Chipboard bed

Not every person will be able to decide on the manufacture of furniture on their own, which is why most often preference is given to one of the options that are presented on the market. In fact, it is not so difficult to make a bed from chipboard with your own hands, so you should not be afraid. In addition, the assortment of modern furniture stores, despite its breadth, in most cases does not suit buyers for various reasons. Having the skills to work with this material and a huge desire to save money, you can do everything yourself, guided by the recommendations given in this article.
to contents ↑The main advantages of chipboard furniture
You get a number of quite obvious advantages, deciding to make a bed of chipboard with your own hands at home:
- Availability of material in terms of price. It is inexpensive, but it will also require minor auxiliary elements - fasteners and accessories. It is a budget option to get a great quality bed.
- Ease. No problems will arise during the execution of all work, if you have at least minimal experience in working with such material.
- Availability of drawings. You can find them on the Internet, create yourself or order from specialists. The main thing is to accurately determine and indicate the dimensions of the future product in order to prevent errors in the preparation of all the blanks and their assembly.
- The subject of pride. Naturally, any person will be proud of a hand-made thing. And here we are talking about a full-fledged sleeping place for one or two people, which is guaranteed to fit into the interior of the bedroom.
Features of making a bed from chipboard
If you have made a final decision, and nothing can affect it, then before you make a bed yourself from chipboard, get acquainted with the features of this process.
These include the following:
- Of course, the first thing you should take care of is the preparation of the necessary equipment and materials. You will need an electric jigsaw, a screwdriver, a mechanism for lifting the mattress, self-tapping screws, metal corners, sheets of chipboard. It can be ordinary or laminated sheets.
- It is imperative to use the drawings, according to them to cut all the components for the future bed.
Important! If you want to make it large with many additional details, then it is better to ask for help at the sawmill - there, with the help of special cutters, everything will be accurately, quickly and accurately cut to you.
- First of all, the box is made, because this is the main component of any bed, it can be used as a storage directly under the bed. As a rule, they give it a rectangular shape, connecting the end and side elements together.
- Any design needs reinforcement; for this, crossbars are installed between the long sides of the product. They are fastened with screws and corners.
- The bottom is made of a large sheet of chipboard, the size corresponding to the dimensions of the box. The bottom is fixed on the box with self-tapping screws around the entire perimeter.
- Features of the outer skin. It is carried out using a laminated chipboard, while the height of all parts exceeds the height of the base by 25-40 mm.This makes the sleeping place more attractive.
- Access to the bottom is ensured by connecting to the box lying part by means of a lifting mechanism.
Anyway, making a bed with your own hands allows you to get an attractive, full, reliable sleeping area, while large investments are not needed to implement this project.
to contents ↑How to make a double bed from chipboard with your own hands?
Despite the fact that the double bed has enough overall dimensions, it is extremely simple to assemble it yourself. The most expensive part of the product is the mattress, but it is not worth saving here, so they are bought ready-made. In stores, such furniture without a mattress is much more expensive than the materials necessary for its manufacture. If you do your best, you will get a chic double bed with your own hands. Drawings and schemes from chipboard allow you to make a custom size design, because it often happens that because of too much growth, many people can not choose a comfortable bed for themselves.
Determining the size of the bed, push off from the dimensions of the mattress. When choosing it, adhere to the following principles:
- For an adult, the minimum width of a berth is 80 cm, for a teenager or small child - 60-70 cm.
- The length of the mattress should exceed the height of the person who will sleep on it for 15 cm.
- Remember, the more a person weighs, the thicker it is necessary to buy a mattress.
Important! Drawing of a bed from a chipboard can be developed independently, using the sketches and diagrams available on the Internet. You can also take a ready-made drawing by simply substituting your own measurements in it, if in general the proposed design suits you.
To make a simple double bed without a bedside table and legs, you will need such materials and tools:
- LDSP sheets 16-24 mm thick for the manufacture of sidewalls, headboards and footboards.
