Housewife tips
Is the child interested in a toy lizun and really wants to have one? Learn how to make a slime like in a store at home, so that it is interesting in the game, magnetic, safe to handle. In this article you will find many recipes based on simple and affordable tools, with a step-by-step master class on making fun.
Have you bought a new bath and are you thinking whether you can handle its installation yourself? Learn how to fix the tub to the legs if it is standing on the tiled floor. In this article you will find step-by-step instructions for installing the bath in different ways, so that it does not stagger and is easy to use.
Broken mercury thermometer - a situation from the category of “emergency”. If you have this, urgently act to avoid poisoning and you do not have symptoms of mercury poisoning. What exactly needs to be done and what could be the negative consequences of such an accident, read this article.
The faucet in the kitchen is no longer just leaking, but obviously leaking? Learn how to fix a faucet in your kitchen to prevent an accident in your home. Step-by-step instructions for repairing the crane are described in this article.
Tired of old wallpaper? Planning a new room design and renovation? Find out how and how to remove old wallpapers in 30 minutes with minimal effort! Our experts guarantee an excellent result!
Clean Your Own Home? But do you know how to clean windows and how to keep them clean and shiny for a long time? Tips from our experts will help you!
Have you thought that the current heating tariffs are too high and it’s difficult for you to pay bills? Learn how to install a gas boiler in the apartment instead of central heating. The procedure for obtaining administrative permission and performing installation of a gas boiler can be found in this article.
Often use a furniture stapler, and suddenly he began to give backache? Learn how to repair a furniture stapler with your own hands. In this article you will find an overview of probable malfunctions and how to solve them so that your tool will continue to work without failures.
Decided to put a countertop in the kitchen in a non-standard way? Find out how to mount the countertops to the wall. In this article you will find a step-by-step master class, which includes a list of necessary materials, tools, instructions for installing the bracket and the tabletop itself.
Do you think to make a bathroom repair yourself? Find out which plaster is better for a bathroom under a tile, whether it is needed at all, how the process of rough finishing of walls occurs for further laying of tiles. A detailed overview of the choice of material and the performance of plastering can be found in this article.
Do you have a lot of old pants, but the house absolutely lacks an apron, extra slippers, or do you just want some new thing? Learn how to make an apron of jeans with your own hands, as well as skirts of different models and slippers from denim. In this article you will find several step-by-step workshops with which you will find the best use for old jeans.
You think how to buy a good water purifier so that it is inexpensive, convenient and effective? In this article we will tell you about what a filter jug for water is, its pros and cons, and also offer a rating of the best models. Use this information to purchase a quality filter jug type and not regret it.
Getting ready for an important holiday for you? Learn how to hang a garland beautifully on a wall. In this article you will find useful tips on choosing a decorative decoration and how to fix it, as well as several workshops on making garlands with your own hands from improvised materials.
Does the refrigerator hold the temperature bad? Maybe the reason is the rubber band on the refrigerator? Find out all about this piece of equipment - how to determine its wear, how to replace a spare part, and how to maintain the integrity of a new element in order to extend the normal operation of a home freezing unit.
Choose a color for the living room, bedroom or kitchen, and thought about the gray range? Find out what color of the floor, furniture to choose for gray wallpaper in different rooms. In this article you will find many good ideas for combining gray with other shades, their competent combination to achieve the indicated style and aesthetic effect.
Bought a modern functional lamp? Learn how to assemble a chandelier with pendants and a remote control. In this article you will find step-by-step instructions for connecting, using which you can do all the installation and configuration of the lamp yourself.
They decided to replace the mirror in the house, since it does not fit into the new interior, or just looks unattractive already? Find out what to do with old mirrors, how you can remove your energy from them, how to throw it away so as not to cause disaster.
Perplexed by the fact that a lot of options for underwear appeared on the market, but it is not always possible to choose the good? Learn all about how to choose quality socks, which companies produce really decent products. A detailed overview of materials, important characteristics of socks and TOP manufacturers can be found in this article.
Looking for original ideas for creating an organizer for storing things? Learn how to sew fabric shelves with your own hands. In this article you will find detailed workshops for the implementation of the most interesting ideas of hinged textile shelves that will help clean up the house and decorate it.
Do you like to emphasize your unique image with various trifles? Learn how to make a key chain for a backpack, a handbag with your own hands. In this article you will find many interesting ideas and step-by-step master classes to create an original, beautiful and durable accessory.
Looking for interesting ideas on how to reasonably save room space? Find out all about the wardrobe bed. Advantages and disadvantages, as well as a step-by-step master-class in making a bed that is retractable into a wall, you will find in this article.
Did not notice how you slipped a torn bill for change? Learn how to glue a note with your own hands at home. You will find several ways to solve the problem of torn money without self-repair and methods for gluing them together in this article.
Choose a new stove for the house, and can not figure out a more suitable type of burners? Find out if glass ceramic or cast iron burners are better. An overview of different models, as well as properties, characteristics, pluses and minuses of different types of burners from this article will help you make the right decision.
