

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Key Codes

Sooner or later, malfunctions occur with any household appliance. Today, most manufacturers equip their devices with a self-diagnosis function.

If you have an “Electrolux” washing machine, its malfunctions can be seen on the display. And if they can decipher them correctly, then coping with the breakdown will be much easier. Consider the main codes and the reasons for their appearance on the control panel.


Lack of water supply. If you see such a code, check the voltage on the winding of the water supply pump. Also, this combination may indicate insufficient pressure in the pump or blockage and need filter cleaning.

E 21, 22, 23, 24

No drain. Such an error code for the “Electrolux” washing machine appears on the display if, after 10 minutes from the beginning of the start of the drain program, it has not started.

To diagnose and eliminate the causes, check the drain pump: ring its winding, and also check the pipes and hoses for blockages.

E 31, 32

Signal of a breakdown in the pressure sensor. It is necessary to ring all the electrical circuits.


Problems with the hatch. Perhaps it is ajar, or the latch has broken. If everything is in order with the door, they ring the contacts of the hatch lock for breakdowns.

The code indicates the presence of water in the device tray. Check if the hose is properly fixed and how tight its joints are. May have to instructions to replace the drain hose.

E 33-39

Faults in pressure and protection sensors. The first thing to check is the condition of the sensors and electrical circuits. To do this, they can ring for breakdowns.

E 61

This error code of the “Electrolux” washing machine means that the appliance does not heat enough or does not heat it at all. In this case, first check whether the heater is in good condition. If his condition is still quite satisfactory, you only need descale in the washing machine.

EF1, EF2

Such alphanumeric combinations indicate a clogged filter. It is necessary to disassemble the device and clean both the filter system and the pump.


No water pressure or water does not enter the device. This may be a sensor strip, but most likely something happened to the pump.

EN1, EN2, EN3

There is no mains voltage. Check the entire power supply circuit of the device.

Of course, this is far from all the errors that can be found on the display of your washing machine. A more complete list can be checked with the manufacturer, or refer to the operating instructions for your model. Some of the problems can be completely eliminated on their own, but with some problems it is better to immediately contact specialists.

In any case, if you do not know what to do when a malfunction occurs, it is better to contact the service. If you decide on an independent repair, you should remember about safety measures.

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Safety precautions

The first thing to remember when deciding to repair the machine yourself is that any work should be carried out with the appliance disconnected from the mains and water.

You should also remember about other recommendations.


  1. Isolate all live parts of the device. Otherwise, not only the device may suffer, but you too.
  2. Remember that the device is connected to the network only if there is grounding. It would also be nice to put network filters.
  3. Before starting work, check whether all the tools and materials you need are in place, as well as their serviceability.
  4. After troubleshooting, a test run of the machine. It should be remembered that the device must be level, level.
  5. Also, during a test check, do not start the machine empty. Put at least a towel in the tank.
  6. A washing machine is an electrical appliance that works with water. Check out our review on how you selected and installed the right ones. sockets in the bathroom. In order to avoid an accident, be sure to check the tightness of all drain and inlet hoses, as well as the absence of water on the body of the device.
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Stock footage

These are the main points that should be considered when fixing the unit. Error codes “Electrolux” will help you diagnose a breakdown, and you will have to repair it yourself or with the help of a wizard.

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