Important! The sides are absolutely symmetrical, the foot can be made just above the bed, the head is the highest part, which can have a curly or standard rectangular shape.
- Edged boards or chipboards with a thickness of 16 mm for arranging three crossbars directly under the frame mattress.
- For the frame of the box, the beam is 30 by 30, to which the bottom is attached, 3 transverse and 2 longitudinal parts.
- Sheet of plywood or fiberboard for the bottom under an ordinary mattress.
- Confirmats with caps for assembly to match the color of the base material.
- Self-tapping screws for mounting the bottom.
- Hacksaw.
- Electric jigsaw.
- Drill with bits and drills.
- Small plastic legs or double furniture thrusts.
Assemble the bed according to this instruction:
- Cut the materials, process the edges of the chipboard. To make a cut yourself, it is better to use an iron and a melamine edge. Turn on the iron at partial power, iron the edge attached to the open cut. The edges may protrude slightly beyond the plane of the slabs, the excess is cut off with a construction knife. Lay out all the details, mark and drill holes for the confirmations, at this stage attach the thrust bearings or legs.
- Gather the bottom under an ordinary mattress. First, assemble the frame from the beam, fasten 3 crossbars between two longitudinal strips, then attach the sidewalls from the chipboard to them. Attach the back and head to the ends of the sidewalls in two places, backing off about 3 cm from the top and bottom edges.
- If you already bought a frame mattress and want to make a bed without a bottom, then the assembly sequence will change. First of all, between the sidewalls, fasten 3 crossbars, 1 in the center and 2 closer to the edges. It is necessary to arrange the crossbars perpendicular to the floor with a wide plane, the fastening itself takes place in two places. Then the head and foot are attached.
Important! The height of the mattress can be independently adjusted, as well as the depth of its drowning in the box.But it should be sufficient so that it is well fixed. In addition, the mattress should rise above the edges of the sidewalls at least a couple of centimeters. The bottom can be raised slightly, drawers can be made from below.
- Decorate the product with decorative overlays of a contrasting color, attach them to the visible part of the head and foot, departing from each edge by 8 cm. It is better to fix them on the screws on the chipboard side.
to contents ↑Important! You can also make plywood lining, covered with furniture fabric and a thin layer of foam.
How to make a folding or children's bed from chipboard?
If you want to save useful space, folding furniture will be an excellent solution for you. For such a purpose, a transforming bed-sofa is suitable, because in this way you will get at the same time a full-fledged berth and a cozy sofa. By this principle, you can make a baby bed with your own hands. Drawings from chipboard will help to get high-quality and comfortable furniture as a result of the work done.
You must do the following to get a rollaway bed:
- According to the finished drawings, the sleeping place is one rectangle in size a little larger than the mattress, and three more rectangles as sidewalls.
- Attach the sides to the base with screws or other furniture fasteners.
- Use special wheels for the frame.
- Fix the iron frame to the wooden frame.
- Lock the mechanism for folding the bed.
- Establish a clamp for a design.
- Use a cloth to decorate the back. At the top, install a small lamp.
- The resting place is also a rectangle: sidewalls, frame, two parts for the armrests.
- Fasten together all the elements of the frame. Use the legs from the old table as supports. Secure them with screws for reliability.
- Sew armrests, try on the sleeping part.
- For springs, an additional wooden plank is required to install the clamps with it.
- Fix the springs along the entire length.
- Sew all with felt.
- Install special furniture foam. Cover the armrests with thinner foam.
- Cloth sidewalls with armrests and a foam mattress.
- Lay the pillows to make your bed look finished.
to contents ↑Important! At night, the sleeping place simply leans back and you get a full place to sleep, in the daytime it can be used as a small cozy sofa for relaxing.
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You now know how to make a bed of any type of chipboard yourself. Choose a suitable design model, think it through carefully, then the assembly will be extremely simple, and the finished product - reliable and beautiful.
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