Want to learn how to create original jewelry yourself? Learn how to make a chain of wire with your own hands. In this article you will find several ideas with step-by-step instructions for weaving chains, from which you can choose for yourself more interesting ones to start the creative process.
Suddenly thinking for yourself what cans are made of? Learn all about such utensils for long-term food storage. In this article we will tell you how the first cans appeared, how the materials for their manufacture changed throughout the whole time, what alloys are used now, and how can already opened canned cans are used in everyday life.
Tired of spending a lot of time and effort on removing rust and scale, but not getting a good result? Find out which products are the most effective today and how to prevent the formation of such deposits.
Interested in collecting unusual and beautiful things? Find out how to make a stand for a decorative plate with your own hands. In this article you will find several ideas for creating coasters so that the elements of your home’s decoration are always in sight and emphasize the special color and coziness of your home.
Need to warm your pet for winter walks? Learn how to sew clothes for dogs with your own hands. Patterns, useful tips for choosing a style, sewing features, as well as master classes for creating different products for different breeds of dogs can be found in this article.
Have you decided to thoroughly approach the issue of your health and fitness? Learn how to do a press bench with your own hands. Several design options of varying degrees of complexity are described in detail in this article for assembly at home.
Not ready to buy expensive sleeping furniture and puzzled by the possibility of remaking old sofas and beds? Find out how to convert a sofa into a bed and beds into a sofa with your own hands at home. In this article you will find 2 step-by-step master classes, using which you can get new furniture to your taste inexpensively.
Do you periodically change the design of rooms with the help of interesting rugs? Learn how to create a fluffy do-it-yourself rug. In this article you will find a detailed step-by-step master class on making such a decorative cover from pompons and useful tips with interesting ideas for creating a fluffy rug in other ways.
Has your new or old-fashioned sofa or cupboard begun to exude a not-so-pleasant smell? Learn how to clean the smell of furniture with your own hands without dry cleaning. In this article you will find several universal ways and means to combat the stench of upholstery and wood materials, as well as an overview of special measures to eliminate specific odors - urine, mold, beer, vinegar, chemistry.
Want to transform your apartment with spectacular original furniture? Learn how to age furniture at home. In this article, you will find several ways to give interior items an interesting look with step-by-step guidance for high-quality and accurate work.
Is your upholstered furniture thoroughly stained and does it have a peculiar smell? Learn how to clean a velor sofa and upholstered furniture with fabric upholstery to remove dust, stains from tea, coffee, grease, wine, felt-tip pens and other dirt from it. In this article, you will find proven methods for each type of stain.
Often “give a spark” in contact with home textiles, household appliances or when exiting a car? Learn how to remove static electricity from clothes, plaid, bedding, appliances, cars at home. The best ways to neutralize statics can be found in this article.
Finishing a ceiling or floor repair? Learn how to fix an MDF skirting board to a wall. In this article you will find an overview of the different installation methods and practical tips for doing this work yourself. Check them out to finish everything quickly and without problems.
Have you seen interesting models of neoprene clothing and want a spectacular little thing for yourself? Find out what a do-it-yourself neoprene skirt can be. In this article you will find an overview of possible styles, useful tips for choosing a model for the type of figure, as well as a step-by-step master class to sew a neoprene skirt with your own hands.
Tired of spending money constantly on a car wash or just love to take care of your car yourself? Find out how to clean the seats in the car. An overview of effective auto chemical goods, universal improvised tools and their methods of application on various types of upholstery material, we have prepared for you in this article.
Do you want to decorate your house with interesting crafts and find an interesting activity for a child? Find out how to make paintings from felt with your own hands, how original and appropriate they can be in the interior of the kitchen, children’s, living room. In this article you will find detailed workshops on the manufacture and use of such paintings.
Do you like to create various objects with your own hands? Find out how glass is processed at home. With the help of knowledge and practical skills obtained from this article, you can expand your creative potential and the range of decorative and applied objects created.
Is the window sill deformed, cracked, cracked, or simply does not fit the design of a new window? Learn how to remove the window sill from a plastic window with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for dismantling different types of windowsill are described in this article.
Often boil milk porridge for a child or for the whole family? Find out in which pan it is better to cook milk porridge so that it does not run away, does not burn. In this article you will find not only an overview of suitable dishes, but also the features of cooking delicious dishes from different cereals.
Found after sleep bites? Most likely - these are bedbugs! Find out how and how to deal with them so that they do not have time to fill your entire house! Our experts have collected all effective folk methods!
Learned about an interesting way to decorate your interior - decoupage? Want to learn more about different technologies? Our experts offer simple and affordable instructions on how to make decoupage from different materials on different objects. Hurry to get acquainted with them!
Have you noticed that your jewelry has become dull, covered with a coating of dirt? Learn how to clean gold with vinegar, ammonia, soda. You will find a step-by-step algorithm for cleaning each of these tools in this article.
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